Tag Archives: muscle

Muscle Slaves Earn Their Keep

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Flashback Friday: Everything Checks Out

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here. 

“Coach, I thought I was here to help inspect some of your newest jocks. Why is he wearing scrubs and thinking he’s a doctor?”“And there it is. Definitely not a fellow physician if he’s using a stethoscope down here.”

Well… why don’t you go just ahead and give him an examination now. He should be very compliant for it once you start.

“Alright, you heard Coach. Let’s begin our thorough exam of all your orifices. We’ll check out your jockhole and then move on to your throat.”“And it looks like My indicator stick is standing right up, jock. I’m going to have to really get in there and do a deeper examination.”

Continue reading Flashback Friday: Everything Checks Out

Country Fair Torment

The following is an anonymous user submission, being posted today in honor of Coach Josh’s birthday. Feel free to write and send your own story in honor of it as well, with other gifts also welcome 🙂


I’m not sure how I got there, but the sudden smell of funnel cakes and popcorn snapped me out of my daze.  Instantly I became aware of random carnival noises and crowd chatter.  I instinctively tightened my glutes, stiffened my arms, spread my lats, inflated my pecs, tightened my abs and clenched my jaw.  I don’t know why, I just did – as the sea of carnival goers passed by nonchalantly… except for the few admirers who stole a gawk or two.

Two years earlier I had committed to stepping up my fitness regimen.  I had reached one bitch of a plateau and couldn’t get past it.  I changed up my nutrition, tweaked my workouts, hired a personal trainer, more cardio, less cardio, drop sets, HIIT, carb-cycling, intermittent fasting, split routines, been there, done that.  As a last resort, I purchased some hypnosis MP3s online hoping they might provide an extra edge that could propel me past this progress slump.  It was a long-shot I was willing to take.  Plus, I figured I could slap together a shitload of these “motivational” scripts and listen to them on a continuous loop throughout the night while I slept.  Multitasking!  Couldn’t hurt, right?

That was two years ago.  Two years of mind-fuck—every night.  Oh, I was a willing participant, and boy did it suck me in from the start.  My pumps when through the roof, my “perfect” nutrition was now spot on, my body fat decreased, my shirts were getting WAY tighter (in all the right place), my ass developed an awesome bubble shape that even made ME horny, and – as a happy side effect – my dick was hard quite often.  I was constantly horny – and it made me workout even harder. Continue reading Country Fair Torment

The Team Surprises Coach

“Hey Coach, we heard the Alphas were getting you a gift, so me and the other guys on the team wanted to make sure we got you something special too. We couldn’t make up our mind, though, so we actually ended up getting you two gifts.

Franco here has been transformed into a total himbo slave. He’s constantly horny for Superior men and will be a perfect addition to any of your establishments. Of course, you can enjoy him first for as long as you’d like, Coach!

And this, this is Drax. We made him an obedient muscle slave for you because we just knew you’d love his furry muscle. He also has some guard dog qualities, Coach, and will be fiercely loyal and protective of you.”

Wow, guys, this is incredible. How did you train them?

“We didn’t, you did!”
“Leave it to one of the dumb jocks on the team to be confusing. He means we used your recordings, Coach. And then just programmed them relentlessly. Both were so eager for fresh starts in life and open to leaving their stressful lives behind for a more simple existence.”
“Bro, isn’t that what I just said? Coach made them simple!”
“He made you simple, too.”
“And simple is good, bro. Get with the program!”
“Anyway, Coach, we recorded a lot of their sessions listening to your recordings if you want to watch their transformations. They both made it easy by being naturals!”

Continue reading The Team Surprises Coach

Lost and Found

Caleb wasn’t entirely sure what had led him to pack a bag and hit the open road that day. He felt like he simply needed to go on a hitchhiking adventure, but yet he also felt like he had to go down a certain road instead of stand near a highway with more traffic. And though the road had little traffic, a few cars had stopped and asked him if he needed a ride. “No, I’m just going for a walk,” he’d end up responding. “Thanks for stopping though!” It was warm enough to take off his shirt, revealing an incredibly toned physique, but still early enough that he could comfortable enjoy being outdoors.
Yet any time he tried to think about why he was there or if he should go home, his mind started to become fuzzy. The only thing that felt right was to keep walking, occasionally breaking to stand to the side when he saw a vehicle approaching. Why did he think he needed to go hitchhiking, but kept turning down rides? Such questions muddled his mind some more, and he just kept walking until he saw a sleek black car approaching. This time was different than before, as the music coming from the rolled-down windows sounded strangely familiar. He needed to talk with the driver.

Continue reading Lost and Found

Warming Up for Coach

You’ve been wearing a lot more tanks and muscle tees lately. You’re really getting to love showing off, huh, meathead?

“Whatchya talkin’ about, Coach? This is what I’ve always loved wearing.”

Not at the firm when you wore suits and ties.

“Ya dum, Coach. Only muscles and dicks are firm.”

That’s right, jock. And I know you’ll love showing both of those off to Me right now, won’t you?

“Aww Coach, but these jeans are so tight on my legs cuz my quads keep growin’ big. Can’t I just leaf them on?”


“Yes, SIR, Coach!”

That’s a good boy.

“Feels so fuckin’ good when you call me that.”

Good boy. Just feels so good for you to obey, doesn’t it jock?

“Yes Coach. It’s making me really hard Coach. Hard to think about anything but how hard I am Coach. Fuck, Coach, are you hard? I want Coach hard inside of Me.”

Soon enough, musclehead. But first we’re going do some more training.

“What kind of trainin’, Coach?”

Reinforcement as you RELAX, JOCK.

Continue reading Warming Up for Coach

The Jock’s Transformation

Reid had been one of My top jocks, though it did take him a year or so before he achieved that status. A scrawny freshman, I saw potential in him and convinced him to give My hypnosis a try to help him become more confident with working out.  He proved extremely moldable, though I left his core persona in tack and simple focused on improving his body and his social standing.

Soon, Reid was devoting much of his time in college to building up a body that he knew would please Coach. A former geek, he had truly embraced the life of a jock, becoming one of my most skilled players and becoming quite popular around campus.  It didn’t hurt that his physical transformation became an impressive feat that he loved to show off, often going shirtless around campus.

As one of my most suggestible jocks, it was easy to boost that desire for muscle and raise his confidence levels.  Once too shy to take his shirt off at the pool, Reid was now far less inhibited and enjoyed the attention his increasingly hard physique had started attracting to him. I could tell he really utilized My special recordings over his first summer break, and he truly had become that popular jock from his sophomore year on. And if I ever saw old doubts beginning to return, all I had to do was say his special trigger phrase and he’d be knocked out against the locker or on the weight bench – wherever he happened to be as I triggered him. Of course, I often encouraged he craved some special attention from Coach while he was under as well, his ass always ready to be used by Me.

Continue reading The Jock’s Transformation

Nice and Slow

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