Tag Archives: muscle

Pool Party Beefcake

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Special Workout

“Hey Coach, I just drank the last of the water.”

No wonder you still look so thirsty, then, jock.

“I do, Coach?”

You do. But not for water. You look thirsty for Me.

“That’s funny, Coach. You know I’m straight.”

I know that’s what you think, jock, but I know you’ve also been having a harder and harder time thinking at all as you’ve been focusing on getting harder and harder muscle, and that’s just been making your dick get harder and harder. So just go ahead and let right go as you RELAX, JOCK. Just sit down and be left getting more comfortable as you are also left filling up with more pleasure.

“Oh, hey Coach. I didn’t hear you come in. Musta been zonin’ out.”

No problem, jock. Looks like all that hard work is paying off. You must be really popular with the ladies. 

“Nah, they don’t know how to appre…. what’s that word? Fuck. Too big. Only muscles should be big.”


“Yeah, that Coach. They don’t value muscle. Just look at all those pop stars they’re into. Fuckin’ twigs, bro. Not like this.”

Looking good, jock.

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A New Purpose

Like many folks, Tucker and Edward had to make some adjustments this past year. It wasn’t always easy, as tension arose after Edward had lost his job. They were fortunate that Tucker had been the primary breadwinner anyway, so at least their fights were not about money. Rather, they bickered about things like Edward playing video games too loud as Tucker began working from home, making it difficult to be productive. It didn’t help that the brunette hunk was depressed over his situation and feeling pretty useless, and Tucker soon recognized he needed to help his husband find a renewed purpose in life. ‘He needs to feel like doing things like cleaning around here is enjoyable and fulfilling. And perhaps we can find some other ways he’d enjoy being of service.’ With those thoughts in mind, Tucker began to look into ways to reprogram his husband.

He soon stumbled upon some music with subliminal tracks for being a service submissive. Despite some skepticism, the muscle stud begin to play some music in the background as he worked, placing small ear plugs in his ears as he worked so that he would remain unaffected. He was almost caught a couple times wearing them. “TUCKER! Didn’t you hear me calling?” his husband once stormed in, Tucker discretely taking out one of the plugs as he turned to pause the music. “I guess I was just zoning out to the music.” “Yeah, what is that anyway? I’ve been zoning out a lot to it too,” he stated as he began to unconsciously strip off his clothes. “Just something I found online that’s supposed to help me focus on work.” “Babe, you’re working too hard. Let me focus on you for a bit. Would love to get to serve your cock under that desk.”

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Muscle Lust Convert

You’re looking good, jock. How’s the dating life? Any  new girlfriends?

“Nah, Coach. I’m just focused on muscle right now. And I know women can have muscles too but it’s just not the same, you know? The more I look at other guys for muscle inspiration, the more I’m starting to question how much I want it only as inspiration. Do you know what I mean?”

Absolutely, jock. It’s not hard for that lust for muscle to turn into lust for muscled men.

“Exactly Coach.” And as the jock watches My smile, it begins to dawn on him. “Wait a minute Coach, did you make Me gay?”

I think deep down, you know that’s not possible. People can’t just choose to be a sexuality. That said, I think you also know deep down that it’s much more on a spectrum then people like to admit, and sometimes we don’t even realize that due to all the pressures and standards of society.Clearing your mind of all those things so that there was more room to focus on muscle, helped to make your true attractions more clear to you. That’s simply all I did.

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Simple Muscle Pup

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Commanding Officer

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Poolboy Training Season

Spring was just around the corner, and that meant Poolboy Training Season was in full effect at Mesmerizer University. Soon pools would be open again – after a year without many – and the demand for simple-minded poolboys that didn’t mind working for room, board and sex in exchange for a simple life in the sun and water was high.

The unemployment rates also meant I had a bigger crop of candidates than usual, all of whom were being hypnotically motivated to build and hone those muscles. A simple life of muscle is what they wanted, and the best looking ones were able to land the really plum gigs.

It was kind of fun to watch some of the arrogance of these jocks fade away too as they let go and became submissive poolboys that were so horny for their pool owners, hotel managers, and other clients of mine – as well as so submissive to Coach. Some would doubt the effects of the hypnosis until they did find their minds feeling cloudy when they tried to think. But it didn’t take long for them to realize that it just felt so much better to not think. Of course, stroke training was used to reinforce that, training that also helped these poolboys to let go of all the resistance and inhibitions that might have been lingering inside of them. .
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Annual Milking of the Bulls

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Flashback Friday: Who’s Tutoring Who?

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

“I don’t get it, Coach. Why you wanna get me a math tumor when I’m a meathead now?”

Tutor. Math tutor. “Oh yeah, right. Like that old TV show..” I think you mean The Tudors. 

“Fuck Coach, you know I only watch shows with muscle guys now. Don’t gotta think, just watch them in their gear. But I still don’t get why you have him comin’ over.”

No worries, musclehead. And you have to trust me on this. I think he’ll be very good for you in ways you both have longed for. Just be sure you start playing this when he’s here…

“And when you factor in y… I’m sorry, what is this playing? It feels like it’s making my head fuzzy.”

“Not sure, bro. Somethin’ from Coach.”

“I think you should turn if off.”

The meathead grabbed his tutor’s pen and practically commanded him: “Relax, bro.  Just listen.”

And as the tutor listen, the special music overtook him. “It feels good to relax.” Soon his head was nodding down until he had zoned out completely, only to be caught by surprise when he woke up.

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Earning a Meathead

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