Richard was getting sick of the young jock he kept seeing it at the gym that seemed to think he was better than him. The disrespectful jock would sit on a machine for way too long on his phone and failed to put weights away. What the jock didn’t know was that Richard had a connection to the gym and had been able to get his buddy Coach to play some subliminal tracks during the jock’s workouts. The gym was empty besides the three of them today, so Richard decided it would be a good chance to test things out.
“You and I need to have a chat,” he told the jock, causing the jock to get up in his face. “I don’t have time for you, Boomer.”
“GOOD JOCKS OBEY,” Richard said as the jock’s face went blank. But the only way to know for sure it was working was to now test the trigger with a command. “Suck My cock,” he told the jock. Richard, a young Gen X-er, was caught off guard by how quickly the jock had pulled down his pants and began going down on his dick. “Good jock. Now strip off your shirt.”
Bryan had always been lean, but craved more. He craved muscle at any cost – even if it meant not thinking about anything else. So I took him deep and began programming him for muscle. At first he just gently relaxed, but the repetition soon took him deeper and deeper. It became so automatic to him – and he became much more automatic.
The programming increasingly had Bryan performing like a machine, programmed for the simple purpose of building muscle. He must work out. He must add protein.
As he began to feel more and more like a mindless machine, the being formerly known as Bryan became programmed to need fresh ‘oil’ from Coach ahead of every workout.
Fueling up with Coach’s special ‘oil’ meant his body would perform at peak performance level as he pushed himself in the gym.
As for his own “oil dispenser,” it was to be ignored unless he had first worked out. A hard workout meant hard muscles. Hard muscles meant the rod would be hard enough to dispense oil.
Only after pushing in the gym, could the man transforming into a mindless robot release his old oil. Every discharge of the used oil filled it with mindless bliss.
His shirt might have said Fitch, but deep down, Caleb wanted to fetch. He was often way too serious and plagued with anxiety, and he yearned for nothing more to let go.
Nothing symbolized that to him more than the growing pup scene he had so far only seen in online videos. He was envious of those that could let go so much that they could forget all about their human life, even if just for a bit. It was a state of mind he had trouble getting to on his own, so he turned to Me for help.
I began to relax him, though he was reluctant to close his eyes. Those big eyes simply remained so focused on Me as I spoke, even as his mind began to let go to my voice. He did begin to respond to light suggestions, stripping away inhibitions as he began to strip off his clothes.
It was as he began to move the last item of clothing that all the suggestions finally began to truly sink in. His face first went completely blank – even more blank than before.
Then that blank susceptibility turned into a true trance as he drifted into a deep relaxation, closing his eyes even as his underwear remained half-on.
Being a pup can be instantaneous for some, but some need a bit of groundwork laid out. With the time it took just to get him into trance, Caleb would be a pup that needed that basic desire to grow inside of him first.
I sent him off with some pup files so condition his mind ahead of our next session.