Tag Archives: reprogram

Flashback Friday: As Memories Wash Away

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

That shower is just so relaxing, and it feels so good to relax after a hard workout just like that. You have enjoyed building that muscle for Coach, and that water hitting that hard body just feels so good. It helps to loosen up all tensions in those muscles as it becomes so easy to feel all stress washing away. It helps to loosen up all the worries and insecurities in your mind, as all doubts begin to wash away. And it helps to loosen up all those remaining inhibitions as all resistance to being reprogrammed washes away now. Last, but not least, i helps those memories inside of you to loosen up as we begin to wash those away too. Soon we’ll finish stripping away your clothes as we also finish stripping away your past. Just let all those old memories wash away. It is simply so easy to just let go of your old life. Let go to the pleasure as you are reprogrammed.

As you lather up with my special shampoo and soap mix, you can inhale that aroma. Just breathe it in as your mind becomes more and more blank. This special concoction helps to brainwash you further and further. And in this relaxed state, it’s so easy to just let any remaining old memories rinse off as you scrub clean. That’s it, soldier. Allow your memories to just swirl down the drain as you open your mind up to my reprogramming.More and more ready to be written by Coach’s hypnosis as you find yourself learning about who you are now. About how you feel so good to obey. About how you love to work out and build muscle. About how you love to show off that muscle. About how you love to recruit others into services.  You are now a soldier in my muscle army. Working out for Coach. Eating right for Coach. Showing off for Coach. Growing Coach’s muscle army.

Continue reading Flashback Friday: As Memories Wash Away

The Trader

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Programming a New HypnoSlave

Cass wasn’t sure what he had been clicking on. He had simply been searching porn, but this – this was confusing. What were all the flashing images? Why did the music sound more strange than normal porn music? But he couldn’t take his eyes off, and soon he was slowly stroking his cock.

I loved when fresh meat stumbled across my recruitment program….

…but the only way to know for sure it worked is if they followed the instructions at the end to come to me. Then there he was, waiting on my steps. I knew he was another recruit from my programming – anyone else would have just left a note. But he waited… even if he wasn’t sure why. He simply felt compelled to come. And he felt so safe as I invited him in.

As soon as I said that trigger though, he was out – and my programming began. As usual, I had him start by showing me his goods – how muscled he was, and how big or not he was. I wasn’t disappointed.

As he became more comfortable, I had him take off the rest of his clothes – programming his mind as he mindlessly stroked his cock. When he would wake, that initial look of confusion would soon be replaced a, “Hello Master. What can I do for you?” Yet another hypnoslave to do my bidding, and I was definitely going to make good use of him.


Images courtesy of FratMen – click here for more fantastically fetching frat jocks.

Surferboy to Farmboy

“Man Coach, what you got me waking up on a farm? Thought our sesh was gonna help me shred some waves.”

Perhaps harvest amber waves of grain.


I was just asking you why you’re taking you’re clothes off.

“Cuz it’s gettin’ darn tootin’ hot out!”

Darn tootin’?

“Fuck, where’d that come from?”

Perhaps the more you strip away of your old life, the more your true self comes out.


“Nah bro, I just wanna sweet ride.”

Sweet ride on what?

“My AT… V? That ain’t soundin’ right.”

But it feels right, doesn’t it? Taking off those clothes as you leave behind a slacker life for a life of real service, doesn’t it?

“I reckon… it just all seem mighty right fuzzy Coach.”

Do you need to lay down a bit?


“Don’t be a damn fool! These cows ain’t gonna milk themselves. You seen my overalls, pardner?”

Images courtesy of PictureThis! Studios – click here for more smokin’ hot UK studs!