Originally a Patron exclusive, this story has been made free both as part of Flashback Fridays and as part of being a holiday weekend in the U.S.
“Hey, what gives man? I thought this was supposed to be a party. Where’s everyone else?”
“Harvey, you got your times mixed up and came early. But you might as well hang out until everyone else arrives. Here, let’s put the parade on the TV.”“Dude, I think something’s wrong with your TV. There’s like some weird spiral over the parade.”
“Huh. Probably problems at the station. Just ignore it, bud, you can still see.”
Ronan watched as his friend began to zone out to the spiral overlay mixed with subliminals. It seemed his friend was in trance, a theory he confirmed as the hairy hunk remained motionless as a new audio track began to play. As his mind received new conditioning, Ronan gave him a new visual to focus on. Harvey woke up unaware of how much time had passed but feeling grateful to have been invited over by his friend. Thoughts of other party guests faded from Harvey’s mind, though the programming left him craving wieners and cake. And soon, that was exactly what Ronan presented to him.
“Man, I can’t believe Coach stuck us in rooms with only one bed. Not even a big bed either.”
“I know. It’s so warm in here too. You sure you turned up the AC?”
“Yeah, it just hasn’t kicked in yet. But Coach’s video is ready to play on the TV. Ready”
“I’m not sure why we aren’t watching a training video as a team, but let’s get it over with so we can head to the pool.”
Welcome jocks. You have made the team and should be watching this with your roommate. If not, pause until he can join you, because your roommate will also be your training buddy for the season. …. If you have not paused, or are no longer paused, then both of you can be left starting to relax right in those rooms as you listen right to My voice and watch the training images left flashing right on the screen.
“Are these athletes looking less and less clothed?” Dawson joked, but the programming had already began to affect the very suggestible Bryce.
His attention turned more on more to his mate’s penis, which had been growing harder than Dawson had yet to realize. As they continued to watch the video and absorb the subliminal messaging, Dawson eventually found himself looking over at Bryce’s large package. Their inhibitions were disappearing more and more, and the idea that being intimate with a teammate was natural became more and more accepted. By this point, Bryce had reached a point of not being able to resist the growing lust inside of him. He straddled his weekend roommate on the hotel bed, kissing him passionately before pulling down Dawson’s shorts. Soon he was going deep down on the hot jock’s hung cock.