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That’s right my wrestling jocks, you’ve just been triggered by Coach. And it doesn’t matter if you are sitting or standing, you simply want to relax so very deep for me into a nice, relaxing trance.
And in this trance, you find yourself both filling up with lust for me. You both find yourselves wanting to go home with me.
That’s why when I wake you up, you will both your wrestling skills and your erotic expertise to rubs, suck and fuck each other until each of you has had a nice big orgasm.
Whoever gives the other a better orgasm is the lucky jock that gets to help get Coach off tonight as well.
“Fuck… that feels sooo good.
My orgasm is best. I get to go home to Coach.”
“Wasn’t about havin’ the best orgasm ya meathead. Was about giving the best.”
He’s right – I’m in the mood for an amazing orgasm tonight.
But keep practicing with the other wrestlers boy. There’s always next time stud.
Still up for a bit of wrestling jock?
“Ready when you are Coach.”
Images courtesy of – click here for more of hung hunky jocks! And does it turn out the same on my Tumblr?
“I tell ya Coach, this job is killing me. The place is run by clowns.
Had I wanted to work with clowns, I would have ran away to the circus when I was younger.”
Is that something you still think about sometimes? Just being able to be a simple circus performer?
“You bet Coach.”
Then perhaps you should relax for me…
“I don’t know Coach. Leave my job?”
Sometimes we need to do what will make us happy… so go ahead and get ready to stroke for me….
Just keep stroking boy. Each time you cum you get a little bit dumber.
All you will need to know is how to stay fit and perform your routine in front of the crowd.
Your ringmaster will arrange and handle everything else. Just dumber and dumber each time you cum.
And each time I cum on you, you feel my seed soaking into your skin and morphing you more and more into one of my FitDimWits….
and you will feel so happy to be such a simple circus performer.
“Coach, me love circus. Me work with musclehead fire burper.”
“Not burp. Me breather.”
“Me so flexing now.”
“Me cool down throat with my fave protein shake.”
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