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Donovan had his doubts. “Coach, I don’t think I’d feel comfortable showing off in front of all those people. It’s cool to flex for you, Coach, but that’s a whole ‘nother vibe.”
Just be a good boy and put on the mask, Don.
As Donovan complied, all his inhibitions suddenly were released. He began to feel pumped up as he suddenly began flexing for Me.
What Donovan couldn’t remember in his conscious mind is that I had already placed the masked on him during some of our sessions.
He’d already bulked up and become such a meathead for Me, and now he would love showing off that muscle to everyone whenever he wore that mask. It was as if the mask would ‘mask’ his inhibitions in such a way that they simply didn’t exist. Every stroke helped him to absorb that deep into his subconscious.
Relaxing more as you stand there and soak it all in.
The more that water hits you, the more you wish to take off those clothes.
They just start to feel so damp and gross against your skin – and this is how clothes will always feel against your skin from now on.
You start by unbuttoning… the more free from your clothes you feel, the better you feel.
As we finish your session, you realize you feel so comfortable being naked from now on… and the thought of living a life where you can almost always be naked turns you on.
Because of this, you will love your new life as a houseboy… able to wear as little as possible as often as possible, so willing to sacrifice your intelligence and so much more in order to fulfill your dream of serving as an almost always naked jock.
Becoming just a bit more simple with each stroke.
You no longer rely on your brain. You rely on your instinct.
You have the instinct to get bigger and stronger as you build muscle.
You have the instincts that will help you in the ring.
You don’t think. You just fight.
Easily able to predict what your opponents are going to do, and defend from it.
Able to see what you need to do to surprise them.
Your brain will not be cluttered by thoughts. Just pure and simple, with all your thoughts related to the things that make you a better boxer…
“Yo, Coach!
I ready fo’ that big fight…
like all amped up and shit!
Gonna be a fuckin’ TKO, bro!”
Images courtesy of PictureThis! Studios – click here for more sexy images of sexy UK jocks.
“That’s right, just as Coach taught you. The deeper you go down on my cock, the better your grade. So be sure to take it in deep now, because we both know there’s no way one of Coach’s dumb jocks could ever pass my class on their own.”
Images courtesy of -click here for more twinks being shown a hot lesson or two.