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Hypnotic language is used in the below.
The first Friday of the month features a Flashback story. While Veterans Day will be observed in the U.S. next Friday (falling on Sat. the 11th), I thought it was close enough in dates to go ahead and feature a Veterans Day-inspired story previously available only to Patrons – now available to all!
“Unfortunately we’re all booked. But Coach said you wouldn’t mind because GOOD SOLDIERS OBEY.”[/column-quarter-4]
“Good soldiers. I’m one of Coach’s Alphas, and I’m looking for new recruits for his Muscle Army. You had these triggers implanted way back in bootcamp, but now that you’re no longer serving your country, it’s time to serve a greater purpose. But first, Coach needs to train you some more with a special video he made, so get comfy and hop in bed.”
The trigger had worked like a charm: they had no choice but to obey the Alpha that issued it. Soon they were in bed together, comfortably shirtless as they began to watch Coach’s special programming.
In honor of Veterans Day in the U.S., here’s another story that was previously for $5+ level but now is free as a special holiday Flashback Friday.
I had this all written before lunch minus the titles and tags, then got busy and forgot to come back to it. So technically not Friday anymore, apologies for that; at least it is being late on a free one and not a rewards one. 😛
Often, Blaise took a more outdoor role, wearing trunks as he greeted guests for guided tours in the surrounding nature.