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Hey all, I’ve written and recorded most on my to-do list but still have several files to edit. Still, I’m making progress and hope to catch up soon so I can focus on adding more to these sites.
Currently pledging, we have FOOD IS FUEL. This is great for those that maybe are trying to build muscle but struggle to stick to their plan because they get too hungry. You’ll stop thinking of it as being hungry for food, and instead think of it as fuel for your muscles. And you NEED to fuel up. $75 on Patron thru end of July, or you can message me at musclemesmerizer at gmail dt com for other ways to pay.
The file that just pledged in June was GROWING STRONGER. Since I am traveling for the 4th and then will be at IPAHW in a couple weekends, I know I won’t get this recorded for a bit as I focus on editing the other files. So there is still time to join-in. $100 is the standard join-in fee for custom files, still far better than the $200 for a new custom file like this. This one can be adaptable to different body sizes/goals, but yours can be tailored to your goal if you opt in.
If you do want to inquire about custom files that can be $200 to $300 depending, shoot me a message with your thoughts! And if you can’t afford that but would like to see something added, I always enjoy hearing your ideas and may add to the polls that patrons vote on if I like your idea.
More exciting stuff coming soon, stay tuned!
– Coach Josh