This story was previously available only to Patrons and has now been released to all as a Christmas gift to you from Coach!
Alexander and Brendon had just started dating when the pandemic hit. Although they normally wouldn’t have rushed quite so much, the circumstances that year led them to take a leap of faith as they decided to live with each other during they decided to live with each other during quarantine.
The only issue was that they were both tops, and while they were open to the idea of an open relationship in the future, neither wanted to risk it during the pandemic.
As the holiday season approached with the vaccines still months away, they had unknowingly both approached Me about hypnosis to become a bottom, wanting it to be a surprise for the other.
As I worked with them individually via video calls, in sessions they each stressed be kept secret, I thought it odd that two of my clients had the same wallpaper… but the hectic holidays kept Me too distracted to give it much thought. I simply began molding both into bottoms as our sessions soon begun.
I simply had them strip of inhibitions and stroke themselves into trance, filling them with pleasure that I linked to the pleasure of their holes as I molded them both into perfect bottoms.
More and more, they both grew to believe that all pleasure came from the bottom, and gradually they both felt their sexual desires shifting as they began to desire that their new boyfriend fuck them.
Formally a Patron exclusive, this story is now free for all to enjoy this holiday season!
Zayne’s boss Quinten had been a bit of a Scrooge since he started working for him a few years ago. There were never any holiday bonuses or office parties, and Zayne often had to work overtime around the holidays. This year he had a plan to change that, but first he had to get the grinch to agree to let some music play in the office.
“Fine, you can put on some Christmas music if you keep it soft and instrumental. None of that Mariah Carey crap!” Zayne abided, for any music he could place some subliminals with would do. Slowly but surely, he got his boss to relax his rules. The volume went up, decorations went up, and plans were even made for an Office holiday party.
“Don’t you just love this holiday music, boss?” Zayne asked.
“I wouldn’t say love it, but if it keeps good employees happy, I can try to enjoy it. And I think I have something else you’ll enjoy too.”
With that, Quinten stood up and began to kiss Zayne – not that Zayne was complaining. While he always thought his boss was a bit of an arrogant jerk, he was a hot jerk. But wasn’t he straight? As the two made out, Zayne began to wonder if his hypnosis could have had some unintended consequences.
You value Zayne. You appreciate all he does for you. Zayne deserves a nice big bonus. Okay, so perhaps that valuing and appreciating Zayne had shown up in unexpected ways, but he still never thought a big bonus might get misinterpreted to mean Quinten’s dick. How was he to know that an arrogant prick like Quinten would think of his wide girth as a bonus to any woman he fucked in such a way that he actually made Bonus the nickname for his privates? Nope, Zayne was not aware of any of this and was caught by surprise as Quinten said, “Time for your holiday bonus,” and led him down to his now-unzipped cock. It was a good surprise.
This story was previously available just for Patrons and is now made available to all as a special Flashback Friday.
“Hey buddy, welcome back. Here for Thanksgiving, huh?”
“You know it. Man, it’s been ages.”
“Too long – and too cold. Wanna head inside and catch up? Would love to chat and maybe wrestle around like the old days.”
“We’re not that old yet. It’s funny, though… I remember coming over a lot, but the memories of actually hanging are kinda fuzzy. But now and then I get glimpses and that’s not who I am anymore. I think I just was experimenting.”
“It’s cool, dude, we all did. And now with experience, some of us are even better.”
“Ha, I’m sure that’s true. But I probably should get back to family….”
“All this time and the trigger still works. Fantastic.
I made a mistake with you all those years ago. I didn’t make you need me enough. Once you were gone, it was easy for you to stay away. But I was just a college bro playing with his neighbor during summer breaks. When I said people get better with experience, I wasn’t just talking about sexually. I’ve upped my hypnosis game as well. And that’s why this time, you’re going to end up obsessed with me. I’m sure your parents will be thrilled to have you moving back so close to them. And here I am rambling, and yet I know already that my voice has remained powerful over you all these years. I bet just listening to me ramble on has started to take you deeper and deeper. And going deeper and deeper has reminded you of how good it feels when you submit to me and simply obey.