Continue reading Simply Fit for Service
Simply Fit for Service
Continue reading Simply Fit for Service
First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.
You will be given some cocks to suck, and others will fuck you or both. I leave it up to the preference of your teammates. In each case, you won’t know – at least not for sure – who is with you. And yet, you’ll know during any game that these are your trusted brothers with whom you have shared intimacy. Keeping you blindfolded will help to curb your lust for any one player, and reinforce the idea that we are all one team.
While you might eventually get to know each teammate by their dicks, this initial initiation is all about that blind trust. Feel that trust growing and helping you to bond with your team now as your first teammate begins to use your mouth. That’s it jock. Bond with your first teammate.
Soon, Reid was devoting much of his time in college to building up a body that he knew would please Coach. A former geek, he had truly embraced the life of a jock, becoming one of my most skilled players and becoming quite popular around campus. It didn’t hurt that his physical transformation became an impressive feat that he loved to show off, often going shirtless around campus.
First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.
You have been LEFT chosen to be a jock RIGHT on this team and it feels so RIGHT to be LEFT part of a proud tradition that has gone DOWN in the history books RIGHT for all the victories marked DOWN as we rose UP against our challengers one RIGHT after the other. But we were only LEFT able to do this when we were LEFT coming together as cohesive unit, as if we were LEFT one connected machine.
And it feels so RIGHT to now strip DOWN as you are LEFT preparing for the next stage of training RIGHT for Coach, knowing that you are always LEFT feeling so good as you are LEFT a better player when you are LEFT obeying Coach. Just let RIGHT go of any doubts or questions so that you are LEFT with more room RIGHT for that pleasure that is filling UP in you RIGHT now.”
“… yes SIR. No resistance. No need to question it, just obey Coach. It will feel good.”
No wonder you still look so thirsty, then, jock.
“I do, Coach?”
You do. But not for water. You look thirsty for Me.
“That’s funny, Coach. You know I’m straight.”
I know that’s what you think, jock, but I know you’ve also been having a harder and harder time thinking at all as you’ve been focusing on getting harder and harder muscle, and that’s just been making your dick get harder and harder. So just go ahead and let right go as you RELAX, JOCK. Just sit down and be left getting more comfortable as you are also left filling up with more pleasure.
No problem, jock. Looks like all that hard work is paying off. You must be really popular with the ladies.
“Nah, they don’t know how to appre…. what’s that word? Fuck. Too big. Only muscles should be big.”
“Yeah, that Coach. They don’t value muscle. Just look at all those pop stars they’re into. Fuckin’ twigs, bro. Not like this.”
Looking good, jock.