It’s always such a good idea to stretch those muscles ahead of a workout**…
…getting more and more limber for all those sessions with your hot jock teammates…
…staying as flexible as possible even as that mass keeps growing bigger and bigger.
Working that core… building those muscles….
This becomes your new favorite gym, for everything about it feels so very right…. everybody here so obsessed with muscle…. both building their own, and lusting after the muscle of others.
As you look into the mirror in this relaxed state, it’s so easy for you to see your ideal self looking back at you. You’ve worked so hard to become such a powerful, muscular guy that can get by on his muscles. And because you can get by on your muscles, you know you’re finally at the point where absolutely nothing else matters. Only muscle. That man in the mirror loves when he works up a sweat getting even bigger. That man in the mirror loves when his muscles are worshiped. That man in the mirror is a total meathead. Go ahead… reach your arms out to that mirror now….and feel him take over you.
“Fuck yeah Coach, check out my muscle. You wanna feel Coach?
Or you wanna wait til I’m even more pumped after I go lift?”
Just relax. You’ve worked so hard to build up your muscle, and now it’s time to enjoy it more than ever before.
The deeper you go for me, the more sensitive you start to feel – anything you touch makes you feel aroused. Anytime you flex fills you with ecstasy.
When I wake you up, you’ll so easily embrace this new you – a man whose muscles give him pleasure as he puts on shows, serves as an escort, and does anything else where he might flex or have his muscles felt up. It all just feels so good…
“Oh yeah Coach – so horned to get out there! This muscle was meant to be enjoyed!”
I’m proud to offer a new erotic hypnosis mp3 for your enjoyment! Based on a custom file but with a few of the specifics edited down to a more generalized file, this hypno file has you stroke into trance so you can better visualize the following fantasy…
You, an average guy, are working out in the gym while also watching a hunky bodybuilder perfect his physique. You finish up before him and head to the locker room to hit the showers … before you get that far, you find a potion in your locker with a note saying it will help your own muscles grow. You aren’t sure where it came from – do you dare trust it? What are the effects? Yet, you know it might be your only chance to impress that bodybuilding stud that never seems to notice you. So you take it… and well, you can guess what else is involved from the title! It’s a hot story that hopefully gives all you muscle freak lovers an intense orgasm!
This file is available on NiteFlirt & In-Charge via My Hypnosis Page – you can of course also send $22.99 to me via alternative payment options, just ask and be sure to leave the memo lines blank! Here’s a short preview of what to expect:
Each sniff of that jock dumbs you down further… you are coming a dumb jock…. obsessed with working out…. and working as a dumb laborer to help pay your way.
Just becoming more simple with each and every inhale of that sweat… that stench… this is the jock of a man that works out… and has a lot of sex…
Sniff that jock… and realize this is what your jocks will smell like.
The aroma of that jock continues to make changes inside of your mind… you can feel it. Making you more simple. Complex thoughts are just so hard now.
Hard… just like your cock. This is what you think with from now on. Always so very horny. Always such simple needs. Muscle and sex.
When I wake you up, you’ll experiment with the toy I have provided for you… at first just getting used to it… but the more you feel it inside of you… the more you enjoy it.
“Damn Coach, this sorta feels nice. Never thought me bottom.
Go ahead, recruit… look at your assigned jock. You will find yourself lusting over your jock… working to get muscles at least as big as his are now. He’ll keep working too, so you might never catch up… but you’ll try.
Get closer, jock… recruit, take a good long sniff.This is the smell of a muscle jock that has proven himself a gladiator in the gym.
This is what you will aspire to be as well… working hard until you too are as strong as a warrior.
Until you reach that point, you will learn how to best please your jock… as well as Coach. Go ahead – work that cock now, and know you taste the cock of a true gym gladiator. This is the cock you’ll crave inside of you… more and more as the training continues.