Tag Archives: hung

Nice and Slow

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Pool Party Beefcake

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Special Workout

“Hey Coach, I just drank the last of the water.”

No wonder you still look so thirsty, then, jock.

“I do, Coach?”

You do. But not for water. You look thirsty for Me.

“That’s funny, Coach. You know I’m straight.”

I know that’s what you think, jock, but I know you’ve also been having a harder and harder time thinking at all as you’ve been focusing on getting harder and harder muscle, and that’s just been making your dick get harder and harder. So just go ahead and let right go as you RELAX, JOCK. Just sit down and be left getting more comfortable as you are also left filling up with more pleasure.

“Oh, hey Coach. I didn’t hear you come in. Musta been zonin’ out.”

No problem, jock. Looks like all that hard work is paying off. You must be really popular with the ladies. 

“Nah, they don’t know how to appre…. what’s that word? Fuck. Too big. Only muscles should be big.”


“Yeah, that Coach. They don’t value muscle. Just look at all those pop stars they’re into. Fuckin’ twigs, bro. Not like this.”

Looking good, jock.

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Suck Your Brains Out

That’s it, jock. Just relax. Just allow yourself to drift into that total state of relaxation as you listen to your Coach’s voice. It just feels so good to relax further to my voice right now. Allow yourself to drift down to that state of total obedience as you obey your Coach’s voice. It just feels so good to obey my voice right now. It feels so good to obey it as you begin to get so hard listening to My voice. After all, good boys get hard listening to Coach.  You are a good boy. You get hard listening to Coach. And good boys get hard obeying Coach. You get hard obeying Me right now as you strip away those pants and your inhibitions.
Once again, you remember how good it feels to think with that dick. Your intelligence simply keeps draining out of you more and more. Down to your dick, and down to where you can just shoot out any of those unneeded smarts and any of those unnecessary thoughts. And because you’ve been such a good and obedient boy for Me, I know you have been working hard to become even more flexible for Me. And deep down, you know it would feel so good for you to be able to suck out your own brains. Go ahead and give it a try now, jock. Show Me just how flexible you have become.

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Muscle Lust Convert

You’re looking good, jock. How’s the dating life? Any  new girlfriends?

“Nah, Coach. I’m just focused on muscle right now. And I know women can have muscles too but it’s just not the same, you know? The more I look at other guys for muscle inspiration, the more I’m starting to question how much I want it only as inspiration. Do you know what I mean?”

Absolutely, jock. It’s not hard for that lust for muscle to turn into lust for muscled men.

“Exactly Coach.” And as the jock watches My smile, it begins to dawn on him. “Wait a minute Coach, did you make Me gay?”

I think deep down, you know that’s not possible. People can’t just choose to be a sexuality. That said, I think you also know deep down that it’s much more on a spectrum then people like to admit, and sometimes we don’t even realize that due to all the pressures and standards of society.Clearing your mind of all those things so that there was more room to focus on muscle, helped to make your true attractions more clear to you. That’s simply all I did.

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Special Brew

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Flashback Friday: The Slutty Easter Bunny

This story was originally published as a Silver+ level Patron reward story on Easter of last year (Sun., April 12th). While most of those stories will stay Patron-exclusives, a few holiday or recording-related specific ones will occasionally return for special flashbacks. Enjoy!

Brandon had just awoken Declan from hypnosis, and Declan – temporarily – was no more. He was now the Slutty Easter Bunny, as part of some hypnotic roleplay fun. Knowing it was temporary allowed Declan to easily let go of his normal inhibitions and fully embrace the role – a role he didn’t even realize he was playing.

Declan hopped up and began moving about as if he was alone in the home.

As Declan crouched down to hide some Easter eggs, Brandon grabbed him from behind. “Gotcha!”

The slutty Easter Bunny wiggled his butt before slyly looking up and replying, “Oh man, I just – hate- being caught by a handsome man like you. You know what it means to catch me, right?” Brandon knew the answer, having implanted the suggestions in Declan’s subconscious, but still loved hearing him say it. “It means instead of a treat from me, you must give me a treat – or you’ll end up off my list forever!”

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