Surferboy to Farmboy

“Man Coach, what you got me waking up on a farm? Thought our sesh was gonna help me shred some waves.”

Perhaps harvest amber waves of grain.


I was just asking you why you’re taking you’re clothes off.

“Cuz it’s gettin’ darn tootin’ hot out!”

Darn tootin’?

“Fuck, where’d that come from?”

Perhaps the more you strip away of your old life, the more your true self comes out.


“Nah bro, I just wanna sweet ride.”

Sweet ride on what?

“My AT… V? That ain’t soundin’ right.”

But it feels right, doesn’t it? Taking off those clothes as you leave behind a slacker life for a life of real service, doesn’t it?

“I reckon… it just all seem mighty right fuzzy Coach.”

Do you need to lay down a bit?


“Don’t be a damn fool! These cows ain’t gonna milk themselves. You seen my overalls, pardner?”

Images courtesy of PictureThis! Studios – click here for more smokin’ hot UK studs!

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