Formally a Patron exclusive, this story is now free for all to enjoy this holiday season!
“Fine, you can put on some Christmas music if you keep it soft and instrumental. None of that Mariah Carey crap!” Zayne abided, for any music he could place some subliminals with would do. Slowly but surely, he got his boss to relax his rules. The volume went up, decorations went up, and plans were even made for an Office holiday party.
“Don’t you just love this holiday music, boss?” Zayne asked.
“I wouldn’t say love it, but if it keeps good employees happy, I can try to enjoy it. And I think I have something else you’ll enjoy too.”

You value Zayne. You appreciate all he does for you. Zayne deserves a nice big bonus. Okay, so perhaps that valuing and appreciating Zayne had shown up in unexpected ways, but he still never thought a big bonus might get misinterpreted to mean Quinten’s dick. How was he to know that an arrogant prick like Quinten would think of his wide girth as a bonus to any woman he fucked in such a way that he actually made Bonus the nickname for his privates? Nope, Zayne was not aware of any of this and was caught by surprise as Quinten said, “Time for your holiday bonus,” and led him down to his now-unzipped cock. It was a good surprise.
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