Tag Archives: meathead persona

Reinforcing The Meathead Persona

Look at you, looking so tough and confident. You can barely even remember that skinny nerd you used to be. You can barely remember prioritizing your career over your muscles, as muscle has simply taken over more and more. And the results are paying off, meathead, because you are looking beefier and beefier.

Yet it’s never a bad idea to reinforce that meathead persona of yours, as his takeover of you becomes more and more permanent. And it’s never a bad idea to reinforce those good habits that help a musclehead like you build bigger and stronger muscle. So why don’t you go ahead and begin stripping down once again for Coach, as you also begin to strip away any lingering inhibitions that might be keeping you from becoming that total meathead.

It’s just so easy to accept deep down that muscle is the most important thing in the world to you, and the only thing in the world you must do is build more muscle. Sure, you still have to work to afford the gym and supplements, but material things simply matter less and less to you. And more and more you let go of caring about what anybody thinks about what you do for a living. It doesn’t matter.

You don’t need status or power, besides the power that you build inside of that body. You don’t need brains when the brawns are becoming more and more important to you. You just need a job that lets you afford simple accommodations as you otherwise focus more and more on building that muscle.

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The Meathead’s Roommate

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The Meathead Takes Over

“Hey Coach, I’ve been loving to work out for you, but I want to grow even bigger. Can you help me?”

Of course, jock. What did you have in mind for goals?

“Well, like… I just wanna be huge, Coach. So obsessed with muscle that it becomes all I can think about.”

A real meathead, eh?

“Exactly Coach.”With that eagerness for muscle already existing, I bet there’s already a meathead inside of you, just waiting to break free.

“You think so, Coach? Because that’d be awesome.”

I do think so, but you really shouldn’t be thinking too much about it yourself. You should just be stripping away all those layers of doubts and anxieties so we can find him inside of you. Just allow yourself to strip away any hesitations because deep down you want to grow even stronger. And allow yourself to strip away any inhibitions, because deep down you want to grow as big as humanly possible. Just keep letting go further and further as you continue to strip down to the bare essentials, stripping away any lingering resistance that is keeping you from becoming the you that you want to be deep down. And now just strip away any unnecessary thoughts, and in fact the need to think at all. You just don’t need to worry about that as a meathead. All you have to do is become that man of action that loves to think with his dick.

After all, thinking is hard, your dick is hard, so why not just think with your dick? It’s almost as if your brain is draining down to it right now. That’s right. Your head up there is becoming so full of muscle as you become a total musclehead that it’s so much more simple to just think with that head in your meaty cock like the meathead you are. You are becoming a man of action. You don’t need to think about it. You just do. You do go work out more often and more efficiently as you push yourself harder. You do eat more and more of the foods that will help you to grow. You do find yourself loving to show off those muscles, muscles that you’ll love using to dominate jocks that are smaller than the muscle jock meathead you are becoming. Yet when it comes to Coach, you’ll always enjoy submitting to Me like such a good boy. Your ass is already getting so horned up thinking about Coach fucking it and using all that meathead muscle.

You are feeling more and more like that meathead that has always been inside of you. You know he has been there deep down, every time you worked out to build more muscle. He’s been there every time you have ever lusted after muscle. He’s been there simply waiting to take over you. And more and more, he is taking over you – and all he can think about is muscle.  Building it stronger. Growing it bigger. Flexing it as you show off. The muscle is taking over your mind so much, it leaves little room for anything else. Just push those other thoughts out of your mind; you simply will not need them anymore.

As you strip away the last of your unneeded intelligence with the last of your clothing, you can feel that transformation becoming more complete and more permanent. And yet, no matter how much of a dumb muscle jock meathead you are, there are some things you always know. You always know all about bodybuilding, nutrition and supplements. This is the main area that has filled your mind, and will will your mind. You always know how to use cameras, phones, and laptops in ways that let you show off for money. You make muscle hard, and muscle makes you hard. Lifting can be so arousing, and flexing can even be orgasmic. You lust for muscle for yourself, and you lust for muscle on others, loving the thought of having that muscle used by Coach or using it do dominate those hot submissive jocks. You will also always know the basics that keep you safe, and you will always know that you are so grateful to Coach. And when this session is done, you are going to love to show Me just how grateful you are – but for now, just keep letting that meathead persona take over. You are becoming a total meathead, so obsessed with muscle. You are a total meathead, so obsessed with muscle.
The above is fiction though maybe you have a meathead persona you desire to take over you, or you can just enjoy beating your meat “head” to tantalizing hunks like this at IconMale.com – click here for more and to see them in hot scenes!



Muscle-Obsessed Meathead

“Coach, your hypnosis has truly helped me grow and become more comfortable in my own skin. I used to hate being shirtless but now I love showing off this physique. Yet, it’s so hard to keep at it when I feel like life keeps getting in the way. I’ve always cared too much about what other people think, be it what they think of my career or how I dress or anything else. I’ve always been aiming to impress. Yet, I’m realizing more and more that I’ve never felt happier than when I focus on muscle just for me. Is this something you can help me with?”

Sure is, jock, and it starts with helping you to further strip away all those anxieties and insecurities. As you listen to My voice, you already feel yourself wanting to just strip away all those worries, simply stripping further down as you relax. It simply feels so good to truly begin to relax so deep for Me now.

It’s so natural that you’ve realized that muscle is what makes you happy. After all, there is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are with all the same memories, but the only thing he cares about is muscle. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about – for he is a total musclehead. And deep down, you have longed to be that musclehead.

Just forget about anything but muscle. Forget about what others expect of you. Forget needing to impress them. Your muscle will impress the only people that begin to matter to you, other muscleheads and Coach. You crave this muscle. You crave to build it on yourself. You crave to show it off. You crave to see it on others and love helping them grow bigger. You want to hang with other big, buff men, just as buds hanging out and working out. And the thought of all of this is just beginning to turn you on so much, as you continue to strip away all inhibitions and simply give in now to the pleasure of being a musclehead.

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Earning a Meathead

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Meathead Exhibitionist

There is a muscle man inside of you, yearning to take over. He is an alternate version of who you are, with all the same memories, but his interests are different for all he cares about is muscle. Sure, you already care about muscle, but I mean it is ALL he cares about. And muscle is all that he wants you to care about. He wants it to become more of an obsession for you. For he is a meathead – and the more you begin to flex those muscles for Me, the more you allow that meathead to take over. And when you begin thinking about more muscle, you find that more and more of your mind becomes devoted to things like workout techniques and meal optimization.

When that meathead takes over, it is as if all other learned knowledge is locked away into a place where it can still be accessed if needed – but you don’t need it when building muscle. You only need to know the things that help you to hulk out. So begin pushing those memories to the background now, as you also begin stripping down. And as you strip down, you also strip away more of those inhibitions. Simply becoming more and more comfortable showing off that muscle for Coach. More and more of your free time is devoted to muscle, and more and more of your thoughts are devoted to muscle. And while you still have that side that knows you need to keep making money to afford the gym and supplements, perhaps what you do becomes less important so long as you still can make money that helps you to build muscle. Just keep flexing and allow that musclehead persona to become more prominent.

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