Tag Archives: undress

Learning the Himbo Way

“Dang Coach, I can’t believe this is the same friend that used to be so uptight about everything. And so picky too – he never would have given me the time of day before. But now he’s always ready to give it up to me. It never made much sense until I asked to use his phone – the big oaf was so trusting letting me look through it. And when I came across your recordings on his phone, I just couldn’t resist listening myself.”

“I honestly didn’t think it was having any effect on me, but then I realized I was constantly getting horny. It’s like my dick gets hard all the time and tells me I need to do take the hint.”

“And it’s seems to be hinting to hook up with more than just my long-time crush, but with all sorts of men now. But I also realized his recordings were tailored for a bottom. I was always a total top before but now am completely open to being versatile as I know some of the hot guys out there are also tops, but I don’t want to be a total bottom because I want to keep fucking my buddy and other bottom studs too. Can you help with that?”

Sure thing, stud. Why don’t you go ahead and strip off those clothes as you strip away any lingering inhibitions that will keep you from being the total himbo you now long to be. I know the thought of showing off that increasingly jacked body already turns you on so much as you feel so comfortable stripping down in front of Coach. Then just lie back and relax to My voice.
Continue reading Learning the Himbo Way

A Himbo Bottom

I see you’ve been enjoying my hypnosis to become more of a himbo, haven’t you, jock? You’re already dressing more and more like one, and in ways that show off those growing muscles. Because looking good and feeling good are all you really care about now deep down, isn’t that right? Just no real need to think about anything else. 

And if you do think, you think with that dick, because thinking is hard but so is that cock, so why not just think with your dick? It’s so easy, and so easy to get hard at the thought of hard muscles. You love working hard in the gym to make those muscles even harder.

Not just harder, but stronger and bigger too. Go ahead and flex, and enjoy showing off for Coach as you further let that inner himbo take over. And when you’re done flexing, you can go ahead and begin to strip off those clothes. For as much as you love dressing up like a himbo slut, you also love when you get to take those clothes off and further show off that body.

And as you strip off those clothes, it further helps you to strip away those inhibitions. That’s right. Just simply removing all those layers of clothes as you peel back every layer of resistance until there is simply none left.

There will simply be nothing left to hold you back from getting to go out and act on your new himbo desires. Being a himbo simply feels so natural for you now, as if you had always been a himbo. Any traces of timidness that once existed inside of you have been vanquished by every listen to My recordings making you more of a himbo, and every session in the gym those recordings have encouraged.
After all, himbos want to look their best to attract as many partners as possible, because you just love having a good time with all sorts of guys. And you don’t personally care if they’re a fellow jock or a bear, a twink or a chub – you love getting off from them getting off. It feels so good to have these men worship your body, and to have those hard muscles used by consenting men you love to make hard.

Making your muscles hard so that you make more dicks hard makes your own dick hard, and that simply feels so good as you increasingly think with that dick. And as you become a total himbo, you also begin to realize that you are a himbo bottom. That’s right – it’s so hard to ever imagine a time when you were the one fucking others, because you simply know now that you only want other men – and you want them to fuck you.

You’ll simply be a bottom for Coach’s stable, and the thought of that is simply beginning to turn you on more. You simply can’t wait to be fucked by all sorts of men, and your hole is craving to be fucked. Coach already has some good clients lined up for you, himbo, but first, why don’t you show Coach just how grateful you are to be a total himbo of a FitDimWit? Good himbo!

The above is fiction, though you might enjoy getting to become more of a himbo yourself – or simply enjoy more hot jocks like this in action at Jawked.com – click here for more!

Masked Domination

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Masking Up

DROP AND OBEY.  That’s it. Just drop down into an obedient trance. By now that trigger has seeped deep down into your mind to the point where you respond instantly each time. Those eyes glossing over as your conscious mind drifts away.  We have been exploring the feelings of submission and obedience towards Me during each session, and you have responded so beautifully. Never remembering as you are instructed to forget to remember, and to remember to forget.

And while you still won’t remember My hypnotic influence over you, it’s time for your new submissive self to take over. Start by stripping away any lingering inhibitions as you also strip off that suits. The changes we have been working on will become permanent this weekend, and it’s time to set up that transformation.

You already obey Me so well, don’t you, slave? And deep down, you know the thought of becoming My slave has been becoming more and more of a turn-on for you. It is something you have been conditioned to realize you need, and something you now believe you have always been deep down. Because deep down, you know that you have been so cocky because you have been putting on a front for your own insecurities. Deep down, you know you have never felt worthy. Deep down, you know you would rather just let go and be a simple obedient slave. 

It simply turns you on so much, and that’s how you know all of this is true. Feel how hard your dick is getting at the thought of letting go of all life’s stresses and pressures and simply giving over that power to another man. Feel how freeing it is to let yourself become enslaved. Keep stripping off those clothes and any last  resistance.
Continue reading Masking Up

You Won’t Need Those Glasses

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Coach’s Obedient Goon

Warning: The following contains hypnotic language about becoming Coach’s obedient goon.

Go ahead, jock, and relax for Coach. That’s it. Allow yourself to get nice and comfortable, and simply relax. It feels so good to let go of all other thoughts right now. It feels so good to just focus on that relaxation that allows that blood to flow right to your dick. It’s okay, jock, you can stroke it in front of Coach. Just shed away those inhibitions because right now you simply do not need to think. You can simply follow right along to My words until you are left giving right in to the pleasures building up inside of you. You know deep down you want to be left stripping those clothes right off and getting down to your underwear, so go ahead and do that right now as you are left relaxing even deeper down.

That’s it, jock. As you strip off those clothes, you also strip away your inhibitions and even that intelligence, but you don’t need to think about that. You don’t need to think at all about anything as you focus instead on the pleasure. But if you must think, just think with that dick.After all, thinking has become so hard but your dick is hard too, so let those hards cancel each other out and find it so easy to just think with that dick as you focus on how horny you are to listen to Coach and simply obey… because when you don’t have much to think about, sometimes it is just so much easier to let Coach think for you! But right now, you really do not need to think at all.
Continue reading Coach’s Obedient Goon

Being Simple is Simple Work

Warning: Post contains hypnotic language for dumbing down.

It feels so good to just let go of all unneeded thoughts right now. Just letting go simply feels so good because it feels so good to be so simple. Simply knowing you have been working so hard on that body, and that hard body now makes you so hard. And so it’s only fitting that you will become such a simple hard laborer who finds it so very hard to think. Just go ahead and strip away more of that intelligence as you also strip off those clothes.

Strip away those inhibitions as you are left so simply horny to become this simple FitDimWit. Simply becoming so strong with that body so you can simply focus on all those jobs you can be left doing that use those muscles from now on. No longer caring for those jobs that are left making you think as you are left instead wanting to give right in to the simple pleasures of dumbing right down right now.

Left no longer caring about the material things in life as you are left instead enjoying all the simple pleasures. The simple satisfaction of job well done as you are left working up a sweat. Loving how a life of labor keeps that body left fit and those muscles left growing even more. It’s so nice to be able to focus right on simple task as you are left leaving all stress behind. 

The idea of a care-free life simply becomes more and more appealing to you as those brain cells you no longer need drain right down to your dick. Your dick is now standing right up as it fills up with those brains because this is what you will be left thinking with from now on. Thinking is hard. Your dick is hard. Why not just think with your dick? That is so very easy. Loving that you can be left forgetting about thinking because it is left too hard unless you are left thinking right about hard bodies.
Continue reading Being Simple is Simple Work

Himbofied Hunk

Doesn’t it feel so good to be a himbo?

“I’m not a himbo, Coach.”

Are you sure about that jock? Because you’ve already been becoming so focused right on your muscle for Me as you are left working on a body that you love to show off. And it simply has felt so good to feel yourself shedding off those inhibitions just like you love to shed off those clothes. And I know deep down, that new muscle has simply been making you feel more confident and ready to explore. Do you even really need to think about if you’re a himbo or not when you can simply enjoy being so simply horny all the time? But if you were to think about it, wouldn’t it make sense to realize that himbos are horny all the time – so if you are now horny all the time, surely you must be a himbo. And doesn’t realizing that simply make you feel so good?

“Whoa, Coach. That lots to think about. Kinda hurts head.”

Well, jock, you really don’t need to think at all, so let all that confusion just fade right out of your mind as you let all unneeded thoughts and all unnecessary intelligence drain right down. Thinking has become so hard for you but so is that cock, so why not just think with your dick? It’s exactly how himbos like you operate, and you are a himbo, so you might as well think right with that dick.

“Makes sense, Coach. Guess me am a himbo.”

Of course. After all, himbos love to work out. You love to work out. You are a himbo. You are a himbo who loves to work out, and you love to work out because you are a himbo. It simply feels so good to build that muscle and show it off because himbos love to flaunt their muscle. You are a himbo, so you love to flex and show off – and loving to flex makes you even more of a himbo.“Me more of a himbo than me thought Coach.”

A very simple himbo of a dumb jock, but again, there’s no need to think about if you are a himbo or not. All you need to do is act like the himbo you are. It is simply so natural for you to be so horny to be sexual with other men. And as much as you love to show off your muscle or to build it knowing it helps you to hook up more, you don’t even care that much what the other men look like.  You just love getting to give them pleasure.

Continue reading Himbofied Hunk

Hard Muscles, Hard Dick, Hard to Think

So, you want to be la FitDimWit, huh, stud? Well go ahead and begin to just let all those thoughts drift out of your mind. You simply will not need to think so much as you allow yourself to simply become so simple. And if it’s easier, you can feel those thoughts draining down, down, down, right into that cock. Simply left letting the knowledge you won’t need to remember drain right out of that mind until only basic knowledge is left.

You’ll be left knowing how to work out and keep building that body bigger and better, for a FitDimWit often has to rely on that body. What you don’t need to rely on is that mind, so go ahead and simply forget about advanced mathematics and science. Let what you know about history and geography fade from your mind. Realize literature does not matter, nor does writing or reading beyond basics like a protein smoothie recipe. 

Just becoming so simple as all those thoughts drain down. And as they drain down, it makes that cock so very hard. Thinking is becoming harder, but so is your cock – so why not just think with your dick? That is simply so easy. Just a simple jock simply thinking with his penis. And as you let go of that intelligence, you can also let go of any inhibitions. Strip them away as you strip off your clothes. You simply feel more and more comfortable showing off that increasingly toned physique.

Your dick gets hard thinking about that hard muscle you will build and have worshiped. The harder that muscle becomes, the harder it becomes for you to think about anything but muscle and the simple pleasures in life a simple horny jock loves to explore. And since you will become too dumb for many other jobs, you’ll need that muscle to make money. You might use it doing hard labor, construction, or other jobs requiring you use that muscle. You might use it as a poolboy, stripper, or other jobs requiring you show off that muscle. Maybe you’ll even use that muscle in other ways. 

Regardless of what you do, you simply do not require much. Simple guys do not need fancy things, and there’s no need to really think about that. You don’t need your own fancy place, perhaps opting for a cheap shared rental with other FitDimWits or becoming a houseboy. You don’t need fancy things as long as you are able to work out somewhere. Gym, food, supplements – those are your real only true expenses beyond the basics.

Continue reading Hard Muscles, Hard Dick, Hard to Think