Tag Archives: musk

Programmed Into a Circuit Jock

Welcome to Barcelona; it’s so great we could meet here. And all that jock workout motivation hypnosis is really paying off, you’re definitely looking the part. But today we’re going to make you more than an athletic jock… today we turn you into a total circuit jock. That’s right. A horny, party-loving himbo that loves to go to all the big circuit parties, including the biggest one of them all in town this weekend. And you’ve already done so much prep work for Me, and it seems to be working very nicely – because here you are in the special underwear I provided for you showing off those muscles you have been building under Coach’s guidance. And all that prep work we have already done is going to help as we take you even deeper and finalize that transformation into that circuit jock you have longed to be deep down. You can already feel your priorities beginning to change as partying all night becomes more important to you.

You discover that you simply love to dance and party all night long. You do what you have to in order to prepare, like napping ahead of a big night out, and then you go with it. You stay hydrated along the way, so important as you drink and dance for such a long time. And yet you also do not even need to drink much to lose those inhibitions, because they are already beginning to fade from your mind with every word as you become more of that uninhibited circuit jock.It feels so good to have no trepidation as you grind against strangers and have strangers grind up against you all night long. You start to crave this sensation ore and more. You grow to love that feeling of your body getting sweaty against other sweaty muscles. You grow to love those scents as anything that was sprayed on washes away in that sweat, leaving only that hot growing musk.
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Wrestling Captains

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Desiring Submission

This story had previously only been available for Silver+ Patrons since early 2022 and is now available to all as part of Flashback Fridays.

“Can you make my boyfriend more submissive to me?”

Is that what you also want? To be more submissive to your boyfriend?

“Yes, Coach.”Well, then, you’ll need little help from me, but I can certainly help you to enjoy that submission more as we begin to remove any inhibitions that have been keeping you from submitting in the ways that you desire.

“It’s just hard to give up control, Coach.”

And yet, you’re not giving up control. You’re setting yourself free. It just feels so freeing to  allow yourself to let go more and more to Coach’s voice and programming. It just feels so freeing to let go more and more to your boyfriend. Let go of any inhibitions that have kept you from enjoying your submissive desires. Let go of any and all resistance. The more you let go, the more free you feel to be yourself. 

Realize now how easy it is to submit further to him right now.  You already find yourself wanting to worship his body. Go ahead and soak it in from every angle. Realize how much you want to please this body. Realize that nothing gives you greater pleasure than pleasing him.

“Wow, Coach, he’s really responding to you! He’s already acting much more submissive.”

Yes, he is. But it’s easy to give in to the pleasure of submission in the moment. To make this last, we need to continue training him even further. Go ahead and stand up in such a way that he can begin to worship your cock now.

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Submitting to a New Dominant

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Instilling Dominance

You’ve really come quite far since I first started Coaching you. Your body progress is incredible.

“Thanks Coach. I feel incredible!”

And with that beard grown now and all that ink, you’re looking quite rugged. You must be starting to kill it out on the apps.

“Actually, Coach, I’m still feeling a bit insecure when I chat with guys. I guess I still feel the sting of all those past rejections.”

Well, not only do I think you should be more confident, I think you should be dominating all those guys. You just have that look about you. I bet deep down the thought of becoming more dominant is already starting to stir your cock.

In fact, you can just strip away all those insecurities now, toss them down on the floor with your clothes. You simply don’t need them right now. You won’t need them ever again as they simply disappear now. Forget them and your inhibitions. All you need to do is let go to Coach’s voice. You’re so used to it already as Coach helped you to shed that unwanted fat and build that muscle. And so when I tell you to just relax, you can’t help but to relax for Me right now.  Relax and absorb all these suggestions deep into your subconscious. Absorb the suggestions that will help you to feel more and more confident. Feel yourself becoming more confident that you are a natural dominant. It’s been in you all along, just waiting for your outside to match that aggressive stud that’s always been on the inside. Take a sniff. Realize how amazing your musk is now that you’re hitting the gym more.
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Musky Jocks

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Becoming Roscoe – Pt 3 of 3

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Grinding Rippers; Rippers Grinding

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Resolution Buddies

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On Top of the World

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