Tag Archives: pubes

Programmed Into Sir’s Total Bottom

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Coach’s New Jockslave 9/18


It feels so good to relax for me boy. Each time better than the last. You feel so comfortable with me.

It feels so good to submit to me. Surrendering more and more as you find yourself getting so comfortable. Comfortable with the idea of being regularly hypnotized – knowing you want it because it feels so good. And comfortable with the idea of being naked in front of me.

Welcome back boy, why don’t you go ahead and start stroking for me.

That’s right. It’s become so easy for you to enter trance right away for me. 

Submitting more and more with each stroke.

Feeling your devotion for me grow stronger with each stroke.


When you come today for me boy, your transformation will finally be complete. You will know that after months of edging in submission, that you have surrendered to me completely. Once you cum with my permission, you will find yourself forgetting you have ever been anything but my jockslave.


“I worship you, Sir.”

jackmason040                       Images courtesy of Buzzwest.com – click here for more young jocks stripping, stroking, and more!

A Simple Boxer



Becoming just a bit more simple with each stroke.

You no longer rely on your brain. You rely on your instinct.

You have the instinct to get bigger and stronger as you build muscle.

You have the instincts that will help you in the ring.

You don’t think. You just fight.

Easily able to predict what your opponents are going to do, and defend from it.

Able to see what you need to do to surprise them.

Your brain will not be cluttered by thoughts. Just pure and simple, with all your thoughts related to the things that make you a better boxer…


“Yo, Coach!

I ready fo’ that big fight…

like all amped up and shit!

Gonna be a fuckin’ TKO, bro!”





Images courtesy of PictureThis! Studios – click here for more sexy images of sexy UK jocks.
