Tag Archives: simplify

New Recording: Meathead Persona

So while this has been released for a while as something Patrons could purchase at  discounted prices, I’m overdo for having it as a general release – something I realized when writing the last reward story. Part of my delay is that I’m still searching for new selling places after the unfortunate shutting down of IndieBill; please message Me if you have any recommendations! Not many places are keen on erotic hypnosis these days due to strict credit card rules and the concept of consent, even though you’re totally consenting to these recordings as you choose to download/listen. And some of you will love consenting to having your inner meathead takeover!That’s right. In this erotic stroke-along file, you simple become more and more obsessed with muscle with every stroke until you are a total musclehead who must keep hitting that gym to stimulate muscle growth. From muscle jocks to bodybuilders, it can feel good to just think less and less about other things that are not as important, and more and more about that muscle as that meathead persona inside of you takes over. And as hot as that is, the end doesn’t give an orgasm but has you save that energy for your next workout – though those not in chastity can enjoy one after their workout as reward if they’d like – perhaps while flexing and thinking even more about that muscle.

ONLY $17.99!
Click Below, or Contact Coach for Alternative Methods

Buy from HypnoSuperior at In-Charge.Net
Buy from TheMesmerizer through Niteflirt.com

Simply Less Inhibited

“I’ve always felt like a prude; always overthinking. My best pal Ledger is so carefree when he’s out hooking up with guys. I wish I could be that way with women. Think you can help, Coach?”

Sounds like you’d enjoy being more simple when you’re not at work.

“Simple? Like dumb?”

More like simply not letting other thoughts get in the way of what it is you truly crave as you let go of all those inhibitions and begin to think with your dick.

Simply stripping off those jeans as you strip away all your worries and hesitations. While a few concerns are always present, for you will always care about things like consent, you realize more and more that it becomes so easy to talk with anyone that makes your dick hard.And as your dick is already getting so hard listening to Coach, you realize that even a guy like Coach can make your dick hard.

Continue reading Simply Less Inhibited

Starting at the Bottom

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Dumb Horny Jock

That’s it jock. You’ve joined the team and now it’s time to get you truly focused on the sport. And yet, as you become so focused on being a good athlete, everything else just begins to matter less and less. Just feel all the unneeded thoughts you have draining down into your dick right now. And as it does, you also drain of any of those inhibitions that are keeping you from truly stripping away that intelligence. Go ahead and strip those clothes further right now, as you focus on that dick.

That dick is bigger than ever because it’s filled up with your brains. And from now on, you will think with your dick. Your dick loves being a jock on the team, and your dick loves getting to impress all your teammates. Your dick wants you to look good for them, as you are left loving to build that lean athletic physique. That dick wants you to be an incredible athlete that helps take your team to victory, because you know that victory sex is always the best. And your dick loves it when you are also such a good boy for Coach, as you simply let go more and more to Coach right now. Just strip even further now, and sense how good it feels to think with your dick.

Continue reading Dumb Horny Jock

Beach Jock

That’s it, jock. Just relax and let go. It’s so simple for you to fully transform into a lifeguard stationed at the beach resort. You feel so natural out here, covered in sunblock so you can safely soak up the rays as you work. But it never feels like work to you… it feels like home. The sand always feels so good against your skin, and the water feels even better.

Yet what feels best of all is getting to be so very simple. There’s not much to worry about out here, other than that everyone is staying safe. All you really need to know how to do is swim and perform some basic first aid, and everything else can begin to just wash out of that mind.

As you now relax where you can feel that tide coming in, you can feel how every wave washing up onto the shore further relaxes you…. and yet each time it pulls back, it takes more of those unneeded thoughts back with it. Thoughts that simply cannot survive on their own as they sink to the bottom of the ocean, and that’s perfectly okay because you simply do not need them. It feels better to be free of that burden. It feels better to just be so very simple. Just a simple beach jock that loves his job as a lifeguard at My resort. No worries about anything else. Just a simple lifeguard that loves working at the beach.

Continue reading Beach Jock

The Team Surprises Coach

“Hey Coach, we heard the Alphas were getting you a gift, so me and the other guys on the team wanted to make sure we got you something special too. We couldn’t make up our mind, though, so we actually ended up getting you two gifts.

Franco here has been transformed into a total himbo slave. He’s constantly horny for Superior men and will be a perfect addition to any of your establishments. Of course, you can enjoy him first for as long as you’d like, Coach!

And this, this is Drax. We made him an obedient muscle slave for you because we just knew you’d love his furry muscle. He also has some guard dog qualities, Coach, and will be fiercely loyal and protective of you.”

Wow, guys, this is incredible. How did you train them?

“We didn’t, you did!”
“Leave it to one of the dumb jocks on the team to be confusing. He means we used your recordings, Coach. And then just programmed them relentlessly. Both were so eager for fresh starts in life and open to leaving their stressful lives behind for a more simple existence.”
“Bro, isn’t that what I just said? Coach made them simple!”
“He made you simple, too.”
“And simple is good, bro. Get with the program!”
“Anyway, Coach, we recorded a lot of their sessions listening to your recordings if you want to watch their transformations. They both made it easy by being naturals!”

Continue reading The Team Surprises Coach

The Showman

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Alphas’ Birthday Gift to Coach

“Hey Coach, we Alphas took what we’ve learned from you and went in together to get you a special gift for your birthday this year. We thought you might like something in leather, Coach. How do you like him?” A nice starter build I can push to grow bigger, a nice furry chest just as I prefer – well done, Alphas. You’ve learned well!

“Thanks, Coach!”

And you say you’ve trained him?

“Oh, yes Coach. We used your stroke training techniques to dumb him down into a simple and submissive leather slave for you. Of course, he’s been put on the muscle motivation program as well. It’s early yet, but he’s already showing some small gains and definitely has potential to be a great muscle sub for you, Coach. He does have a bit of a pup side as well.

Go ahead, boy, turn around for Coach and show him how horny you are for him to fuck you by wagging that tail.”

That is a very good boy you’ve trained there. Good job, Alphas. I’m very proud of you all for such a great gift. And good boy, pup.

Continue reading Alphas’ Birthday Gift to Coach

Warming Up for Coach

You’ve been wearing a lot more tanks and muscle tees lately. You’re really getting to love showing off, huh, meathead?

“Whatchya talkin’ about, Coach? This is what I’ve always loved wearing.”

Not at the firm when you wore suits and ties.

“Ya dum, Coach. Only muscles and dicks are firm.”

That’s right, jock. And I know you’ll love showing both of those off to Me right now, won’t you?

“Aww Coach, but these jeans are so tight on my legs cuz my quads keep growin’ big. Can’t I just leaf them on?”


“Yes, SIR, Coach!”

That’s a good boy.

“Feels so fuckin’ good when you call me that.”

Good boy. Just feels so good for you to obey, doesn’t it jock?

“Yes Coach. It’s making me really hard Coach. Hard to think about anything but how hard I am Coach. Fuck, Coach, are you hard? I want Coach hard inside of Me.”

Soon enough, musclehead. But first we’re going do some more training.

“What kind of trainin’, Coach?”

Reinforcement as you RELAX, JOCK.

Continue reading Warming Up for Coach