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College Can Change You: The Recruitment

The following is a Halloween tale hinting at transformation. Enjoy!

Reid was loving the campus life, although he had yet to come out to everyone feeling nervous about a new environment. That didn’t keep him from crushing on an upperclassman like Knox though. Reid felt so grateful the young man had seen him eating alone and introduced himself, but also confused why Knox could never hang with him at night.
Knox did often ask him to take walks though, which Reid had grown to enjoy – especially when they stopped to just chat, allowing Reid to better enjoy Knox’s intoxicating musk. Every inhale made Reid feel incredibly aroused by the young man despite the rejections for a night hang.

Today, though, that chat would be interrupted. “Hey Reid, I don’t mean to cut you off but I see my mentor Ezequiel heading this way. I’ve been wanting you to meet him.” Reid turned around and was treated to a very firm handshake. The introduction was brief, but he didn’t leave before whispering something to Knox.
Reid was about to inquire when Knox beat him to the punch. “I want to apologize if it seemed I wasn’t interesting in dating. I like to take my time because there are things about my life that are difficult for some to accept. But you seem open to the journey, so… will you go to the fall formal with me?”
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The Takeover

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Interview Attire

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The Merger

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Negotiating a Deal

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The Trader

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Follow Orders

Jerry was a bit worried for his job. His bosses had tied in his performance with how well he was able to train their newest hire, but the information just wasn’t clicking with Leland. Even if Jerry could have thrown Leland under the bus, he didn’t want to… despite being frustrated his protege wasn’t “getting it,” he genuinely liked the guy. Desperate for solutions, he found a program for ‘Following Orders’ online. ‘Maybe that will help,’ he thought. ‘He just needs to stop second-guessing himself and do what I’m telling him, and he’ll be a pro in no time.’  He didn’t really think through any possible other consequences besides improved performance.

And yet, as he began playing the program on his desktop, it was having a definite affect on his associate. Leland was building with a desire to obey, yet it seemed the programming had less to do with work performance and more about pleasing one’s Superior. With his own mentor right there, Leland’s lust built for Jerry, and he was soon making his newfound desires known.

Jerry was surprised but relished in the attention. Surely to be that quickly affected, it must be what the muscle jock had wanted deep down?  And it’s difficult to say if Leland had been crossing on his trainer before – he was more than crushing on him now. Soon he had stripped off their clothes and began worshiping Jerry’s cock.

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Grooming Him II

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