The first Friday of the month often features a flashback story, which often has been improved upon. Original here.
Just rub that cock nice and slow as you allow your mind to relax deeper and deeper …
As you go down so very deep, you find yourself forgetting who you were. Everything just emptying out of your mind. The more it empties, the more it is filled with my words. You work out. You eat right. You build muscle. You serve and obey Coach. His pleasure is your pleasure. You are Coach’s Dumb JockSlave. The brains you had are draining down into your cock. You think now with your cock.
Your cock gets hard at the thought of serving Coach. That tells you it is so right to serve Coach. Your cock gets hard at the thought of building muscle for Coach. You know it is right to build muscle for Coach. Your cock gets hard at the thought of obeying Coach. That means you love obeying Coach. Thinking is hard. Your dick is hard. Why not just think with your dick? Think with that dick about how good it feels to be Coach’s jockslave. There is no need to think about things when you simply need to obey. Obeying is simple. You are simple. It is simple for you to serve and obey Coach.
“Look, I know I don’t make a lot of TokkyTime videos, but I’m trying to warn you all. The new horror movie Bloody Patch has subliminal messages that will make you horny whenever you’re around pumpkins. Maybe not all pumpkins but if you’re starting to decorate or carve them, you’ll feel your dick just startin’ to throb in your pants.
I know that doesn’t sound like such a big deal to some of you, but it might drive you to do things you never thought you’d do because it will leave you desperate to fuck. And if the only thing around is that pumpkin that is making you horny, you will fuck that pumpkin. This isn’t some excuse for being curious. This is a warning that this will happen to you if you watch that movie. How do I know? Because it happened to me, ya’ll. I’m not some weirdo but there I was carving my pumpkin and I just couldn’t help myself. It was like I was compelled to do it.”
“Like, at first I’m just feeling my dick press against my pants, wondering why carving it is making me so goddamn horny. And I don’t know if it was subliminal or what, but I swear, that mouth ended up being carved just the right size for my dick. But still, I tried to ignore it. I really did.” “But it was just there, like it was taunting me. Fuck, forget taunting. It was beckoning. I tried not to give in but resistance was… what’s that one line from that geek show? Futile. Resistance was futile, man. It was like that mouth was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, just begging to suck my dick.”
Archer wasn’t sure who had sent the box, but he felt compelled to try on the mask inside as soon as he saw it. Though he had an average build before, putting on the mask had seemed to trigger a transformation. He felt stronger, sexier, more confident. His shirt feeling more snug than before, he went to the mirror to confirm the changes. He had to see more, so he quickly stripped off his shirt to reveal a flatter and more defined stomach than just minutes ago. He couldn’t believe it as he felt his new body, a formerly smooth chest now hardened and adorned with fur.
The newly transformed hunk flexed his muscles, admiring his bulging biceps. While he hadn’t become a hulk, he now looked like he regularly visited the gym. He wasn’t sure if the effects would remain if he took the mask off, but he probably should have removed it immediately after knowing the changes – for masks like that always come at a price. The mask had begun to absorb up his intelligence, though the brain drain was slow at first – too slow for him to notice as he remained fixated on flexing various body parts. ‘Impressive,’ he thought, as he flexed his triceps in a way that also made his pecs look more round. He was loving it.
Feel how how hard he’s getting, Aiden. It’s a dick he’s loved putting in you time and time again. And yet as you feel that dick, it’s as if all that top energy is transferring into you. That’s right. You’ve decided to give Maverick a second chance after his dick wandered, but that means he’s not going to care about his own dick anymore. Instead, he’s going to be obsessed with yours – and we’ll soon work on his obsession.
You, on the other hand, will become obsessed with using his holes. The more you feel his dick, the more you feel as if everything that made him a top is transferring into you. The top energy flows through you, making you feel more confident and dominant in the bedroom. You love that your boyfriend craves being fucked by you and only you. You love how addicted I am going to make him to your dick. You love taking more and more control of him, especially in the bedroom. Your love of topping grows stronger and stronger.
That’s it. Maverick, you can feel it too now. The desire to top is simply leaving your dick as he fondles it, flowing from you and exiting out of your cock as it enters into your boyfriend. Feel how you just feel more and more sexually submissive to Aiden. As that top energy leaves you, it will feel as if you had always craved being the bottom in the relationship but simply had to lead by example to start due to your age and experience. It is as if you have been showing him the ropes as the top in the relationship, but now it’s time to pass the torch and let him be the top he was meant to be. You are left getting to be that bottom you will now feel that you have always craved to be, a bottom obsessed with Aiden and only Aiden’s dick.
You feel your holes growing hungrier and hungrier for his dick. You can’t help yourself now. You need to taste his dick inside of you. Show him just how much you want it as you go deep on that dick right now.
It’s Flashback Friday! This story, originally released at the $5 level, is now free for all! And a good way to kick off a month full of masks and costumes. What might yours trigger you to do?
“Hey Coach, what’s he doing there? He’s just been sitting like that ever since he put that mask on. He’s kind of been creeping me out, just staring at me.”
It’s simple, Alpha. He’s waiting for instructions.
“He is? Because he didn’t respond to me.”
You need to start every command with MaskSlave. I would have told you sooner had I known he was going to be early. MaskSlave, stand up and smile for the Alpha.
“Wow, Coach. And I can trigger him too?”
Yes, Alpha, so long as you address him properly. He has been hypnotized to be a completely obedient MaskSlave whenever he wears the mask. Give it a try. “Really Coach? Damn. I guess I’ll just start with, MaskSlave, take off your shirt.”
So, you’ve been working out to My files but are ready to take it even further, huh jock? That muscle lust already has left you craving even more muscle, but I understand you also wish to have that muscle get used more as you become more sexual. With that body you’ve been developing, there’s only one thing truly getting in your way of fulfilling these desires – and that’s your brain. I know reducing it’s intelligence is a scary thought to you, but focus on how much you do crave those muscle experiences. Focus on that as you begin to strip away your clothes as well as your inhibitions. More and more, nothing matters but that muscle – both building it and playing with it – for you are becoming a meathead himbo.
That’s right. As you strip down to those hard muscles, you begin to realize that thinking is getting harder and harder for you. And yet the more you don’t think with your brain, the more you fill up with pleasure. It just feels so good to be so simple right now.
And that in turn fills up that dick, and makes that dick hard. Hey, meathead – thinking is hard, but so is that dick, so why not just think with that dick? That’s it. Think with that dick about all that muscle you’re going to build. Think with that dick about all that muscle you’re going to worship, and have worshiped. Think with that dick about how muscle, on both yourself and on others, makes every scene hotter. And you are going to be having a lot of scenes, because as you let go of that intelligence, you also let go of any of the insecurities that have kept you from putting you out there. You will simply feel more and more outgoing and flirtacious. It’s so easy to talk with guys when you let your dick think for you. No need to overthink things, just nice and simple. That brain shrinking down as it drains down into that cock. That brain that’s always gotten in the way before, now leading the way in your dick.
So, you lack experience but still fantasize about being the team cumdump, huh jock? Well, I can certainly do My best to help you prepare and work to transform you into that very eager bottom craving all those hot jock cocks. I am sure the thought of that is already starting to turn you on. It’s okay stud, go ahead and focus on that increasingly hard dick.It is simply so arousing to think of being such a valuable member of the team, one that will help fluff up players before the game and let them unload their energy afterwards. And while some players have dedicated beta jocks to fulfill their Alpha needs, there are those that sometimes will need you to pinch in as a substitute – and there are those that are sometimes are so pent up they need to go at it again. And to take on this role on the team is such an honor and fills you with pride. More and more, you love to be used by your teammates whenever they need that sweet release.
The more you think about getting used by your teammates, the harder you get – your dick signaling to you that this is indeed what you have desired most deep down. Yet as you focus on that hard dick, you know your own dick really doesn’t matter. That’s right. As hard as you are now, what really matters is that you have a hole that is so hungry and eager to the dicks of your teammates. Let’s go ahead and prep that hole now. I know you are already eyeing that larger dildo, but take that other toy first. Use it to loosen up your hole. The more you use it, the more comfortable it feels to have something inside of you, all as you continue to relax that hole while listening to My voice. it’s just so easy to release any tensions and let go of any stress. It is so easy to just feel so relaxed and ready for your teammates. You know their dicks will vary in size, but you are so eager to take them all.
I did, jock. As a senior, it’s my job to help you begin focusing on your post-graduate career.
“Already Coach? Senior year’s just beginnin’! I’m finally an Alpha jock for the team and don’t really wanna think ’bout nothing else, Coach.”
It does feel so good when you don’t need to think much, doesn’t it jock? ‘
“Sure does, Coach.”
You know, jock, there’s no real need to think about this career stuff right now anyway because I bet deep down, you already know what you’re going to do. After all, you know how much you have been left working that body right out and into peak jock condition right for Me. And as you are left with that confidence of being left an Alpha jock, you are left realizing deep down how much you crave showing that body off. You’re become such a good jock and good jocks like you love to strip down and show off. With every item you strip off, you also strip away more of your resistance, more of those inhibitions, more of that intelligence that you are going to need less and less this year. You have your arrangements with your professors and you’re bound to graduate, and yet, more and more you realize that degree is meaningless to you. All you want to do is to be left a jock that gets to keep being admired for his physique. Right now it’s on the field, but soon it might be on a stage. That’s right stud – you are becoming more and more excited about the thought of becoming a stripper.
“So listening to your file, wearing this hat should help me be just a bit more simple? I don’t want to be too dumb, Coach.”
Indeed, jock. Wear it forwards and it just helps to bring on the fun-loving jock side, not too dumbed down but knowing to appreciate the simpler things in life like muscles on himself, and on others.
“Awesome Coach, I’ll put it on now.”
Good jock. How do you feel?
“Whoa Coach… like…. a bit fuzzy? But it feels good.”
Good jock. Probably best to just enjoy it. It’s not that you can’t think, but that hat puts a cap on your brain that it’s easier to just not think when it’s on. It’s easier to just be that man of action – a man who would rather do than think.
“Fuck yeah Coach. Speakin’ of action, it’s making me feel really horny too.”
Good jock. Focus on that. Focus on how good it feels to be so simple and so very horny.
“Yes Coach. It’s making me hard.”
Good jock! Go ahead and stroke along that hard dick right now. It feels so good as you feel these changes becoming a part of you. This hat is triggering this state, but you can let these changes become permanent if that is what you desire deep down. Just think of how good you already feel to be so simple, and imagine how amazing it’d be to feel this simple all the time. Just a simple fun-loving jock, loving to work his muscles in the gym and loving when muscle is hard at work in the bedroom – or anywhere else a horny jock is ready to get hard with other hard bodies. You might enjoy working over another jock’s body, or you might enjoy having your own muscles worked over. It doesn’t matter so long as it’s consensual and stirs your dick, for your dick will lead the way from now on. Let that pleasure wash over you until you can’t help but smile at the thought of being left that simple jock now and forever. Feel how amazing that dick already feels to be in charge. Fuck, it’s so much better to not think about what others think of you and to not worry about the stresses of the workday. It’s best to just let that go whenever you can, so you can focus on the task at hand. When you’re in the gym, that will be working hard to grow those muscles huge – eating the right foods at the right times and getting plenty of rest along the way, all to help those muscles grow harder and harder. And this makes that dick harder and harder, as you also just let go and have fun with friends or other hot jocks whenever you can. Sometimes that task at hand is simply having fun with another guy, but you want to make it all about the pleasure you both feel.
This story was previously published at the $5 level and is now available to all as part of Flashback Fridays, the First Friday of each month. Happy Labor’s Day weekend for those celebrating and hopefully getting a break from your co-workers!
Merrick was getting annoyed with his officemate, Koda. He didn’t really know why, but everything about Koda just seemed to annoy him.
Finally having had enough, Merrick formulated a plan and it would start with getting Koda to check out some new music. Knowing the types of songs the lad listened to helped with the selection – but the songs were overlaid with subliminal programming provided by Flynn, an audio engineer that Merrick had recently met at the local gay bar.
Soon, Merrick was smiling as his officemate dozed in his chair as both began to feel their cocks stir.
Merrick was not quite sure how far the programming went, but he was beginning to get an idea as Koda slipped down his pants and began to blankly stroke himself.
Merrick found his own dick swelling. He could’t help it… he had to slip down his own pants and begin stroking. And as they each continued to stroke themselves, the music continued to play in the background … Merrick having locked the door to ensure their privacy. The programming continued to sink in deeper and deeper. It was amazing how good it felt to relax to the music and not think about anything.
The only thing they could really focus on was the pleasure, for even Merrick found himself becoming so aroused to see the changes in Koda. Though Koda had been a bit of a playboy with the ladies, Merrick felt his officemate was ready to switch teams.
“Good slaves love to suck off their Masters and Alphas. Since you’re new to this, I guess I should show you how it’s done,” Merrick said before getting down on his knees.
And as their clothes continued to shed off, Koda would soon follow suit, going down deep on Merrick. was following suit, going down deep.
After sufficiently blowing each other to the edge, the two sat back down and continued to stroke. Somehow they knew that cumming would cement their status. And man, did they both long to cum. It just felt so good.
Koda shot first, his status as a true slave becoming permanent. Obedience was pleasure, and pleasure was obedience – and it felt so good for Koda to now obey his Master.
And then as Merrick shot his load, something strange happened. He felt like he too was a slave.
No, wait, that’s not right. Only Koda should feel like a slave… something is wrong with this programming…. Yet the music had not stopped, and Merrick found such thought soon disappearing from his mind. Koda would no longer be annoying Merrick at the office, because both would know be the sex slaves of Flynn. The same Flynn that had suggested to Merrick that everything his officemate did would become super annoying to Merrick until he felt driven to take drastic action… Merrick oblivious that he had already fallen under the stranger’s influence that night at the bar, to the point that he would help his Master ensnare new slaves.