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“I’m still not sure Coach. I’ve always been told I have that type of build but it just comes naturally. I’m not sure I’d actually be any good at playing. Plus isn’t it a huge time commitment that could get in the way of my academics?”
What is it you wish to be when you graduate from college, jock?
“Honestly, I’m still kind of figuring that out, Coach. It just feels like so much pressure and I don’t want to add to that.”
That’s the thing, jock. You don’t have to feel any pressure at all. You could just allow yourself to forget right about all that pressure and let right go of that stress .
“That does sound kind of good, Coach. But I’m still not sure why I had to put on this shirt to try the pads on. Not only does it look like it needs washed; it smells like it too.”
Yet deep down, isn’t that smell just a bit intoxicating right to your senses? The smell of real young men working hard, no other cares in the world as they are left sweating in game together. Heck, imagine if that smell was coming from your own armpit… wouldn’t you be proud of what it represented? Go ahead and pretend that right now as you are left taking some deep whiffs.
Warning: The following contains hypnotic language about becoming Coach’s obedient goon.
Your dick gets hard thinking about that hard muscle you will build and have worshiped. The harder that muscle becomes, the harder it becomes for you to think about anything but muscle and the simple pleasures in life a simple horny jock loves to explore. And since you will become too dumb for many other jobs, you’ll need that muscle to make money. You might use it doing hard labor, construction, or other jobs requiring you use that muscle. You might use it as a poolboy, stripper, or other jobs requiring you show off that muscle. Maybe you’ll even use that muscle in other ways.
Regardless of what you do, you simply do not require much. Simple guys do not need fancy things, and there’s no need to really think about that. You don’t need your own fancy place, perhaps opting for a cheap shared rental with other FitDimWits or becoming a houseboy. You don’t need fancy things as long as you are able to work out somewhere. Gym, food, supplements – those are your real only true expenses beyond the basics.