Tag Archives: labor

Being Simple is Simple Work

Warning: Post contains hypnotic language for dumbing down.

It feels so good to just let go of all unneeded thoughts right now. Just letting go simply feels so good because it feels so good to be so simple. Simply knowing you have been working so hard on that body, and that hard body now makes you so hard. And so it’s only fitting that you will become such a simple hard laborer who finds it so very hard to think. Just go ahead and strip away more of that intelligence as you also strip off those clothes.

Strip away those inhibitions as you are left so simply horny to become this simple FitDimWit. Simply becoming so strong with that body so you can simply focus on all those jobs you can be left doing that use those muscles from now on. No longer caring for those jobs that are left making you think as you are left instead wanting to give right in to the simple pleasures of dumbing right down right now.

Left no longer caring about the material things in life as you are left instead enjoying all the simple pleasures. The simple satisfaction of job well done as you are left working up a sweat. Loving how a life of labor keeps that body left fit and those muscles left growing even more. It’s so nice to be able to focus right on simple task as you are left leaving all stress behind. 

The idea of a care-free life simply becomes more and more appealing to you as those brain cells you no longer need drain right down to your dick. Your dick is now standing right up as it fills up with those brains because this is what you will be left thinking with from now on. Thinking is hard. Your dick is hard. Why not just think with your dick? That is so very easy. Loving that you can be left forgetting about thinking because it is left too hard unless you are left thinking right about hard bodies.
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Flashback Friday: Slave Collar Job

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Warehouse Muscle Pigs

Elton and Reggie bust their asses doing general contractor work most days, and moonlight in the evenings with general warehouse laboring. The work is physical, which is right up their ally. The two masculine hunks are all about being physical, and the confidence they exude really shows. They built impressive bodies through grueling physical labor, though from their muscular statures, you’d never guess that the men had never seen the inside of a gym.

The two thrived on pushing their bodies to the limits – the harder the physical challenge, the more they embraced the effort.

Elton and Reggie developed a bit of a competition through their years of working together. It didn’t matter what the challenge was, they would turn it into a competition. Carrying lumber, digging footers for concrete, moving 55 gallon barrels, they always turned it into a competitive workout. And their bodies showed it. Just like any colleagues who have worked with each other for years, Elton and Reggie knew each other like brothers. And like brothers, good-natured ribbing was always on display. The men rarely wore shirts and would often strike poses after developing an extreme pump.
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