Tag Archives: stroke for coach

Flashback Friday: Ready to Worship

Flashback Fridays take an old story and sometimes add a bit more to it! Original here.

Oscar had been a star player on the college wrestling team. While not the biggest guy, he was very scrappy, often surprising other opponents in his weight class. Unfortunately, he also loved to use some of those moves on the underclassmen. He was also president of a wrestling frat on campus, and he made sure everyone in the house worshiped him like a God.

I brought him in for some of our usual workout motivation, but this time I had something else in mind. It wasn’t unusual for Oscar to grab his large package during trance, and I was going to use that to My advantage as I encouraged him to rub it. And of course rubbing it felt so good, and I told him to rub it… so surely it must feel so good to do as I say.

Soon his whole hand was in the boxer briefs stroking into trance.

Every stroke relaxes you more. Every stroke relaxes you deeper.

And yet the more I talked about submission, the more those shorts bulged out.

Ready to be a good boy. More submissive to your Coach with each and every stroke.

And when I started talking about how he would love to be fucked by Me, he even started to pull down his briefs.

Not yet boy. First you must earn it. First you must worship Me like the God I am.

And worship Me he did, as he dropped to his knees and took a position of submission. My programming had worked its way deep into his subconscious, and there was nothing he desired more than to please his new Master.

He offered up praise to his new God – and then he offered up his services. He was desperate to make Me proud.

“I submit myself to you, Coach. You are my Master. You are My God. I humbly kneel before you, and lower myself to your feet. This is where I belong.

Let me worship them. Let me lick your feet clean and massage them.  Please allow me, Sir. It’d be such an honor to serve as your humble footslave, Master. Or maybe you would rather I massage your shoulders, or worship your cock. Anything you want, Master. Anything to earn Sir’s cock in my ass.”

After this, he was much more humble in his frat and with his teammates. Sometimes he even let the freshman fuck him. He was the wrestling star with nothing to prove – except for wanting to prove his devotion to Me.

The above is fantasy, but the hypnosis is real! And so is the sexy underwear – photos courtesy of JockstrapCentral. Click here to see more hunky models and to shop your favorite brands! 

Hairy Jockhole for Coach

Danny had been showing up late for our intramural soccer league on a regular basis – so as Coach, I kept having to make him stay late. Little did he know he kept dozing off during our chats, always making him forget just how much of my puppet he was becoming. When he showed up at my house one day saying he wanted to quit the team, I told him he couldn’t. “You can’t make me keep playing!” “Oh yeah?, ” I responded. “Watch this.” When I asked him to take off his shirt, he did. When I asked him to lick his muscles, he did. “Sir, what’s going on?” He couldn’t believe he had just called me Sir. 

Just a couple more commands until he was naked, stroking into a deep trance as I finished his programming. I hadn’t planned to complete it this soon, but we needed him on the team. And because he wanted so badly to please Coach now, he was going to make soccer a priority. Not only would he stay on the team, he would never be late again. And just to test that hypnosis, I woke him up and asked if he was ready for Coach to use his hairy hole. And boy was he.

Images courtesy of Butch Dixon – click here for more hot holes waiting to be pounded.

Becoming a Leatherman


That’s right. Just becoming more of a leatherman with each thrust. 

Loving the smell. Loving the feel.

And especially loving how it looks on you… and on others.

And whether you’re wearing your leather or not, the sight of another man in leather always gets you so horned up.


“Damn Coach, I look awesome… and this leather… fuck… I love how it feels on me man.

But damn I’m nothing compared to you in your leather there.

As much as I love all this, how about we strip down some … you gotta know just how grateful I am…

and how fuckin’ sexy I think you are.”


Images courtesy of ButchDixon.com.




Discovering a Jockpup


“Fuck yeah Coach, your hypnosis has us pumped up.”

“Totally. Me and my bro has never been so fit.”

I’m glad the workout hypno is motivating you, guys.

How would you like to use it to explore other desires you may have?

That’s right jocks… 

just stroking each other’s cocks as you each drift into a nice easy trance….

soon we’ll be going deep down into your most secret desires… and yet…you feel so safe to explore those here now.

It just feels so good.


That’s right Tim. Deep down, you had wanted to experience life as a dog.

Just give in to those desires now as you be a good jockpup and lick your favorite bone….

You know your teammates would love to have you as a mascot any time you wish to come back to that full pup mindset.

45229_12smallish      Images courtesy of CircleJerkBoys.com – click here for more hung lads jerking and much more for the camera!

Coach’s Gift to His Bud


That’s right jock. Just drifting deeper with each stroke.

Allowing each stroke to help you let go. 

Letting go of all ego as your submissive side grows with each stroke… just needing to please those that are Superior.

Letting go of all you’ve learned as you just embrace the dumb, horny jockslave inside.

And as you relax deeper, you find that the true pleasure you get is from when your holes are stimulated.

Just let go of that cock now and imagine it… a nice big dick in your ass. It feels so good. 

It doesn’t matter if you ever stroke again… all that matters is you get that cock off that’s inside of you.


“Damn Coach, you’ve outdone yourself with your gift for me this year!”

“I thought you’d like it.”

“Definitely bro! And man, the presentation… got a flexible one, huh? And that jock looks just like a bow on top of my gift!”

“Now the only question is, which hole do you want to use first? He’s got both open for you now.”

buzz_west_james_rider20Images courtesy of Buzzwest.com – click here for more sexy jocks!
And a very Merry Christmas to all the good jocks and muscleboys out there!

Ready for Winter


“Hey Coach, I just moved to Colorado but have always been a beach kind of a guy that despises the cold.

But all my new friends love hittin’ the slopes. Can you help?”

I think we can do something about that. Why don’t you go ahead and get comfortable for me.

You love living so close to the mountains. They’re so peaceful and serene to look at. Even now just thinking about their majesty, you can’t help but just let your mind wander off and relax… 


each stroke helps you to let go of your past, and to let my words in as you embrace the new you. Each stroke helps you to feel more adventurous. 

So ready to practice skiing… snowboarding… and more, wanting and needing to get better because you seek that thrill… the thrill that exhilarates but that also brings you closer to your friends. You want to show them you can keep up.

When you next look in the mirror, you will see that new you. The you that now loves winter and all the activities one can do in the snow.



“Damn Coach, you should have seen me shreddin’ the gnar. My bros that grew up here are gettin’ jealous of my crunchy moves.

But after all that fresh pow, I’m ready to get hot and steamy. How about you join me as a thank you?”


Images courtesy of Fratmen.com – click here for more hunky fratboy jocks to keep you feelin’ hot on the first day of winter!



The Pool Stroke

That’s right jock. Each stroke relaxes you further. And as you relax, you know there is a part of you deep down that has wanted to be a dumb, horny jock. Yet, you’ve resisted letting go, afraid of disappointing others. Yet, when you enter that pool, you can simply allow relaxation to wash over you. No pressure. Just pleasure washing over you. Washing off all those fears. Washing away all that overthinking. And the longer you stay in that pool, the dumber and hornier you will become.

“Thanks for allowing me take a dip in your pool Coach. It’s quite refreshing.”

Yes. It’s such as simple pleasure but feels so good.

“I never thought about it like that. It’s like having a realize… why can’t I think of that word?”

You don’t need to think of it. Just enjoy yourself.

“Fuck Coach, I never get to just do that. But you is right.”

You getting out jock?

“Not yet bro, feelin’ so horny though I gotta do somethin.”

You still worried about disappointing your folks?

“Who care what they think. Better no think. Me young an’ horny, gotta have fun.”

Sounds like you know what you want.

“Fuck yeah… me wanna feel your cock in me Coach.”

04               Images courtesy of UKNakedMen.com – click here for more UK hunks in all their naked glory!

Dumb Jock Thinks With Dick

That’s right jock. You saw how hot it was to see your bud Emmet let go of his inhibitions and just have fun with his hot jock body… deep down, you realized you have wanted the same thing.

And that’s why it’s so easy for you to just let go more and more with each stroke.

Simply allowing all extra knowledge fade away as you stroke, your old self fading away as the dumb, horny jock inside of you takes over.

As we near the end of our session, I want you to feel the rest of your brain traveling down, down, down to the head of your cock.

That’s right. You will fully believe from now on that your brain is in your penis. It is what you love to think with.

When it’s hard, it is your dick telling you what you need to focus on. It’s so easy to just be a dumb jock who thinks with his dick.

BradleyCox_solo_207smaller       Images courtesy of HardBritLads.com – click here for hot videos of this & other hot, hard lads!

Time To Enjoy It


“Coach, I’ve been working hard to make you proud of my body and now I think it’s time to enjoy it.

You really think you can help me let go and have some fun?”

Of course jock. A bod like that shouldn’t be held back by inhibitions… and I definitely have some ideas for getting you to let go.

“Great Coach!”

That’s right… just starting to feel so horny now. Your cock so hard and yet you need more… just a horny jock getting hornier and hornier. 

Go ahead now and start playing with your jockhole. It feels so good to explore it. And you can’t wait to let all the other jocks explore it too.

And when you cum for me, these changes become permanent. Just a dumb, horny jock ready for action.  

OscarRoberts_solo_0561smaller                  Images courtesy of HardBritLads.com – click here for hot videos, and stay tuned thru Saturday for two tie-in stories!

Focus on Simple Desires

“Coach, your files succeeded in motivating me for fitness, yet I have a hard time believing you can really dumb me down.”

Yet that is what you want?

“It is. I have so many loans from pre-med but I’m just so tired of  stress. I don’t know that’s the life I really want.”

Then stop thinking about if it’s possible, and start thinking about what you want as you begin to stroke.

 You want to focus on being simple because you want to enjoy life. And to do that you just need to let go more with each stroke. Allow old goals to fade as you realize you want less stress,  and instead focus on desires that are so simple. Filling up with the desire for more muscle… showing off and using your muscle… just a simple man that works hard but doesn’t have to think about it… and because you’re not full of stress, you have so much energy at the end of the day. Energy to go out and embrace the dumb, horny jock inside.

“Fuck Coach, why I doubt ya?

Feelin’ fantasy man.”

You mean fantastic.

“Whatevs bro, just watch me flex.

Fuck flexin’ for ya is makin’ me horny.

You wanna shot at this ass bro?”

43979_08        Images courtesy of MenOver30.com – click here for more hot hunks old enough to know what they’re doing!