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Seizing an Opportunity

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Negotiating a Deal

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Albie’s Transformation

I’m still having some technical difficulties but at least have this workaround for now… hopefully it works and apologizes on any image sizing issues!

It had been the hope that Albie would be able to come over and visit Coach this summer, but of course those plans had changed this year through no faults of our own. Still, Albie was committed to making Coach happy and wanted to show Me just how much of a good boy he could be for Me, which is why he often sent Me sexy photos of himself. As much as he wanted to cam more, he understood Coach’s time was incredibly full… but tonight the good boy was going to get rewarded. With nowhere to go for the near-term future, Albie had also decided it would be the perfect time to fully embrace becoming a FitDimWit, and I was excited to help him let go further.

As we began the session, letting go is exactly what I had him focus on. Soon he would be letting go of all worries, all stress, all tensions, all anxieties, all insecurities…. anything that could get in the way of him being able to enjoy becoming a dumb jock as he then let go of intelligence. He simply had to let go further of all unnecessary thoughts, of all useless knowledge, of anything in that mind that didn’t involve basic survival or building his muscle. And of course, he would also find himself letting go further to Me.

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