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This story was originally published as a Silver+ level Patron reward story on Easter of last year (Sun., April 12th). While most of those stories will stay Patron-exclusives, a few holiday or recording-related specific ones will occasionally return for special flashbacks. Enjoy!
Declan hopped up and began moving about as if he was alone in the home.
The slutty Easter Bunny wiggled his butt before slyly looking up and replying, “Oh man, I just – hate- being caught by a handsome man like you. You know what it means to catch me, right?” Brandon knew the answer, having implanted the suggestions in Declan’s subconscious, but still loved hearing him say it. “It means instead of a treat from me, you must give me a treat – or you’ll end up off my list forever!”
Definitely going to be a better year, jock. But even though we couldn’t practice, you kept working out both that body and that mind… right, jock?
“Yeah, Coach! I did your hypnosis workouts twice a day, before workouts and before bed!”
“Sure, Coach, I’ve been learning all about rugby.”
Oh I’m sure you do, jock. And SIMPLE RUGBY JOCKs like you rarely remember anything else except how to be a good rugby jock for Coach, and that’s perfectly okay… because being mentally prepared for the season means not being distracted by any other worries or concerns.
The unemployment rates also meant I had a bigger crop of candidates than usual, all of whom were being hypnotically motivated to build and hone those muscles. A simple life of muscle is what they wanted, and the best looking ones were able to land the really plum gigs.
Deeper and deeper jock…. just let go of those inhibitions. You’ve been working out at home for Me and that feels so good, but now it’s time to get comfortable flaunting that muscle you’ve been building. That’s right. You will become more and more comfortable being seen on camera with your teammates with our special Locker Room cams that have been installed, and so happy knowing that those special feeds will help fund the team.
“Wow, I don’t even remember listenin’ to that file from Coach, but I feel good. Fuck, I look good! I gotta show Coach.”