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I did, jock. As a senior, it’s my job to help you begin focusing on your post-graduate career.
“Already Coach? Senior year’s just beginnin’! I’m finally an Alpha jock for the team and don’t really wanna think ’bout nothing else, Coach.”
It does feel so good when you don’t need to think much, doesn’t it jock? ‘“Sure does, Coach.”
Feeling that programming we did at the end of the last workout, kicking in now. That stroke training has been planted deep in that submissive mind, and every rep is helping those suggestions to now become permanent. More and more mindless. More and more muscled. More and more obedient. Just an obedient muscle toy for Coach.
Now go ahead and get those weights on the rack that will help you to push those pecs to grow even more for Me. When you’re ready, position yourself on the bench and feel yourself continuing to focus on your growth. Growing stronger. Growing bigger. Growing more obedient.
I’m still having some technical difficulties but at least have this workaround for now… hopefully it works and apologizes on any image sizing issues!
Flashback Fridays take an old story and sometimes add a bit more to it! Original here.
Just stroke for Coach as you look in the mirror. And as you stroke, visualize yourself growing bigger. Getting stronger. That’s a good boy.
With every stroke you want to please Coach more. And what will please Coach is when you build more muscle. Coach wants to see you get bigger and stronger. Coach wants you to become that stud of a baseball jock.
You feel that desire to be a muscle jock get so intense, that you absolutely must work to fulfill that desire. You must do what it takes to please Coach. You must do what it takes to excel on the team.
Feel that power to hit home runs. Feel that strength to throw that ball where it needs to go. It feels so good to let Coach mold you into a more perfect muscle jock.
You are such a good boy for Coach and you will send Me progress photos along the way. Good boys show off for Coach. You are a good boy. You show off for Coach.
“Sure thing, Coach!”