Tag Archives: hairy muscle

Life’s a Beach

“Hey Coach, this pool is fantastic, but I can’t stop dreaming about the beach. I wish I could just be a dumb beach jock working at the resorts.”
I ca help with that jock. Go ahead and strip down so we can turn those dreams into reality.
That’s it stud. In this shower, we’ll begin to wash away all those thoughts you just don’t need. Any hesitations you have about pursuing the beach life will simply rinse away. You don’t even need to feel that water on you to already feel My hypnosis pouring down, down, down into the depths of your subconscious mind, flooding you with the simple pleasure of being such a simple beach jock. Simply listening to My voice is already allowing you to relax deeper. And deep down, you know it simply does feel so much better when you do begin to let go of everything. Letting go of all stress and all worries as you just become that fun-loving guy who has a blast interacting with different men when you work at one of My resorts.

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Nice and Slow

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Special Workout

“Hey Coach, I just drank the last of the water.”

No wonder you still look so thirsty, then, jock.

“I do, Coach?”

You do. But not for water. You look thirsty for Me.

“That’s funny, Coach. You know I’m straight.”

I know that’s what you think, jock, but I know you’ve also been having a harder and harder time thinking at all as you’ve been focusing on getting harder and harder muscle, and that’s just been making your dick get harder and harder. So just go ahead and let right go as you RELAX, JOCK. Just sit down and be left getting more comfortable as you are also left filling up with more pleasure.

“Oh, hey Coach. I didn’t hear you come in. Musta been zonin’ out.”

No problem, jock. Looks like all that hard work is paying off. You must be really popular with the ladies. 

“Nah, they don’t know how to appre…. what’s that word? Fuck. Too big. Only muscles should be big.”


“Yeah, that Coach. They don’t value muscle. Just look at all those pop stars they’re into. Fuckin’ twigs, bro. Not like this.”

Looking good, jock.

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Muscle Lust Convert

You’re looking good, jock. How’s the dating life? Any  new girlfriends?

“Nah, Coach. I’m just focused on muscle right now. And I know women can have muscles too but it’s just not the same, you know? The more I look at other guys for muscle inspiration, the more I’m starting to question how much I want it only as inspiration. Do you know what I mean?”

Absolutely, jock. It’s not hard for that lust for muscle to turn into lust for muscled men.

“Exactly Coach.” And as the jock watches My smile, it begins to dawn on him. “Wait a minute Coach, did you make Me gay?”

I think deep down, you know that’s not possible. People can’t just choose to be a sexuality. That said, I think you also know deep down that it’s much more on a spectrum then people like to admit, and sometimes we don’t even realize that due to all the pressures and standards of society.Clearing your mind of all those things so that there was more room to focus on muscle, helped to make your true attractions more clear to you. That’s simply all I did.

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Simple Muscle Pup

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Commanding Officer

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Flaunting for Coach

“Looks like Coach sent us a video about safety protocols as we return. Better check it out.”

Deeper and deeper jock…. just let go of those inhibitions. You’ve been working out at home for Me and that feels so good, but now it’s time to get comfortable flaunting that muscle you’ve been building. That’s right. You will become more and more comfortable being seen on camera with your teammates with our special Locker Room cams that have been installed, and so happy knowing that those special feeds will help fund the team.

With budgets cut this past year, you know the team needs every income source it can must; but even if it didn’t, you would love showing off. It simply does not bother you at all, for you are a jock stud that deserves to be seen anyway. And there’s no one you want to see your progress more than Coach. Go ahead and show Me just how much you want to show Me that increasingly hard jock body right now. 

“Wow, I don’t even remember listenin’ to that file from Coach, but I feel good. Fuck, I look good! I gotta show Coach.”

Continue reading Flaunting for Coach

Pleasure from the Bottom

Keaton had been training to My hypnosis for some time, listening to files that helped him let go of inhibitions when it came to both sex and submission. He wanted to give in to a man who enjoyed having his own needs focused on… a selfish top of an Alpha. That’s why he was so excited when he came across Doug, the epitome of an Alpha. When the met to hang, it didn’t take Doug long to realize that Keaton couldn’t stop staring at his building bulge. “Liking what you see there, huh, stud?” the dominant man rhetorically asked as he began to show Keaton a bit more of his body.
A bit furry himself, Keaton loved Doug’s furry torso and discovered seeing it made him feel even more submissive to this man. “Help Me take some of these clothes off, stud.” And Keaton gladly obliged, helping lift Doug’s shirt over his head before moving on to his lower half. He also took off most of his own clothes when commanded, until both were left in only their briefs. As Doug played a track from Me that Keaton told him would help make the lean jock even more obsessed with his cock, he couldn’t help but notice that Keaton’s own prominent package.

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