Tag Archives: stroke for coach

Wet & Horny Poolboy


That’s right jock… just go ahead and strip down to your swimsuit as you prepare to lounge in the pool.

And yet when that water starts hitting you, you’ll find it starts to make you feel so very horny.

Such a horny jock whenever he gets wet.

So wet and horny now, and yet able to relax deeper and deeper with each stroke.

Being in that pool feels so natural for you, even as you feel yourself letting go of all other knowledge… each stroke making you more simple.

Yet it feels so good, and you will love your new life as a dumb, always naked poolboy.

33_POV_35_34smallerImages courtesy of BarebackTwinks.com – click here for more steamy action of hot young jocks!

The Pig Collar



The deeper you go with each stroke, the more you accept that you are just a horny pig whenever you wear that pig collar. 

Just stroking deeper and deeper until you relax so completely that you have no choice but to soak in my words. 

You are such a dirty, slutty, kinky pig whenever you wear your pig collar.



“Oh yeah, come fuck my hole daddy Coach.

It’s so primed for your cock. Fuck I need your cock in me now.

See how hard my cock is waiting for you?”


Images courtesy of 18GayPassport.com – click here for more tantalizing twinks!


Unaware He’s a JockSlave

“Your hypnosis hasn’t been working on me. No way you can get me naked.”

You don’t remember any sessions, do you jock?

“No, because they didn’t work.”

Or perhaps you don’t remember them because they did work. GOOD JOCKS TAKE OUT THEIR COCKS.

“I’m not doing that.”

You already did.”

“Oh fuck, I did. And why am I so hard?”

Because you know you enjoy it.




And once you cum, you’ll accept not only my power over you – but how much you enjoyed your new Master molding and controlling you.You’ll know without doubt that not only has my hypnosis worked – but you want… crave… NEED more… and be so willing to submit to me everyday just for a taste of that trance.

ylj-arnaudLaurent2-WM15smaller              Images courtesy of YouLoveJack.com – click here for more quality visuals of hot young jocks jacking off!

Coach’s New Jockslave 9/18


It feels so good to relax for me boy. Each time better than the last. You feel so comfortable with me.

It feels so good to submit to me. Surrendering more and more as you find yourself getting so comfortable. Comfortable with the idea of being regularly hypnotized – knowing you want it because it feels so good. And comfortable with the idea of being naked in front of me.

Welcome back boy, why don’t you go ahead and start stroking for me.

That’s right. It’s become so easy for you to enter trance right away for me. 

Submitting more and more with each stroke.

Feeling your devotion for me grow stronger with each stroke.


When you come today for me boy, your transformation will finally be complete. You will know that after months of edging in submission, that you have surrendered to me completely. Once you cum with my permission, you will find yourself forgetting you have ever been anything but my jockslave.


“I worship you, Sir.”

jackmason040                       Images courtesy of Buzzwest.com – click here for more young jocks stripping, stroking, and more!

Sniff That Jock


Each sniff of that jock dumbs you down further… you are coming a dumb jock…. obsessed with working out…. and working as a dumb laborer to help pay your way. 

Just becoming more simple with each and every inhale of that sweat… that stench… this is the jock of a man that works out… and has a lot of sex…

Sniff that jock… and realize this is what your jocks will smell like.

The aroma of that jock continues to make changes inside of your mind… you can feel it. Making you more simple. Complex thoughts are just so hard now.

Hard… just like your cock. This is what you think with from now on. Always so very horny. Always such simple needs. Muscle and sex. 

When I wake you up, you’ll experiment with the toy I have provided for you… at first just getting used to it… but the more you feel it inside of you… the more you enjoy it.



“Damn Coach, this sorta feels nice. Never thought me bottom.

Fuck… bro this is … intense yo!”



Images courtesy of HighPerformanceMen.com -click here
for more hunks performing for their -and your – pleasure!


Surf Body


Each stroke takes you deeper into trance. Deeper, down, down, down as we find your inner jock.

The type of jock you have always wanted to be… and I know from our work together that is a boarder jock. 

You long to learn how to surf… to become that surfer jock you already feel you are deep within.

Remain in trance as you look over that body in the mirror.

This is the body you are going to keep working out to get it in peak riding condition.

Getting stronger, but also working on skills such as balance.

This is the body of a surfer. You are a surfer.


Looks like both those surf lessons and my hypnosis have paid off, huh jock?

“Totally Coach! You see me out there? Had a sick ride!

So stoked to get back out there!”


Images courtesy of DylanLucas.com – click here for more of this sexy surfer and other steamy gay porn!

Musclehead Takeover


Relaxing deeper and deeper with each stroke. It feels so good.

Remain in trance, but open your eyes and stare into that mirror. Imagine that your ideal you is staring back at you. Bigger than you already are. So obsessed with the gym. Loving to flex and enjoying a good fuck.

That horny musclehead is the you that you want to be. He’s the type of guy that loves to rub the nipples on his hard pecs… the type of guy that loves to lick his growing biceps… the type of guy that loves to work up both in the gym and in the bedroom. 



He is waiting to take over you.  Go ahead… touch your cock to the mirror now.

As you do, you’ll feel your energies being transferred. Everything that’s been holding you back… it travels into the mirror… never to hold you back again. You’re free from distractions. And that musclehead energy travels inside of you… forever transforming you.


“Fuck yeah Coach! Fuck I need to work up a sweat… wanna join me?”


bannerImages courtesy of UKNakedMen.com – click here for more hot muscle hunks from the UK!

Rookie Initiation 8/28/14



That’s right jocks. Just keep stroking each other into a nice relaxing trance.

Feel yourself bonding as a team as we become intimate with each other. Becoming so willing to help initiate your new rookie here.

And Jamison, you are so ready to join the team, knowing that it is your place as a rookie to serve the other jocks.


Just like that Jamison.

Taking turns sucking each cock, and using your hands to take care of the other two as you give each of the team MVP’s here their fair share of orgasmic pleasure.

Feel how good it feels to serve for the good of the team.



Once you’ve worked your teammates to the point of climax, they’ll shower you in cum – completing the initiation as you make the team.


Images courtesy of CircleJerkBoys.com – click here for more of this steamy locker room scene & more sexy circle jerks!


A Simple Boxer



Becoming just a bit more simple with each stroke.

You no longer rely on your brain. You rely on your instinct.

You have the instinct to get bigger and stronger as you build muscle.

You have the instincts that will help you in the ring.

You don’t think. You just fight.

Easily able to predict what your opponents are going to do, and defend from it.

Able to see what you need to do to surprise them.

Your brain will not be cluttered by thoughts. Just pure and simple, with all your thoughts related to the things that make you a better boxer…


“Yo, Coach!

I ready fo’ that big fight…

like all amped up and shit!

Gonna be a fuckin’ TKO, bro!”





Images courtesy of PictureThis! Studios – click here for more sexy images of sexy UK jocks.
