Tag Archives: muscle

Simple Muscle Pup

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Commanding Officer

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Poolboy Training Season

Spring was just around the corner, and that meant Poolboy Training Season was in full effect at Mesmerizer University. Soon pools would be open again – after a year without many – and the demand for simple-minded poolboys that didn’t mind working for room, board and sex in exchange for a simple life in the sun and water was high.

The unemployment rates also meant I had a bigger crop of candidates than usual, all of whom were being hypnotically motivated to build and hone those muscles. A simple life of muscle is what they wanted, and the best looking ones were able to land the really plum gigs.

It was kind of fun to watch some of the arrogance of these jocks fade away too as they let go and became submissive poolboys that were so horny for their pool owners, hotel managers, and other clients of mine – as well as so submissive to Coach. Some would doubt the effects of the hypnosis until they did find their minds feeling cloudy when they tried to think. But it didn’t take long for them to realize that it just felt so much better to not think. Of course, stroke training was used to reinforce that, training that also helped these poolboys to let go of all the resistance and inhibitions that might have been lingering inside of them. .
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Annual Milking of the Bulls

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Flashback Friday: Who’s Tutoring Who?

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

“I don’t get it, Coach. Why you wanna get me a math tumor when I’m a meathead now?”

Tutor. Math tutor. “Oh yeah, right. Like that old TV show..” I think you mean The Tudors. 

“Fuck Coach, you know I only watch shows with muscle guys now. Don’t gotta think, just watch them in their gear. But I still don’t get why you have him comin’ over.”

No worries, musclehead. And you have to trust me on this. I think he’ll be very good for you in ways you both have longed for. Just be sure you start playing this when he’s here…

“And when you factor in y… I’m sorry, what is this playing? It feels like it’s making my head fuzzy.”

“Not sure, bro. Somethin’ from Coach.”

“I think you should turn if off.”

The meathead grabbed his tutor’s pen and practically commanded him: “Relax, bro.  Just listen.”

And as the tutor listen, the special music overtook him. “It feels good to relax.” Soon his head was nodding down until he had zoned out completely, only to be caught by surprise when he woke up.

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Earning a Meathead

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Fuck Pig

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Meathead Exhibitionist

There is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are, with all the same memories, but his interests are different for all he cares about is muscle. Sure, you already care about muscle, but I mean it is ALL he cares about. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about. He wants it to become more of an obsession for you. For he is a meathead – and the more you begin to flex those muscles for Me, the more you allow that meathead to take over. And when you begin thinking about more muscle, you find that more and more of your mind becomes devoted to things like workout techniques and meal optimization.

When that meathead takes over, it is as if all other learned knowledge is locked away into a place where it can still be accessed if needed – but you don’t need it when building muscle. You only need to know the things that help you to hulk out. So begin pushing those memories to the background now, as you also begin stripping down. And as you strip down, you also strip away more of those inhibitions. Simply becoming more and more comfortable showing off that muscle for Coach. More and more of your free time is devoted to muscle, and more and more of your thoughts are devoted to muscle. And while you still have that side that knows you need to keep making money to afford the gym and supplements, perhaps what you do becomes less important so long as you still can make money that helps you to build muscle. Just keep flexing and allow that musclehead persona to become more prominent.

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Flashback Friday: New Year, New Desires

I thought it only fitting that this Flashback Friday, which happens to actually be on the 1st, go back to this story of resolutions from 2015. Read the original by clicking here or just enjoy the update below.

“Man, Johnson, you’re starting to get some real muscle. When did you become so much more buff than us?”

“Nah, it’s nothing.”

“No, man, it’s something. You’re gettin’ really swole.”

“Yeah, what’s your secret, bro? You on the gear?”

“Nah, nothing like that, but I do have an advantage. My gym buds are almost here and we have a special technique that might be best to just show you. But you have to promise not to freak out and really give it a chance.”

His buddies entered and went right over to a weight bunch. “Wait, I’ve seen you guys around. You’ve been workin’ with Coach, right?”

“Yeah, we’re totally jockin’ up.”

“Huh. I always questioned his legitimacy, but it seems to be working for you guys.”

“Totally. And if you want to truly bulk up, it’s all about getting that testosterone flowing through you. You just feel Coach’s words inside you as you work with your gym buds on getting that pump before you hit the weights. Come on over, Johnson, and help us show them.”

Continue reading Flashback Friday: New Year, New Desires

Holiday Flashback Friday: Presents for Santa

Though I normally do Flashback Fridays on the 1st Friday of the month, I thought it might be fun to do one for Christmas as well. Happy Holidays from Coach!


Santa was surprised that the elves had given him his presents early this year. 

Sugarplum had given Santa delicious eggnog. Snowflake had given the gift of a relaxing hypnosis playlist.

And Twinkle had given Santa a jock made special just for him. It seemed odd to Santa, but he decided to try it on that night anyway as he laid down.

The eggnog had made him feel sleepy, but he figured he’d throw on the hypnosis too. He had a big night of delivering toys ahead, and he needed his rest.

Little did Santa know that the elves had infused all three items with Christmas magic. The eggnog he had drank right before bed made his mind open to change. The hypnosis suggested the changes. And the jock was to cement the outcome…

That Santa would transform into a jock.

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Santa couldn’t believe how amazing he felt when he woke up. 

“I’ll have no problems going down the chimneys this year!” he twinkled, followed with a “Ho Ho Ho” deeper than he’d ever given before. “And I’m sure the toy sack will feel lighter than ever!”

“You’re not afraid the kids will be disappointed?”

“No, but Mrs. Claus may be… I seem…. different somehow.”

“That’s because you’re final present for Christmas…. is us!”IMG_2875

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Click here for more sexy elves courtesy of StraightRentBoys.com & click here for more of this muscular Santa hunk courtesy of ArnoldFitch.com.