Just relax. You’ve worked so hard to build up your muscle, and now it’s time to enjoy it more than ever before.
The deeper you go for me, the more sensitive you start to feel – anything you touch makes you feel aroused. Anytime you flex fills you with ecstasy.
When I wake you up, you’ll so easily embrace this new you – a man whose muscles give him pleasure as he puts on shows, serves as an escort, and does anything else where he might flex or have his muscles felt up. It all just feels so good…
“Oh yeah Coach – so horned to get out there! This muscle was meant to be enjoyed!”
Each sniff of that jock dumbs you down further… you are coming a dumb jock…. obsessed with working out…. and working as a dumb laborer to help pay your way.
Just becoming more simple with each and every inhale of that sweat… that stench… this is the jock of a man that works out… and has a lot of sex…
Sniff that jock… and realize this is what your jocks will smell like.
The aroma of that jock continues to make changes inside of your mind… you can feel it. Making you more simple. Complex thoughts are just so hard now.
Hard… just like your cock. This is what you think with from now on. Always so very horny. Always such simple needs. Muscle and sex.
When I wake you up, you’ll experiment with the toy I have provided for you… at first just getting used to it… but the more you feel it inside of you… the more you enjoy it.
“Damn Coach, this sorta feels nice. Never thought me bottom.
Go ahead, recruit… look at your assigned jock. You will find yourself lusting over your jock… working to get muscles at least as big as his are now. He’ll keep working too, so you might never catch up… but you’ll try.
Get closer, jock… recruit, take a good long sniff.This is the smell of a muscle jock that has proven himself a gladiator in the gym.
This is what you will aspire to be as well… working hard until you too are as strong as a warrior.
Until you reach that point, you will learn how to best please your jock… as well as Coach. Go ahead – work that cock now, and know you taste the cock of a true gym gladiator. This is the cock you’ll crave inside of you… more and more as the training continues.
Relaxing deeper and deeper with each stroke. It feels so good.
Remain in trance, but open your eyes and stare into that mirror. Imagine that your ideal you is staring back at you. Bigger than you already are. So obsessed with the gym. Loving to flex and enjoying a good fuck.
That horny musclehead is the you that you want to be. He’s the type of guy that loves to rub the nipples on his hard pecs… the type of guy that loves to lick his growing biceps… the type of guy that loves to work up both in the gym and in the bedroom.
He is waiting to take over you. Go ahead… touch your cock to the mirror now.
As you do, you’ll feel your energies being transferred. Everything that’s been holding you back… it travels into the mirror… never to hold you back again. You’re free from distractions. And that musclehead energy travels inside of you… forever transforming you.
“Fuck yeah Coach! Fuck I need to work up a sweat… wanna join me?”
Feel that weight that’s been holding you back in the gym.
It feels so physical to you right now… you can feel what is holding you back.
As you relax, I want you to feel strong enough to break those chains free.
You will be able to cast aside that weight as you become your true self – the you that you’ve always wanted to be.
“Yo Coach! Thanks so much man for helpin’ me. Always wanted to be a boxer but was afraid of the pain.
But fuckin’ realized I don’t care ’bout nothin’ else. Finally made it happen and owe it to you. Just look at these muscles you built! So awesome Coach!”
“Hell no, Coach! All that creative shit and deadlines gives me headaches. Need to find somethin’ where I can get down and dirty, ya know what I’m saying?”
“Yo Coach! Good to see ya again. Gotta say I love my new life.
Workin’ on cars and shit – it’s baller!”
Glad to see you enjoying it.
“Def’ man! How ’bout ya come back to my place so I can thank ya the right way?!”
You’ve been working so hard to build that muscle. And the more you have worked out, the more of a musclehead you have become. It feels so good to be one of my fitdimwits. Now it’s time to use those muscles to make us money. Just feel all your inhibitions fade away.
This is why you have been building muscle. So others would find you sexy and want to worship you. Even pay to worship you. And you love to help their fantasies come true, just as I am helping your fantasies to become real.
“Yo, Coach, you so right ’bout this corner, man! Rich dudes walk by here all the time and almost all of ’em wanna worship these guns.
Been makin’ major buck. Got your share back at my place. Wud love to thank ya with a freebie too bro.”