Become a MEATHEAD, a Gym God, or get Fit for Sex – Custom Files Available to Join In On / Pledge!

Only a few days left to officially pledge via Patreon to join in on the Meathead persona file, $75 for a custom file and you get to help shape it! Alternative payment methods accepted if you would rather not sign up for that, though I appreciate those that are able to offer continued support, even if you lower your pledge in months that you do not have interest in the file. As I have had a backlog of files, you can still join in with the Meathead file in April up to the point it gets recorded, for $100 – still a great deal from the normal $200 price for a custom file ($300 for taboo/repetitive/hard-to-sell generic versions of ones). Just message me, preferably by e-mail. 

Other files you can join in on until recorded: 
FIT FOR SEX – erotic stroke file for men that will tie in the desire to get fit to sex via things like more energy, more stamina, etc. and wanting that desire to be more attractive. 
GYM GOD – a gym motivation file that takes it inspiration from Hercules/Herakles, Apollo, and other gods & demi-gods of old as you explore artifacts and find at least one of their spirits in you, transforming you so that you can become a god in the gym.

Please message me to ask which files are still available. And be sure to become a patron so you can vote on the next pledge file – ones in the lead include Athletic/Bodybuilder mindset; Muscle Toy or Pup – existing for the use of someone in a muscled way; and increase Nipple Sensitivity. Feel free to suggest your own ideas to be added to future polls, or get a file of your liking done faster by just hiring me for a full custom file! 

This last month has included getting work done on files for being a houseboy, a cum pig, and a suck fantasy… and I have like 40 other files besides that I’ve done custom…. eventually I’ll try to get these added to the sites. The more support I get, the more I can turn down other gigs and have the time to edit down the custom files into generic files and get them uploaded. So your support truly does help out with all these sites and getting content to all of you, and it is truly appreciated! CLICK HERE TO PLEDGE OR OFFER GENERAL SUPPORT!