Tag Archives: sports jock

The Wrestling Bet

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Dumb Jock Camp

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Soccer Jock

Relaxing more and more. It feels so good to let go. Allowing yourself to become more and more of a sports jock.

Nothing else matters but your passion for soccer. You work out and eat right to be in shape for each match. You practice your kicks and footwork. Just becoming more and more obsessed with improving your game. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a dumb jock. All that matters is you know your sport. All that matters is you will be amazing at soccer.

“Yo Coach, how about some practice handling your balls ahead of the game?”
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Think With Dick EBD



The more that big dick throbs, the more you realize that is where your dumb jock brain is.

You are just a dumb sports jock that loves to think with his cock.


“Coach, Bro!

Welcome back to the bro pad! I got fired from my job for showin’ off skin but don’t even care. Gotta show the muscle!

Just sports, muscle and fucks, bro!

Coach, no big words. Just fuck me!”

See more of this jock’s huge cock at Extra Big Dicks – click here!

Power Hitter FrtMn



Just stroke for Coach as you look in the mirror. And as you stroke, visualize yourself growing bigger. Getting stronger.

And feel that desire to be a muscle jock get so intense, that you absolutely must work to fulfill that desire. 



“Coach, just been killing it in the batting cages.

Have so much power now thanks to your training.

Hope you can make a game – would love to properly thank you after.”





See more of hot muscle jock Ace at Fratmen.com!