First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

I had him cover over with one of his teammates, Scott, who just so happened to be a FitDimWit jockpig that helped to service the team as needed. And Scott was more than ready to help service Dawson, getting in position as I had Dawson focus on his ass until he fell into a deep trance. It was a trance he would remain in, his mind more and more open to suggestion, as Scott lubed up his dick with his saliva.

The more you fuck Scott, the more of a jock you become. You’ll be so focused on winning. And most of all, you find that the more you fuck your teammate, the stronger you start to feel – for you always find that fucking other men makes you STRONG.
The words sank in more and more as I repeated them during their fuck session. Dawson was feeling himself become stronger – not just physically, but in all ways.