Tag Archives: testosterone

Buddies Who Work Out Together…

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Upperclassman Tutoring

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Flashback Friday: Setting A New PR

The first Friday of the month often features a flashback story, which often has been improved upon. Original here.

Lookin’ good, jock.

“Thanks Coach. Your hypnosis has really helped, but I’ve actually hit a bit of a plateau lately. Do you think you can help me power up my workouts, Coach?”

It’s definitely possible jock – if you want it enough to allow My words in. Let’s find a place to relax in the locker room and begin to take you down into a nice deep trance.

“Sure thing, Coach.”

Here we go. It’s so easy to already find yourself drifting deeper and deeper down into trance.

As you relax, it becomes so easy to further strip away any remaining inhibitions keeping you from truly pushing yourself to get bigger.

As you drift deeper, it becomes so so easy to strip away any lingering resistance keeping you from becoming the best jock for Coach you can be.

As you let go, it’s so easy to just strip it all away right now.

That’s right… just go into a nice deep sleep for me….and as you let my words in, you find yourself becoming so incredibly aroused.

You can feel your cock getting so hard right now. It just feels so good to let go to the pleasure of relaxation flowing inside of you. 

And yet, all that energy from your cock is going to be put into your workout.

Feel all that testosterone pumping through you now. Feel those endorphins and growth hormones already building stronger, just as you soon will be growing stronger and stronger.

Your subconscious is capable of this, and you will feel all this energy inside of you when you next wake up. 

“Damn, Coach, I’m feelin’ more pumped than ever! Can’t wait to hit the weights!”

Good jock – but not quite yet. Let’s head back into the gym for a bit more hypnotic reinforcement. I want you to really absorb all the energy of those that have worshiped that iron before you ahead of your own session of worshiping that iron and building your temple.

“Yes, Coach!”

Continue reading Flashback Friday: Setting A New PR

Gym Introduction

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Flashback Friday: New Year, New Desires

I thought it only fitting that this Flashback Friday, which happens to actually be on the 1st, go back to this story of resolutions from 2015. Read the original by clicking here or just enjoy the update below.

“Man, Johnson, you’re starting to get some real muscle. When did you become so much more buff than us?”

“Nah, it’s nothing.”

“No, man, it’s something. You’re gettin’ really swole.”

“Yeah, what’s your secret, bro? You on the gear?”

“Nah, nothing like that, but I do have an advantage. My gym buds are almost here and we have a special technique that might be best to just show you. But you have to promise not to freak out and really give it a chance.”

His buddies entered and went right over to a weight bunch. “Wait, I’ve seen you guys around. You’ve been workin’ with Coach, right?”

“Yeah, we’re totally jockin’ up.”

“Huh. I always questioned his legitimacy, but it seems to be working for you guys.”

“Totally. And if you want to truly bulk up, it’s all about getting that testosterone flowing through you. You just feel Coach’s words inside you as you work with your gym buds on getting that pump before you hit the weights. Come on over, Johnson, and help us show them.”

Continue reading Flashback Friday: New Year, New Desires

Seed of a Musclebear


That’s right twink… just drift down into a nice deep trance as you feel Brody’s strong muscled physique up against yours…

You love the power that exudes from such a build… and as you feel his fur rub up against you, you also love the pure masculinity.

Brody is a real man… the type of man you wish you could be too.

Go ahead, now, and show Brody just how sexy you think he is… that’s right.

You will swallow his seed, and as you taste it, you will find that it starts to plant the seed in you.

You will want to become a musclebear. But to make these changes permanent, you must be filled from both holes…

The more Brody fucks you, the more you crave to get in the gym to build that beefy muscle yourself… and the more you find your subconscious willing to do whatever it takes to produce more testosterone to spur both that muscle growth and more body hair. When he cums inside of you, these desires, these changes will become permanent. You’ll be a musclebear on the inside, working harder than ever to become a musclebear on the outside.

sd030_shaymichaels_tripptucker_17  Images courtesy of BangMeSugarDaddy.com from Phoenixxx.com – click here for more delicious daddies fucking!

New Year, New Desires


“Man Johnson, you’re starting to get some real muscle.”

“Nah, it’s nothing.”

“No man, you’re gettin’ swole.”

“Yeah, what’s your secret bro?”

“Here’s my gym buds now. I’ll show you.”

“You guys have been workin’ with Coach, right?”

“Yeah man, we’re totally jockin’ up.”

“Well, if you want to bulk up, it’s all about getting that testosterone flowing through you.

You just feel Coach’s words inside you as you work with your gym buds on getting that pump before you hit the weights.”



“Like this Johnson?”

“Attaboys. Let’s activate fuckin’ beast mode!”

“Fuck… I think I’m gonna cum.”

“Don’t do it man.

We gotta work out first, and then after we’ll get that release bros.”

“Oh hey Coach, we just had a killer workout. And we both wanna be muscleheads.”

It’ll take a while for a skinny jock like you to bulk up… but don’t worry… I have just the mp3 I can play for you.

“Awesome man! 2015 is gonna be the year of gains!”

–Soon the two jocks were giving in both to the lust and the trance, their eyes glazing over even in the midst of action… thinking about that muscle that’d be so good for flexing and fucking.

MuscleWorshipJO14smallish      Images courtesy of men.com – click here to see more of these jocks and muscle buds in hot encounters. Plus don’t forget you can get pumped up from my hypnosis with my lower prices still going on across my sites.

New Files- And At Sale Prices! And 2015 Goals

I’m running a bit behind so I’m going to just copy what I had on the musclemesmerizer site about my two new files. The erotic “Into a Musclebear” file including a short audio preview can be found here on the hypnosis page, and one called Testosterone Motivator on my musclemesmerizer site where you can also read the original post, or click below to read it in slightly modified form. Here’s an audio preview of the file to make you feel more pumped up with testosterone:

Plus don’t forget almost all my files are at lower prices across all my sites during my Holi-Anniversary Sale!

Continue reading New Files- And At Sale Prices! And 2015 Goals