Tag Archives: skateboarding

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The Newest Boarder Jock

Jensen was the type of guy that had grown up going to prep schools, and his parents were so proud he was now attending Yale. Yet all that law talk bored him, and he would often watch what he called the boarder bros from the window of his apartment. One sunny day, Jensen decided to go out and introduce himself. “Hey, I’d love to get into skateboarding. How did you guys learn?” Danny, the tall one, scoffed. “Dude, you gotta be born with it.”  But the other boarder, Troy, chimed in, “Nah, bro, you just need the right coach. Got time to chill? I’ve got some lessons from mine I can play ya.”

Jensen was a bit apprehensive he was being punked, but he decided to go back with Troy anyway. “Listen to this bruh, it’ll change your life.” An hour later, Jensen was on the bed naked, still listening to the audio as he stroked. “Fuck, dude, I feel so fucking free. I’m so droppin’ out of law school.” “That’s awesome Jens.” And Jens smiled, loving his new nickname.

The mentor continued: “Wanna fuck before we pound the pavement?” Troy couldn’t wait to introduce Coach to the newest boarder jock – but first he was going to have some fun.

Transforming so quickly is fantasy, but My real hypnosis can help you slowly become more of a boarder jock. Or check out these hot guys in action with their Extra Big Dicks!