Relaxing more and more. It feels so good to let go. Allowing yourself to become more and more of a sports jock.
Nothing else matters but your passion for soccer. You work out and eat right to be in shape for each match. You practice your kicks and footwork. Just becoming more and more obsessed with improving your game.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a dumb jock. All that matters is you know your sport. All that matters is you will be amazing at soccer.
Relaxing further and further into that nice deep trance.It’s so easy to just let go and accept that you have been working so hard to build muscle for Coach.
But you want more. You want a simpler life. You want to just enjoy those muscles.
Go ahead and start stroking that cock now. As you do, you find yourself allowing to accept this desire to be a musclehead.
And as you start to stare at the dick, you realize… this is what you will think with from now on. Always so horny to build muscle. Always so horny for hot muscle action. Always so horny for Coach.
That’s right Professor Lyman. In this tranced state, it’s so easy for you to accept your desire to have this cock inside of you. The cock of a young, hung college stud. You can feel its potency in your hand. So close you can smell the musk. So close you can taste the powerful precum.
And more than anything, you want this seed in your ass. To be bred by your student. But this only happens if you give my FitDimWits passing grades. Grades that allow them to stay on the team even after I’ve transformed them into meatheads and dumb jocks.
“Awesome of you to give me a B minus professor dude.”
“Keep fucking me like this and I’ll make it an A plus!”
“The beach was a good idea Coach. Love the fresh air.”
Beautiful out. Easy to relax in, and just reflect about what it is one really wants.
“Yes…. I think…. sometimes this fresh air makes me wish I hadn’t given up my bike. I used to love the open road. Heck, I even enjoyed tuning it up. Sometimes I wonder what if I’d gone down a simpler road.”
Is that something you’d like?
Simply relaxing more with each stroke, and allowing yourself to feel so comfortable up there on that motorcycle. It’s where you belong.
And allowing your passion for motorcycles to take over means there’s not much room for anything else.
You just are becoming a total gearhead. The type of guy that loves fixing up bikes, riding his “hog,” and working out so that you look so sexy up on that motorcycle.
“One sec, Coach, just tuning her up. Then me take you on ride.”
That’s right boy. Accepting it more and more with every stroke.
You have wanted to be a dumb redneck, but have been afraid to let go. And yet, you know that you can let go when you know it’s only temporary. And that is why you accept you will only be a dumb redneck whenever you wear that bandanna.
It will act as a trigger. Every time you put on that bandanna, you simply feel as if it is a block to your brain, preventing it from thinking. And when you don’t think, you find it so easy to just be that dumb redneck loving redneck things.
“Howdy, Coach. Ain’t sure I feel no dif’rent when I think… fuck.I don’t like thinkin’. Make ma head hurt. There any NASCAR on TV? Beer in the fridge? How ’bout any chew? I reckon a Coach like you don’t like chew. Maybe ya got somethin’ else I can put in my mouth?”
“It’s my rookie. I’ve had him suck me up until now, but I decided it was time to let him in on the fun and suggested a mutual jerk. And I saw his cock for the first time. It’s huge Coach! I feel so inadequate in comparison.”
That’s no problem. We can do a session with the confidence.
“No, Coach, that’s not what I want. I like how it makes me feel. I think… I think I want to be his dumb cockslave.”
“I actually had felt it through his pants when we made out and suggested the jerk because I wanted to see it with my own eyes. And now I can’t get it off my mind.”
Back when you were a rookie, I could tell you always eyed the top jocks with the biggest cocks. I assigned this rookie to you for a reason.
“So you aren’t disappointed?”
Not at all boy. Your rookie, Mike, has shown great promise. I think it’s time we graduated him to a top jock and moved you over to the FitDimWit program. Now let’s find Mike.
That giant cock becomes your obsession. There’s no room to think. You simply allow yourself to let go of all other thoughts. Nothing except for Mike’s dumb cockslave. Needing to please him, and of course Coach. You’ll still know how to work out, but you find yourself doing it wanting to become an even more worthy cockslave. You find yourself succeeding during the game, focused on winning so that Mike will be in a great mood as he lets you worship that cock.
Your ass relaxes as that big dildo goes up. It feels so good preparing yourself for Mike’s huge dick.Just a dumb cockslave, and yet this is what makes you happy. Accept that as you take that cock into all of your holes now.