Tag Archives: reprogramming

Flashback Friday: A New Purpose

Flashback Fridays feature a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements. This was previously available at the $5 level but also has been added to a bit, see previous version by clicking here.

Like many folks, Tucker and Edward had to make some adjustments this past year. It wasn’t always easy, especially after tensions arose after Edward lost his job through no fault of his own – “cutbacks,” so they said. The couple were fortunate that Tucker had been the primary breadwinner anyway, so at least their fights were not about money struggles as was the case with many other couples. Rather, they bickered about things like Edward playing video games too loud as Tucker began working from home, making it difficult to be productive.

It didn’t help that the brunette hunk was depressed over his situation and feeling pretty useless, which Tucker hated to see.  Tucker soon recognized he needed to help his husband find a renewed purpose in life. ‘If only I could help feel that tasks like cleaning and yardwork were enjoyable and fulfilling – help get him off his but and active. Maybe working out more again too. If he could find purpose in such activities, it would help lift his mood and help me stay focused on work now that I can do it from home. And perhaps we can find some other ways he’d enjoy being of service.’ With those thoughts in mind, Tucker began to look into ways to reprogram his husband into enjoying being more productive.

He soon stumbled upon some music with subliminal tracks for enjoying serving  another man. ‘Huh, not quite the productivity track I was seeking, but it’d probably do the job. So long as he starts to find some purpose in life again.’ Despite some skepticism, the muscle stud begin to play some music in the background as he worked, placing small ear plugs in his ears as he worked so that he would remain unaffected. At first Edward continued playing video games, but he was slowly starting to do a few more chores around the house here and there.

Tucker was almost caught a couple times wearing the ear plugs. “TUCKER! Didn’t you hear me calling?” his husband once stormed in, Tucker discretely taking out one of the plugs as he turned to pause the music. “I guess I was just zoning out to the music.” “Yeah, what is that anyway? I’ve been zoning out a lot to it too,” he stated as he began to unconsciously strip off his clothes. “Just something I found online that’s supposed to help me focus on work.” “Babe, you’re working too hard. Let me focus on you for a bit. Would love to get to serve your cock under that desk.” This wasn’t exactly what Tucker had in mind, but he wasn’t about to stop his eager partner!

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Programming the Professor

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Flashback Friday: The Clearing

Special Flashback Friday as the recent moving process still has me a bit behind, enjoy this story that previously was only available to only Copper ($7) level and up Patrons, slightly edited and improved!

Dark-haired Silas had been a successful businessman who had prospered this past year. When one of his competitors, the blonde Jason, didn’t fare as well, Silas took a certain amount of glee in hiring him to help remodel his home. A bit of a dick, the executive often relished the chance to mock Jason’s change of fortune, even going so far as coming out on the porch during one of Jason’s lunch breaks with similar work attire on. “Don’t mind me, gotta show off this bod while I  work!” Silas split his time between the office and working from home, which gave him ample chance to mock his former rival. Jason just smiled, knowing he needed the cash, but he had already set a plan in motion, playing some special music during his lunch breaks.
One day, Silas prepared to show off again but couldn’t locate Jason. In the distance, he heard music that seemed vaguely familiar. The closer he got as he followed it, the more a strange sensation flowed through him. Soon he was left with no choice but to give some attention to his raging cock as he stripped down to his jockstrap.That dick raged because thoughts of lust for Jason had begun to flood his mind. He thought of how all that hard work had built up Jason’s muscle and imagined how that must make him smell as he sniffed his own pits.
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Watch the Screen

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Gym Conditioning

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Criminal Mind

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Under the Hood

Westley was the type of hot entitled prick that didn’t know just how good he had it, having always come from a life of privilege. His attitude was more than apparent to Joziah when he had brought in his luxury sports car to the shop. Joziah had his way of dealing with such jerks that involved sabotaging their sound system so that only his special recordings would play when the vehicle drove. One couldn’t switch from satellite to local radio or simply turn the radio off – if the car was on, the special music was playing.  The offending client would call in demanding the service be fixed for free – “it was fine until I brought it to you!” Joziah would agree, but claim to be backed up for at least a week and since a radio wasn’t a life-threatening emergency would apologize and offer additional services on the house to make up for the delay.  They were never happy at first, but by the time they brought the vehicle in, they wanted to know how they could still choose to listen to the catchy beats if they so desired. They also would often end up giving into a newfound lust for the mechanic, providing him with a steady stream of blowjobs from snobs he loved seeing down on their knees – a position they would love to take for minorities going forward, regardless of what their orientation had been before. But every once in a while, when the person was a complete classist and usually also racist jerk, he liked to take the programming even further.

This was the case with Westley, who found himself craving not just Joziah’s cock but his whole lifestyle. All the perks he had from his live as an executive suddenly started to seem hollow compared to the value of getting to work with one’s hands. The idea of getting down and dirty was being programmed into his subconscious in more ways than one, and the suggestions were definitely taking hold.  At the office, he found it harder and harder to concentrate on the business deals that increasingly bored him, wanting instead to get online and watch stock car races. Westley certainly had a tendency to speed before, but he never truly appreciated the rush one could get from the world of autos. He was beginning to crave the different smells of the environment – the sweaty musk of a man working hard, the grease and oil representing  manly pastimes. His business suits felt more and more constricting – he envied having seen Joziah in his loose orange jumpsuit that looked so comfortable. By the time he brought his vehicle in to be fixed, he had started wearing  the basics meant to be worn under such a jumpsuit. “You’re, uh, looking a bit skimpy in the pants department today, buddy,” Joziah joshed as the athletic former exec responded: “I quit my job today and thought maybe you’d let me try on a jumpsuit? I think I need to wear one.” Joziah smiled at the man’s admission, knowing his programming had worked. That smile led Westley to think with his dick as he went in for a kiss.
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Exhibitionist Himbo Jock

So, you’re ready to be more of an exhibitionist himbo, huh, jock? I know deep down you love the thought of not having to think of much besides making muscles hard. And by making muscles hard, I mean both continuing to sculpt that hard physique but also making so many love muscles hard from so many different men. First, let’s strip away any lingering inhibitions as you also strip off those clothes. 

That’s it, it feels so good to already be showing Coach that body, just as it will begin to feel so good to show off that body more and more to so many others. You simply strip away any anxieties as you allow all thoughts in general to begin to simply drift away. It feels so good to empty that mind. And as we empty that mind, let’s also begin to drain down that intelligence.

That’s right. Just allow all that intelligence to begin draining down to that dick. The emptier your mind becomes, the fuller your cock gets. And you might find that it’s hard to think with an empty mind and yet it’s so easy to just think with that hard dick, so just think with that dick for Coach more and more right now. 

It feels so good to be so simple and it’s so simple to feel so good, and the more you empty that mind of all unneeded thoughts, the more room there is to fill up with pleasure. Pleasure fills up and push those smarts down, as you pull those pants further down. That dickbrain is just so full and I bet all this has you so horny for Coach – why don’t you show Me just how horny you already are to be such a good jock for Me? That’s a good jock.
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