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You feel so uncomfortable in your clothes. You just need to take them off.
And yet, you will find yourself incapable of doing this.
It’s like you’ve just become too dumb to figure it out.
Your teammates will have to help you out.
And as they do, each time they touch you, you start to feel more pleasure.
You can’t help but get a goofy grin on your face as your teammates continue to touch you while undressing you.
And you’ll find that it doesn’t matter how they touch you…
or whether they use their hands or something else…
you simply grow more and more ecstatic the more you are touched by your fellow jocks.
“This is wild Coach! It doesn’t seem to matter whether he’s getting blown if I just lift his hand up. It’s like he’s fucking stoned!”
Images courtesy of – click here for a full spectrum of male action!