Tag Archives: subliminal hypnosis

Pumpkin Season

“Look, I know I don’t make a lot of TokkyTime videos, but I’m trying to warn you all. The new horror movie Bloody Patch has subliminal messages that will make you horny whenever you’re around pumpkins. Maybe not all pumpkins but if you’re starting to decorate or carve them, you’ll feel your dick just startin’ to throb in your pants.

I know that doesn’t sound like such a big deal to some of you, but it might drive you to do things you never thought you’d do because it will leave you desperate to fuck. And if the only thing around is that pumpkin that is making you horny, you will fuck that pumpkin. This isn’t some excuse for being curious. This is a warning that this will happen to you if you watch that movie. How do I know? Because it happened to me, ya’ll. I’m not some weirdo but there I was carving my pumpkin and I just couldn’t help myself. It was like I was compelled to do it.”

“Like, at first I’m just feeling my dick press against my pants, wondering why carving it is making me so goddamn horny. And I don’t know if it was subliminal or what, but I swear, that mouth ended up being carved just the right size for my dick. But still, I tried to ignore it. I really did.”
“But it was just there, like it was taunting me. Fuck, forget taunting. It was beckoning. I tried not to give in but resistance was… what’s that one line from that geek show? Futile. Resistance was futile, man.  It was like that mouth was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, just begging to suck my dick.”
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Laundry Room

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The Handyman

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New At The Gym

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Holiday Weekend Shopping

Darius had arrived early to take advantage of early bird shopping specials, but he questioned why. Everyone else was waiting outside of the big box stores or staying home to avoid the crowds. For some reason, he had felt compelled to come in though. Normally he didn’t find the ads on social media swayed him one way or the other, but something about that ad he saw earlier in the week… and then kept seeing…. he simply had to watch it every time. Sometimes multiple times on loop. And now here he was, at the store, where that same music from the ad kept playing.  Darius temporarily snapped out of it. ‘I better check out,’ he thought.
Stephen was more than happy to assist Darius, but also seemed very intent on making sure the customer really wanted the apparel. “We’ve actually had a lot of returns on these – not because they are bad, but the sizing for fit can be off. I’d feel a lot better selling these to you if I knew you had tried them on.”

Darius wasn’t sure why if felt so good to do as the sales associate had asked, but he felt as if he had to oblige – and with the store empty, Stephen waited right outside the dressing room. Darius thought it was a little strange, but it also gave him a strange sense of pleasure. He realized he loved getting to show off his body in those trunks that were indeed just the right fit for him. Hearing a “Lookin’ good, stud,” felt even better. Darius looked Stephen in the eyes. He needed to serve this young man. To please him. Stephen started to undress, seemingly confident in what his customer was thinking. Slipping off his own shorts as he prepared to kneel down and worship that beautiful cock that had just been exposed to him, Darius felt like it must have been destiny that he had seen that ad and decided to come into the store for the special sale. But despite how he felt as he began to worship his cock, it had not been destiny.

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