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The file that received the most votes on Patreon during April is MUSCLE TOY / MUSCLE PUP. This is about those that love the idea of building muscle that is then objectified, “owned muscle” in a sense though I can do various versions of this – erotic or not, gear or not, etc. It is now pledging through May, or you may contact me to pay $75 via other means. It will be done sometime starting June or July and hopefully to clients by end of July (I’d love to have it done before IPAWH in July so will aim for sooner).
In the mean time, there are several files one can join in on for $100 each (or less for Patrons but must pay other ways than Patron as these will all hopefully be done before the next Patron charges):
FIT FOR SEX – an erotic file about getting fit for sex and the benefits a healthy body has for a healthy sex life. LAST CALL, WILL RECORD VERY SOON.
GYM GOD – a traditional musclemesmerizer file has you entering a cave with ancient statues of Roman/Greek (other?) gods/demigods like Apollo and Hercules/Heracles. You get imbued with the spirit of one. Little more time than Fit for Sex but also mostly written and recorded soon so get on this fast.
MEATHEAD PERSONA – erotic or not, it is about having the persona of a meathead. Compared to the next file, it’s more obsessive about muscle and can be with or without a simple/dumb aspect.
ATHLETE/BODYBUILDER MINDSET – Two versions of this file, both driving in great traits shared by these types like discipline, focus, etc. but one with a leaner muscle aspect and one with a bigger muscle aspect.
E-mail me if interested – musclemesmerizer at g mail dt com
I’m going to aim to do all four of these this month so I can get caught up, but editing does take a lot of time so wish me luck and PLEASE feel free to support me via Patreon or other means. The more I am able to save (which after taxes is pretty much nothing right now), the more I can focus on redoing the sites and getting great new content to you guys, hopefully getting new stories up soon too!
Also, one area I’m starting to explore a bit is shirt design, that’d be another way to support me while also getting something in return. Check me out on various sites like Redbubble, Spreadshirt, and TeeSpring.
What’s this I hear about you bossing some of the other jocks around – even rookies that haven’t been assigned to you?
“Just remindin’ them I’m top dog, Coach.”
I suppose some enjoy it. Perhaps you’d like to bark even more orders at them?
“Fuck yeah Coach!”
Very good… then just relax as you stroke…
Just stroking yourself deeper and deeper… it feels so good to just let go… letting go of who you are more and more.
As you go deep, you know that you like to be top dog… but think of why that is right now… why is it that you’ve felt so insecure that you need to be the one in charge… and as you think of that, start to realize there is a part of you that’d rather just let go of it all….
Deep down, you had bullied others because you felt insecure yourself… so much anxiety running through your head. But it’s okay, because now you can just let go… and it feels so much better.
Thanks to my programming, you’ll accept this new life… loving your new role as the bottom dog for the team.
“Woof Woof Coach!
My Master is giving me a few rare moments in human form on the computer and I wanted to write you a thanks Coach. Your files really help me get in pup headspace! About the only time I get to be human is workout time, and your files help with that too!
Not that I mind the lack of human time when the rest of my time is often spent licking my favorite bone!”
“Of course, I really love when Master takes full advantage of his muscle pup!
I am in puppy heaven when I am on all fours and look back to watch Master’s big cock slide in!
Boy does that make this pup’s tail wag!”
“And best of all is when he pats me on the head right after he’s made me his, and calls me a good boy for taking it all!
Thank you again Coach – hope you are getting to spoil a pup of your own!
– Bandit”
Images courtesy of – click here for more. I’m not sure if any of these models are really into pup play, but they are seriously hunky!
“It’s as if being naked is my natural state. Just me and my fur.
Yes, Sir. I do want to be your good boy.
Your bone is my favorite bone. It makes my tail wag, Sir.”
I have no idea what fetishes Owen really enjoys, but I do know he’s hot as hell – and you can see much more of him at