Tag Archives: teammates

Flashback Friday: Fuck to Get Strong

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

Dawson was having difficulties tapping into his true potential when he joined My team in college. After a string of losses, I decided it was time to help him tap into his inner strength.

I had him cover over with one of his teammates, Scott,  who just so happened to be a FitDimWit jockpig that helped to service the team as needed. And Scott was more than ready to help service Dawson, getting in position as I had Dawson focus on his ass until he fell into a deep trance. It was a trance he would remain in, his mind more and more open to suggestion, as Scott lubed up his dick with his saliva.

Scott slid on top of the tranced jock as I began further training Dawson.

The more you fuck Scott, the more of a jock you become. You’ll be so focused on winning. And most of all, you find that the more you fuck your teammate, the stronger you start to feel – for you always find that fucking other men makes you STRONG.

The words sank in more and more as I repeated them during their fuck session. Dawson was feeling himself become stronger – not just physically, but in all ways.

Continue reading Flashback Friday: Fuck to Get Strong

Succumb to the Spiral


As they watched the spiral Coach had made ahead of the big game, the jocks found themselves starting to drift…

they couldn’t help it… it was just so easy to drift into a nice, pleasurable trance…. even as that relaxation sent a rush of blood to their cocks.

The spiral flashed words like ‘Teamwork’…. ‘Together’…. ‘Bonding’….

It felt good to be watching it together… after all, they were bonding.

They didn’t notice the subliminal messages that also began to flash… the ones to embrace the horny jock inside.

Soon they both had succumbed to the suggestions…

This was an intimacy that would only help them connect winningly out on the field….


Images courtesy of SDBoy.com – click here for more sexy jocks!


Team-Building Exercise


“Whoa Coach, that was like, truly awesome.”

“Fuck yeah bro. But I don’t remember nothin’.”

Don’t worry guys. All I did was reinforce the importance of working together. Now how about another team-building exercise?

“Sure Coach! What is it?”

Work together to achieve simultaneous orgasms.

“Bro, you’ve, like had an anal orgasm before, right?”

“You jealous?”

“Nah man, just thinkin’ about the best positions for us all. You best take middle.”

“You wanna fuck or get sucked?”

{It didn’t matter that two of the jocks -were- straight. Their conditioning made their objective more important than orientation… plus Coach had ensured it’d all feel so good.}

“Fuck yeah, we are nailin’ this. Double high five bro!”
IMG_5781smallish         Images courtesy of GuysInSweatpants.com – click here for more hot jocks in & out of their pants!

Rookie Initiation Camping Trip


That’s right Mark, just licking your new rookie’s cock and claiming him all for yourself.

This is the rookie you will be paired with for the rest of the season, and this weekend’s camping expedition will help to bond you more closely and intimately than you ever could have imagined.

Rookie, you’ll do everything you can please the jock that has picked you, for he has claimed you as his.

Mark has gone through this program himself and excelled, and you are to follow his example and fulfill his needs.

In learning to fulfill your jock’s needs, you learn to put the team’s needs ahead of your own. In becoming intimate with your jock, you discover that knowing each other’s rhythms helps you out on the court.

Go bond with each other now. There’s a long season ahead and a good jock takes every advantage he can get.

29795_15     Images courtesy of Falcon.com – click here for more hot jocks and musclemen in sexy, steamy videos!

Shower-Shy No More


“Thanks Aaron for helping Coach out with this.”

“No prob man. How come you so ‘fraid to shower with us bros anyway?”

“I dunno, I guess I just feel like guys are deciding whether or not they want me based just on how I look naked.”

“Dude, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

Alright jocks, we ready to begin?

That’s right… just drifting into a nice deep trance.

Feeling so relaxed now, and so comfortable. The shower is such a comfortable place to be in.

And because you are starting to feel so comfortable… that warm relaxation washing over you… you realized you’d feel better with your shirt off.

Just remaining in a nice relaxed state as you allow your trusted friend to lift your shirt up and off of you now.


Relaxing more and more as that warm shower water hits you now. 

You don’t worry about being judged as you wear your jock, your package still hidden out of site. 

But as that water hits you, you begin to feel it stirring in that jock…

Aaron, go ahead and kiss the rookie’s chest…. each kiss making you both hornier than the last.

That passionate desire driving you wild now… you just need to fuck your buddy so bad. It doesn’t matter where you are. It doesn’t matter that you’ve stripped to nothing. You just need to fuck Aaron. That desire so strong.

By the time you finish, you’ll realize that you just had sex in a public bathroom, by a friend that very much wanted you. 

And knowing this means you won’t care anymore what others think… you’re just a hot little rookie so confident as he proudly showers with his teammates.

GP154340      Images courtesy of HotJocksNiceCocks from Suite703.com – click here for more hot jocks using their very nice cocks!

Bathtime Bonding



As you enjoy that bath together, my past hypnosis sessions hit you.

The suggestions of the bath salts… the candles…. all the scents acting as aphrodisiacs. 

Each of you becoming so horny for each other’s cocks in this tranced state.


And by the time you’ve tasted each other’s cum in both holes, you’ll be bonded for life…

…teammates forever on AND off the field.



Images courtesy of Staxus.com – click here for more horny jocks in the raw!




“Coach, that session felt awesome.

But there’s no way I’m going to do that homo stuff with the teammates.”

Yes, you did seem pretty resistant. It’s a shame… I think you’d really enjoy getting closer with your teammates.

Okay Steve, go ahead and twist Wil’s nipple. 

“Wait, what? I said I wasn’t going to do any of that gay stuff.”

“Dude, relax. Our clothes are still on. If Coach wants me to twist your nipple, I should twist your nipple.”

“Fuck… why does that feel so good…  but hot damn my cock is stirring…. so horny….”


“Damn, Coach – for a straight guy, Wil’s really going down on my cock!”

Getting his nipples worked is a trigger in him now that allows him to let go and embrace his need for his teammate’s cum. The desire was already there deep down… but he needed to have triggers to feel as if he’s not in control and go through with it. You should see what happens when you lick his nipples.

DSC_6080Images courtesy of My Brother’s Hot Friend from Suite703.com – click here for more sexy men in steamy encounters!