Tag Archives: show off

Meathead Exhibitionist

There is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are, with all the same memories, but his interests are different for all he cares about is muscle. Sure, you already care about muscle, but I mean it is ALL he cares about. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about. He wants it to become more of an obsession for you. For he is a meathead – and the more you begin to flex those muscles for Me, the more you allow that meathead to take over. And when you begin thinking about more muscle, you find that more and more of your mind becomes devoted to things like workout techniques and meal optimization.

When that meathead takes over, it is as if all other learned knowledge is locked away into a place where it can still be accessed if needed – but you don’t need it when building muscle. You only need to know the things that help you to hulk out. So begin pushing those memories to the background now, as you also begin stripping down. And as you strip down, you also strip away more of those inhibitions. Simply becoming more and more comfortable showing off that muscle for Coach. More and more of your free time is devoted to muscle, and more and more of your thoughts are devoted to muscle. And while you still have that side that knows you need to keep making money to afford the gym and supplements, perhaps what you do becomes less important so long as you still can make money that helps you to build muscle. Just keep flexing and allow that musclehead persona to become more prominent.

Continue reading Meathead Exhibitionist

Flashback Friday: As Memories Wash Away

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

That shower is just so relaxing, and it feels so good to relax after a hard workout just like that. You have enjoyed building that muscle for Coach, and that water hitting that hard body just feels so good. It helps to loosen up all tensions in those muscles as it becomes so easy to feel all stress washing away. It helps to loosen up all the worries and insecurities in your mind, as all doubts begin to wash away. And it helps to loosen up all those remaining inhibitions as all resistance to being reprogrammed washes away now. Last, but not least, i helps those memories inside of you to loosen up as we begin to wash those away too. Soon we’ll finish stripping away your clothes as we also finish stripping away your past. Just let all those old memories wash away. It is simply so easy to just let go of your old life. Let go to the pleasure as you are reprogrammed.

As you lather up with my special shampoo and soap mix, you can inhale that aroma. Just breathe it in as your mind becomes more and more blank. This special concoction helps to brainwash you further and further. And in this relaxed state, it’s so easy to just let any remaining old memories rinse off as you scrub clean. That’s it, soldier. Allow your memories to just swirl down the drain as you open your mind up to my reprogramming.More and more ready to be written by Coach’s hypnosis as you find yourself learning about who you are now. About how you feel so good to obey. About how you love to work out and build muscle. About how you love to show off that muscle. About how you love to recruit others into services.  You are now a soldier in my muscle army. Working out for Coach. Eating right for Coach. Showing off for Coach. Growing Coach’s muscle army.

Continue reading Flashback Friday: As Memories Wash Away

The Submissive Jock

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Muscle God Worship

Roman had been conditioning to be a total meathead, his muscles swelling up more and more as his mind became more and more simple. Yet, he hadn’t quite embraced flaunting his muscles… even as I had conditioned him to think less and less, he remained a bit on the shy side. I had to get him to truly give in to the muscle lust.  “I dunno what it is Coach. I just kinda feel silly posin’ and flexin’ and stuff.”

It’s alright, meathead. Let’s work on taking you deeper down. As he drifted into a deep trance, I helped Roman let go of his last remaining inhibitions.

He had been becoming a muscle god, and it was time he felt like a specimen worthy of being worshiped. His muscles were meant to be shown off, and getting to see those muscles shown off would make so many people so very happy.

It just feels so good to know that your muscles fill others with pleasure. Their pleasure becomes your pleasure. You feed off of their lust andd desire. You crave their worship more and more. And every time you see your muscles in a mirror from now on, you will know without a doubt that you are a muscle god worthy of worship.

Continue reading Muscle God Worship

Exhibitionist Jock

That’s it jock.  Just feel that dick swelling up as it listens to My voice. It is a sign that this is what you want deep down. It is what you need deep down. Give in to those instincts. Give in to that destiny. You are becoming an exhibitionist jock. Simply let go of all those inhibitions that have been keeping you back. No more worries about if you’re sexy enough, because deep down you are – and you’ll be hitting the gym more as you work out for Coach. And no more worries about what people think – all that matters is all the pleasure you bring to so many, and you love that.  

You are an exhibitionist jock. You love to show off. You love showing off in your sports gear and uniforms. You love showing off in your athletic socks, underwear and jockstraps. You love showing off your increasingly toned and athletic jock body. Show Coach all that sexy fur right now. That’s a good boy. It feels so good to show off for Coach. And soon it will feel absolutely amazing to show off for anyone and everyone. Now strip even further and focus on that bulging cock. The idea of showing off more is making it so hard … and it feels so very good to be so very hard.
Continue reading Exhibitionist Jock

Ready to Show Off

Lars had been beefing up to My files for some time, but he still found himself a bit shy when it came to showing off. He loved to flex in the mirror in private, but in front of anyone else made him feel self-conscious. The exception was for Coach, which he knew was because My hypnosis had made him feel comfortable with Me. Of course, I could help him become so much more comfortable flaunting his muscles for others.

Since he was already used to My hypnosis, it didn’t take him long to feel comfortable relaxing completely for Me.

As Lars began stroking for Me, he allowed himself to let go of all his inhibitions. Every stroke helped him to expel his insecurities from his mind and release all tension from his body.

It just felt so good for him to focus instead on all the pleasure. Muscle gave him so much pleasure. He loved to build it. He loved to flex it. He loved to show it off for Coach. More and more, he was feeling like a musclehead – not so dumb he couldn’t do his work, and yet it was so easy to just simply focus on muscle and not worry about anything else.

Continue reading Ready to Show Off

Flashback Friday: Power Hitter

Flashback Fridays take an old story and sometimes add a bit more to it! Original here.


Just stroke for Coach as you look in the mirror. And as you stroke, visualize yourself growing bigger. Getting stronger. That’s a good boy.

With every stroke you want to please Coach more. And what will please Coach is when you build more muscle. Coach wants to see you get bigger and stronger. Coach wants you to become that stud of a baseball jock.

You feel that desire to be a muscle jock get so intense, that you absolutely must work to fulfill that desire.  You must do what it takes to please Coach. You must do what it takes to excel on the team.

Feel that power to hit home runs. Feel that strength to throw that ball where it needs to go. It feels so good to let Coach mold you into a more perfect muscle jock.

You are such a good boy for Coach and you will send Me progress photos along the way. Good boys show off for Coach. You are a good boy. You show off for Coach.

“Coach, you’re really helping me get strong. Thanks!” Good boy. I’d love to see more of your muscles. Let’s see just how strong.
“Been killing it in the batting cages. Have so much power now thanks to you, Coach!”Good boy. Coach is so pleased to see your progress.
Hope you can make a game – would love to properly thank you after.”
image06Good boy. In the meantime, you can thank Me with some more sexy photos – I know it feels so good to show off for Coach.

“Sure thing, Coach!”

The above is fantasy but you can see more of hot muscle jock Ace at Fratmen.com!

Flaunt Those Muscles



Do you remember anything from the session. 

“No, Coach. I just feel like I should flex for you a bit.

I mean, I worked hard on these muscles, might as well get some notice for them, right?

But I’m not taking off the pants.”

Of course.

I bet it just feels so good to FLAUNT THOSE MUSCLES.


“Hellz yeah Coach!

I’m fookin’ huge!”

I see that musclehead. Love that you are showing me your muscles. 

I’d love to see all your muscles.

“Why’z didn’t ya say so?

Me love show you.”


“Me got one muscle want bigger.

Hit my max Coach. Need you help it grow.”

That’s why I have this lube sitting here, you meathead. I had a suspicion you’d be needing some help with that.

“What’s a sus…pe… ”

Don’t you worry about that. Let’s just focus on exercising that favorite muscle of ours….


Images courtesy of Powermen.com – click here for more hot nude bodybuilders in the MusclePartners networks!

Military Muscle Jock



That’s right. Just drifting into a nice deep trance. 

You will get both my military jock file and muscle jock file, for you have expressed interest in being a military muscle jock. 

You will combine the suggestions. For example, you will love to wear camouflage pants, boots, and other military gear…

but when it comes to the upper body, you will love to show off those muscle as much as possible. 

It feels so good to become more of a muscle-obsessed military jock… 



“Check out these guns, Sir.

I’ve been doing the military standards for exercise as part of my routine, but also hitting the gym for some extra squats, deadlifts and presses!”





Images courtesy of BadPuppy.com – click here for more hot young but naughty pups!

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