Tag Archives: teammates

The Shy Swimmer

Deacon had expressed interest in joining the swim team this summer, but he was a little shy. This, surprisingly, was in large part due to a big bulge as the swimsuit uniform left -nothing- to the imagination. He only agreed to swim a couple laps for Me in private, and, seeing his potential, I offered to help him feel more comfortable with his teammates and more. As I explained the process of hypnosis, I could tell he was already responding well.

Hypnosis simply takes you to a deep state where you can let go of all conscious thoughts. As you let go, it allows all your muscles to relax. And relaxing that body makes it so easy to relax that mind…

It wasn’t long before the jock was dropping down, stripping down, and realizing just how much his hard cock was guiding him towards what he really wanted deep down. Soon he was comfortably sitting down as he stroked himself right to My voice.

I gave motivation for swimming. Every stroke helps you to realize that you have a gift. A gift that was meant to be used. A gift that was meant to be shown off. It just feels so natural and right that your gift should benefit the team.  And then, I took those very same words, and made him realize he had another gift… his cock. Your teammates want to help you use your gift. Your teammates want to see that gift as you show if off to them.

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Pump Slave

As the two jocks drifted deeper into trance to Coach’s voice, they accepted their places on the team more and more. Bodie, a college junior, was set to be the new team captain, and Casper would be his pump buddy. This was normal on Coach’s teams – the older players had built up their bodies under Coach’s instruction and were simply better players, but the freshmen and other new recruits still had their place on the team too. They would get their jock right to the edge ahead of games, pumping them up with testosterone. And after the game was over, the pump buddies would help their assigned jock to enjoy release.

Usually suck slaves moved into the top jock positions as the older jocks graduated, having grown in the gym thanks to Coach’s hypnosis. Sometimes exceptions happened, but that was the usual path.

And Bodie was enjoying being taken to the edge right now, his pump slave Casper helping to get energy pumping into Bodie’s body ahead of a big match. The Alpha jocks had been taught discipline and self-control, and Bodie managed to stop Casper right as he was about ready to explode. As eager as Casper was, he knew to obey.

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Flashback Friday: Getting Comfortable

Flashback Fridays take an old story and sometimes add a bit more to it! Original here.

Judd was new to the collegiate team and really had been bonding with his team captain, Cedrick. Of course, the subliminals in My hypnosis motivation tracks had been helping with that. And yet, even though Judd had dumped his girlfriend months ago, he couldn’t quite get over the hump of being sexual with a man.

There were times he came close, ready to taste the tip of Cedrick’s big dick – but he always seemed to back out of actually putting it in his mouth.

As the two came over for more programming, I emphasized that lust more and more – but I also positioned Judd in such a way that he would feel safe. Safe in his bro’s arms, as Cedrick held him tight during their make out session. Soon the boys were relaxing naked in a deep trance.
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Flashback Friday: Saving Energy

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

Archie and Kaleb had been some of the top athletes on the college tennis team, but lately they had been dropping the ball – often all too literally.

I wasn’t sure why, but soon I discovered that they were wasting a lot of their energy with horseplay, pranks, and other activities that distracted them from playing their best on the court.
It was time for Me to help them improve their focus and better manage their energy, so they were to attend mandatory training at Coach’s home.

When they showed up for training, I knew I had to keep them separate during their reprogramming, or they would distract each other – so I put them in separate rooms.

I began playing some of my special audio for Kaleb until he was drifting into a nice trance. I quietly exited, and proceeded to enter the bedroom with Archie for some one-on-one training.

You haven’t had enough energy out on the court, so we’re going to try something different. I want you to stroke your cock for coach and feel all that blood coursing through you as you get pumped up – but don’t cum. We’re going to unleash all that energy on the court. I have Kaleb doing the same thing in the other room.

Both of you will find that your unleashed desires will boost your energy on that court, for it’s only win you win a match that you will both be allowed to next orgasm.

For hours, the jocks edged into trance, finding that level where they could be left feeling incredible energy – energy they were not to release until after a win.

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