Tag Archives: muscle lust

A New Army

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A Carefree Jock

“Coach, some of the guys on your team seem to be so muscled and yet so carefree. I’m kind of jealous. What’s the secret to their success?

There’s no secret at all, jock. They simply know that there’s no need to worry about all those other things in life that really do not matter that much. After all, isn’t it better to just be simply focused on the things in life that bring you joy and happiness?

“Yeah, that makes sense, Coach. But I wouldn’t say a workout brings me joy.”

Yet the results do. The results of having more muscle. That wonderful feeling of knowing you are growing bigger and stronger. And the more you begin to realize how much joy that can fill you with, the more you will be able to find joy in those workouts.

It just feels so good to work up a sweat and push those muscles just the right amount that they are left so ready to grow. Your body is already nice and lean, but when you further push those muscles and then feed it the protein and supplements those muscles have been craving, you’ll truly begin to grow even bigger.

So just go ahead and strip off that shirt and begin to strip away all inhibitions as you find yourself so ready to relax further to My voice now.

Realize how good it already feels to be letting go more and more to each and every word. The more you focus on My voice, the more you can allow my words to push out all those thoughts you simply do not need any more. Just let them all begin to drain, drain, drain. 
Those thoughts draining out of your mind and down to your cock. That’s right. Just become like My other jocks, and know that means allowing yourself to simply let go of everything that doesn’t matter. And what does matter? Your dick will tell you that. Your brains will drain down, down, down as you begin to think with that cock. Realize that trying to think can sometimes just be so hard, but sometimes that dick is so nice and hard too – so why not just think with that dick? Go ahead and take it out now, and allow those brains to further drain down with every stroke.

Continue reading A Carefree Jock

Seduced and Enslaved in the Gym

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Muscle Lust Convert

You’re looking good, jock. How’s the dating life? Any  new girlfriends?

“Nah, Coach. I’m just focused on muscle right now. And I know women can have muscles too but it’s just not the same, you know? The more I look at other guys for muscle inspiration, the more I’m starting to question how much I want it only as inspiration. Do you know what I mean?”

Absolutely, jock. It’s not hard for that lust for muscle to turn into lust for muscled men.

“Exactly Coach.” And as the jock watches My smile, it begins to dawn on him. “Wait a minute Coach, did you make Me gay?”

I think deep down, you know that’s not possible. People can’t just choose to be a sexuality. That said, I think you also know deep down that it’s much more on a spectrum then people like to admit, and sometimes we don’t even realize that due to all the pressures and standards of society.Clearing your mind of all those things so that there was more room to focus on muscle, helped to make your true attractions more clear to you. That’s simply all I did.

Continue reading Muscle Lust Convert

Meathead Exhibitionist

There is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are, with all the same memories, but his interests are different for all he cares about is muscle. Sure, you already care about muscle, but I mean it is ALL he cares about. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about. He wants it to become more of an obsession for you. For he is a meathead – and the more you begin to flex those muscles for Me, the more you allow that meathead to take over. And when you begin thinking about more muscle, you find that more and more of your mind becomes devoted to things like workout techniques and meal optimization.

When that meathead takes over, it is as if all other learned knowledge is locked away into a place where it can still be accessed if needed – but you don’t need it when building muscle. You only need to know the things that help you to hulk out. So begin pushing those memories to the background now, as you also begin stripping down. And as you strip down, you also strip away more of those inhibitions. Simply becoming more and more comfortable showing off that muscle for Coach. More and more of your free time is devoted to muscle, and more and more of your thoughts are devoted to muscle. And while you still have that side that knows you need to keep making money to afford the gym and supplements, perhaps what you do becomes less important so long as you still can make money that helps you to build muscle. Just keep flexing and allow that musclehead persona to become more prominent.

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Gym Crush

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Spectacular Specimen



Just going deeper into trance as you look into that mirror.

Visualizing your muscles getting so big. Massive.

You can feel them inside of you now – you’re so strong.

The more you imagine those muscles, the hornier you get.

And you will use this to help power your workouts.

Each workout making you so horny … each time you get horny making you want to build even more muscle.

And when the image you visualize in the mirror is finally matched by reality, you’ll find that lust for muscle turns into a lust for your Coach…

… such a horny muscle stud incredibly grateful that Coach has helped motivate you into becoming such a spectacular specimen. 


Images courtesy of Powermen.com – click here for more hot musclemen & bodybuilders showing off all their muscles!

Hard Muscles, Dude!


“Dude, did you get hard looking at that fitness mag?”

“Bro, not cool!”

“No way man, your dick is throbbing!”

“Don’t mean nothin’. Just been workin’ with Coach to crave that hard muscle, push harder in the gym, ya’ know?”

“Yeah, and I got a hard muscle for you right here.”

Soon both boys had succumbed to Coach’s programming. It wasn’t hard for Keith, who was already gay, to give in… but Toby had taken more work. Yet Coach’s words took over: You crave that hard muscle. You want that hard muscle yourself. When in your gym, it’s almost like you can taste it. You wish you could taste it. And as soon as you do get a taste of that hard muscle you’ve come to lust after, there’s no going back…. the desire for that hard muscle will consume you.

Before long you’ll need that hard muscle to enter you in any and all ways possible.
MyBrotherInLawSTG18small              Images courtesy of Str8toGay.com from Men.com – click here for more steamy videos of straight studs seduced into steamy sex!