Tag Archives: hung

Lusting for that Definition

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“I’m already in decent shape Coach, but I’d like to get more of a lean muscle look.

I think it will help me attract the ladies more.”

Definitely. Let’s get you started with some relaxation. 

And reminded me when we’re done to give you a file. I have one in mind that’d be perfect for you.

“Coach, it’s good to see you again! How you been these last few months?”

Always busy, and looks like you have been too in the gym.

“Oh yeah.”

Your chest is showing a nice cut to it. The ladies must go wild for it. 

“They probably do, Coach, but I don’t care about them anymore.”

You don’t?

“I always wanted muscle and I thought it was to attract women, but the more I started working out, the more I found myself realizing I was actually attracted to muscle.”

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“Come on out, Jorge.

“Coach, meet my partner. We were gym buddies and I was loving your file, so I shared it with him.”

“I used to think I was, how you say, straight.”

“But when we got our pumps going, pushing each other, it was like our bulges just kept getting bigger and more noticeable.”

I can see that even now.

“You don’t mind do ya Coach?”

Not at all. I see my jocks together all the time. So you decided to be more than gym buddies, huh?


“Yes. Finally I kiss him.”

“Now we lust for each other’s muscles all the time.”




Images courtesy of LucasKazan.com – click here for more of these hunks and other sexy men!


Flaunt Those Muscles



Do you remember anything from the session. 

“No, Coach. I just feel like I should flex for you a bit.

I mean, I worked hard on these muscles, might as well get some notice for them, right?

But I’m not taking off the pants.”

Of course.

I bet it just feels so good to FLAUNT THOSE MUSCLES.


“Hellz yeah Coach!

I’m fookin’ huge!”

I see that musclehead. Love that you are showing me your muscles. 

I’d love to see all your muscles.

“Why’z didn’t ya say so?

Me love show you.”


“Me got one muscle want bigger.

Hit my max Coach. Need you help it grow.”

That’s why I have this lube sitting here, you meathead. I had a suspicion you’d be needing some help with that.

“What’s a sus…pe… ”

Don’t you worry about that. Let’s just focus on exercising that favorite muscle of ours….


Images courtesy of Powermen.com – click here for more hot nude bodybuilders in the MusclePartners networks!

Military Muscle Jock



That’s right. Just drifting into a nice deep trance. 

You will get both my military jock file and muscle jock file, for you have expressed interest in being a military muscle jock. 

You will combine the suggestions. For example, you will love to wear camouflage pants, boots, and other military gear…

but when it comes to the upper body, you will love to show off those muscle as much as possible. 

It feels so good to become more of a muscle-obsessed military jock… 



“Check out these guns, Sir.

I’ve been doing the military standards for exercise as part of my routine, but also hitting the gym for some extra squats, deadlifts and presses!”





Images courtesy of BadPuppy.com – click here for more hot young but naughty pups!

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Serve the Men That Serve Your Country



“Are you ready to serve the men who serve your country?”

“Sir, yes Sir!”


“Go deeper soldier. Just like Coach taught you.

That’s it. It’s so easy for military jocks like you to obey your superiors like me.

But boy, you’re just lubing me up…”


Wherever you are located, Coach hopes you have the freedom to enjoy this site, muscle, and hypnosis!



Images courtesy of BigDicksAtSchool.com, a Men.com site where plenty of hot gay action awaits you.

Ready for Big Dicks


Relaxing more with each stroke, deeper and deeper to a place of pleasure.

Those feelings of pleasure grow stronger the more you finger yourself. The more you stimulate your jockpussy.

For even though you have a nice big dick yourself, you have craved being able to take a big dick. And the more you train with Coach, the easier that will become.


As you graduate from your fingers to this massive dildo, you find that you start to crave the size.

You will find that the only way you are able to cum from now on is with something big up your ass. 




As you practice with my other jocks, you will find that each dick you take fills you with more pleasure than you knew possible. 

The bigger the dick, the more pleasure you will feel.


“Fuck me… oh … fuck me…. ”

“That’s right boy, take this MONSTER like a man.”



Images courtesy of ExtraBigDicks.com – click here for more hot HUNG hunks!


You Been Doing Your Squats?

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“Yeah, Coach, been doin’ extra squats just like you asked. In the gym and extra dumbbell ones at home too.

But why you been havin’ me do extra?”

I think it’ll make more sense to you when I introduce the newest rookie, though I don’t think he’ll stay a rookie for long.

Meet Anton. 

“Holy fuck Coach! The extra squats definitely make sense now.”

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“Thanks Coach for helping me to prepare for this monster!”




Images courtesy of Staxus.com – click here for more monster cocks & other hot action!

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Always Happy to See Coach

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Everything okay jock? You don’t look too happy to see me. 

“I’ve just got a lot on my mind is all Coach.”

Well, we can’t have that ahead of the big game. Why don’t we relax you a bit and improve your focus?

“Sure, Coach.”

In this deep state, you find it so easy to just get harder and harder as you listen to my voice. 

From now on, you will always find yourself feeling so good in my presence. Even listening to my files will make you so hard. 

You are happy to see Coach. Being happy makes you hard. You are hard for Coach.

Coach makes you hard. Being hard makes you happy. You are happy to see Coach.

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“I don’t know why Coach, but I always feel awesome when I’m around you!

It’s like I’ve never been both so happy and so horny at the same time. I love it!”


Images courtesy of BlakeMason.com – click here for more of this young hunk & others!

JockHole Feels Even Better



“You asked me to stay after practice Coach?”

Yes Donnie. Your assigned rookie says you are reluctant to use his hole.

“Well, ya, Coach. He knows how to deep throat, but his hole don’t come close to pussy. Don’t feel good.”

I bet it’d feel better if you gave it another try. You just have to RELAX.


And as we finish this session, I am going to leave you so very hard and horny. The urge to cum will be overwhelming, and yet for some reason you feel as if you can’t use your hands. You will ask me if I have anything. 

When I give you the toy to help you get off, you will realize that it feels 100 times better than the best sex you have ever had. 

You will wake up knowing deep in your subconscious how you know your Coach is always right about anything he says

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“Whoa Coach, did I fall asleep?

Musta been havin’ a sex dream ’cause I’m hard as a fuckin’ rock!

You got anything to help a bro out?”

I do Donnie. Wait here while I go grab it.

I have a feeling you’re going to really enjoy it.



“Right as always Coach. Feels amazing.”

You think that’s good? You should try your rookie’s jockhole. It will feel a thousand times more amazing than that. 

“Fuck! I better give my boy a call!”


Images courtesy of UKHotJocks.com – click here for the UK’s hottest jocks!

Big Tips


And as you continue to relax further with each and every stroke, you accept completely that you are a musclehead. 

This has been your goal for months, and you’ve been working so hard to build that body up bigger and stronger then it already was. 

Now you are finally ready to let go completely of your old life. 

Just let go, and accept how good it feels to be such a simple musclehead.

Using your muscles to make your money…. and not needing much more knowledge beyond that….

just a complete and total musclehead.

You enjoying being a handyman, musclehead?

“Course coach! Me love new life.”

Looks like your overalls are slipping a bit there…

“Wear loose. Women see muscle. Big tip.”

They have no clue you’d rather be around big muscle too, do they?



Images courtesy of LiveMuscleShow.com – see musclemen live on cam plus more hot photos and videos from the Muscle Partners websites.


A New(ly Inked) Man

 “Come on. Admit it. An inked stud like me gets ya horned up.”

“I’m just here to tutor you. Tattoos aren’t my thing at all.”


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“No? I bet you change your mind after I show you this.”

“I don’t think we have time for this. You’re flunking out of college.”

“Fuck do I care. Just here to party man.”

“I’m here on scholarship. My grades drop and I don’t know what I’d do.”

“Just watch.”

‘Fuck, what the hell has come over me….

I shouldn’t be doing this…

It’s so hard to keep caring though…

Feels too good to let go….


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“You’re like a new man. So glad I paid Coach to help make you mine.”

“Dafuq you talkin’ about?”

“Nothin’ bro. Just enjoy the ride. We’re not done yet.”



Images courtesy of DrillMyHole.com – just one of the many hot sites available at Men.com.

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