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Gladiator Breaks Free



That’s right my muscle jock.

The hypnosis has sunk in and you accept completely that you are a gladiator.

A gladiator whose brute strength will help him to break free…

…both from the binds that have been holding you back in the gym, and in life.



Even as you listen to my voice, you feel the gladiator continuing to take over you… 

Feeling yourself tapping into that inner warrior…

…your muscles growing stronger and stronger. 

Break free, my gladiator.


You are now one of my top jocks, ready to use that warrior spirit as you help me break in new recruits. We start tomorrow, gladiator.

“Yes Sir!”


Images courtesy of BoundJocks.com – click here for more of this sexy gladiator in hot bondage action… and check back tomorrow for more.



Feel that weight that’s been holding you back in the gym.

It feels so physical to you right now… you can feel what is holding you back.

As you relax, I want you to feel strong enough to break those chains free.

You will be able to cast aside that weight as you become your true self – the you that you’ve always wanted to be.



“Yo Coach! Thanks so much man for helpin’ me. Always wanted to be a boxer but was afraid of the pain.

But fuckin’ realized I don’t care ’bout nothin’ else. Finally made it happen and owe it to you.  Just look at these muscles you built! So awesome Coach!”


Images courtesy of CamWithHim.com – click here for hot sexy men like this live on cam!