Tag Archives: teammates

Taking the New Rookie Out

“Oh man, do you guys have to do that?”

You have a problem with your new team captains showing affection rookie?

“I mean I appreciate them and you taking me out for drinks since I’m new here, but I don’t really wanna see that.”

Rookie, tonight isn’t just to take you out. Tonight is also to make you part of the team. You want that, don’t you?

That nod yes seemed a bit hesitant but it’s still a yes. Let’s go back to the room and begin your training.

With each stroke, you find yourself just allowing your dick to take over. You are a horny jock. You lust for muscle. You lust to be a jock. 

As you think of your desire to be a jock on my team, you start to watch your teammates. You notice how intimate they are. You realize it is such a strong bond that it has made them the team captains. The team MVPs. This bond allows them to connect whenever we have a game. 

You want to be a star player too. You want to be one of the top jocks. You want to feel that close bond with your teammates.



As you allow yourself to be sucked off now, you realize it isn’t so different from getting a blow job from a woman. In fact, you start to realize it is even better… because only a guy with another cock can truly know how to work your cock. 

Getting so comfortable as you become a horny jock. So horny to bond with your teammates. So horny to experience the best kind of pussy there is… jock pussy. You love being part of the team.

“Fuckin’ A, Coach, no idea why this grossed me out. This is the best sex I’ve ever had. Damn jock pussy feels good!

And I already feel so pumped for tomorrow’s game. Going to go from creamin’ in my bros to creamin’ the other team!”


Images courtesy of HisFirstGaySex.com – click here for hot videos of first gay encounters!


Didn’t Coach Show You?


“Dude, you jerkin’ one out right the fuck under me?”

“Coach said to relieve tension before the game.”

“Didn’t he show you the right way to do it?”

“Well yeah but I was afraid to ask ya.”

“Bro, I’m coming down.”

“Let me show ya how one of Coach’s top jocks does it.”
“Now you do me, bro.”

“Fuck, that felt good, but I still nervous ’bout the game yo.”
“Then we gotta fuck those jitters outta ya.”
“Man that feels so much better.”
“I know bro … now show me what I taught ya.”

Images courtesy of MyBrothersHotFriend.Suite703.com – click here for more hot hunks in action!