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It’s been a hectic fall, and I actually released Himbofication to My Patrons earlier in it – if you haven’t checked it out, Bronze and Silver+ Levels had special discount codes.
Meanwhile all Patrons should see special discount codes on the five different versions of the other new release, Werewolf Muscle. That’s right, five different versions! All five, including the four variations, include both a long and a short general file. The basic premise for all is the same in this erotic file – you check out a new gym where men’s inner beasts is brought out… quite literally as the gym owner and Alpha pack leader turns you into one of his werewolves. That, of course, is fantasy – but the suggestions of feeling that werewolf spirit inside of you as you beast out in the gym are real. Once again, these recordings feature binaural beats, but you may Contact Coach Josh if you are sensitive and prefer ones with the standard music track.
As if this wasn’t enough, I also recently released another file, Post-Workout Rejuvenation – like a power-nap to help re-energize you after a hard session! Check out more details here.
First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.
I wasn’t sure why, but soon I discovered that they were wasting a lot of their energy with horseplay, pranks, and other activities that distracted them from playing their best on the court.
When they showed up for training, I knew I had to keep them separate during their reprogramming, or they would distract each other – so I put them in separate rooms.
I began playing some of my special audio for Kaleb until he was drifting into a nice trance. I quietly exited, and proceeded to enter the bedroom with Archie for some one-on-one training.
Both of you will find that your unleashed desires will boost your energy on that court, for it’s only win you win a match that you will both be allowed to next orgasm.
For hours, the jocks edged into trance, finding that level where they could be left feeling incredible energy – energy they were not to release until after a win.
The programming increasingly had Bryan performing like a machine, programmed for the simple purpose of building muscle. He must work out. He must add protein.
As he began to feel more and more like a mindless machine, the being formerly known as Bryan became programmed to need fresh ‘oil’ from Coach ahead of every workout.
Fueling up with Coach’s special ‘oil’ meant his body would perform at peak performance level as he pushed himself in the gym.
As for his own “oil dispenser,” it was to be ignored unless he had first worked out. A hard workout meant hard muscles. Hard muscles meant the rod would be hard enough to dispense oil.
Only after pushing in the gym, could the man transforming into a mindless robot release his old oil. Every discharge of the used oil filled it with mindless bliss.
Yes, Clive. And it’s okay to be horny, we just need you to channel all that arousal to your bottom. I’m glad you wore a jockstrap as instructed, because that is the perfect thing to help you remember where all pleasure should be focused. It is a pleasure you sense right now as you relax for Coach.
Whenever you wear a jockstrap, your desire to jack off is diminished… it’s as if you simply cannot touch your dick while it is on, aside from those practical reasons – but never for anything sexual.