That’s right Mark, just licking your new rookie’s cock and claiming him all for yourself.
This is the rookie you will be paired with for the rest of the season, and this weekend’s camping expedition will help to bond you more closely and intimately than you ever could have imagined.
Rookie, you’ll do everything you can please the jock that has picked you, for he has claimed you as his.
Mark has gone through this program himself and excelled, and you are to follow his example and fulfill his needs.
In learning to fulfill your jock’s needs, you learn to put the team’s needs ahead of your own. In becoming intimate with your jock, you discover that knowing each other’s rhythms helps you out on the court.
Go bond with each other now. There’s a long season ahead and a good jock takes every advantage he can get.
All you want in life is big muscle. You will do anything for it… including become a muscleslave.
You want to get bigger not just because we both like the way it looks, but because love the thought of using your muscles to help protect your Master.
As you look in the mirror now, you can see it now… you are becoming a bodyguard. Allowing your mind to be so simple as you simply rely on your instincts and strengths. Building your body even bigger so you can guard even better.
“Oh just you Coach. Whatchya doin’ here man?”
I just came to see how you liked helping secure your master’s property slave.
“Love it Coach. He off pickin’ up supplies. Me guard. Just did round. How about a quickie before me check again?”
I was a nerdy-jock in college until last month. You know, a straight-A student at uni that technically was on the football team, but I didn’t get to play much. I wasn’t a star jock, just a benchwarmer, and thus wasn’t very popular. I wished I could be more like those guys that can just relax and have fun. A cocky jock fratboy type.
One day sitting in my dorm, I decided I had finally had enough. I desperately searched the Internet for ways I could become preppier, manlier… anything that made me more of a jock than I was. As I was surfing on the internet for solutions or a manual to do that, I saw an interesting link about hypnosis and magic mumbo-jumbo for mental and body transformation. I entered into the site when a text popped up on my screen. Its title was “What’s your inner jock personality?”. I was excited about the title of course, but also in part because the geek in me enjoyed quizzes.
Thank you Coach for opening up our minds and working our bodies so we can truly enjoy this bountiful feast. And we thank the Higher Power, whoever He/She/It may be, for populating this earth with both white & dark meat, for we love both varieties.
“Coach, your files succeeded in motivating me for fitness, yet I have a hard time believing you can really dumb me down.”
Yet that is what you want?
“It is. I have so many loans from pre-med but I’m just so tired of stress. I don’t know that’s the life I really want.”
Then stop thinking about if it’s possible, and start thinking about what you want as you begin to stroke.
You want to focus on being simple because you want to enjoy life. And to do that you just need to let go more with each stroke. Allow old goals to fade as you realize you want less stress, and instead focus on desires that are so simple. Filling up with the desire for more muscle… showing off and using your muscle… just a simple man that works hard but doesn’t have to think about it… and because you’re not full of stress, you have so much energy at the end of the day. Energy to go out and embrace the dumb, horny jock inside.
Continue to look at the musclemen in that book. You’ve spent many sessions staring at them, easily drifting into trance as you stare at their pecs… biceps… more. Knowing deep down you have wanted to do anything to look like them. And because of that, it’s been so easy for you to submit more and more during each session.
Submitting to me as you work out for me. Submitting to me as you eat right for me. Submitting to me knowing that I am pleased when you build muscle, and my pleasure is your pleasure.
My pleasure is your pleasure. You accept that totally now. It’s not just building muscle – any pleasure you bring me feels good. It’s when you do anything to please me. Go ahead and stroke your cock for me now, knowing that it’d please me as you do.
By the time you cum, you’ll have completely submitted to me. You’ve worked to build the muscle for me, and I am so pleased. Now it’s time to keep pleasing me as my muscle slave. You wanted those muscles at any cost, and you accept this is the price. Feel yourself become my owned property when you cum.
Such a good muscle slave, knowing that it pleases me when you clean for me.
Do a good job, and Master will reward you later.
“Master, I have done all you have asked. I am here to please you.”
Good slave. Now get on the bed and prepare for your reward.
That’s right, Freddie. Going deeper with each stroke, and letting go more with each stroke. Just allow yourself to forget about all your worries… to forget all your stress. None of that matters.
You know deep down you can live without that stuff. All you need to do is accept that desire to be simple.
A simple man. A simple mind. A simple job. Not needing much. Such simple desires. Muscle. Sex. Nothing else really matters. Just so simple.
“Coach, the simple life fuckin’ rules.
I shoulda done this sooner. I love what I do, and when I go home, I can actually enjoy myself.
If I go to the bar for a hook-up, no worries, just means I paint a bit later the next day.
And I’m gettin’ so good with my hands. Wanna see?”
“No prob man. How come you so ‘fraid to shower with us bros anyway?”
“I dunno, I guess I just feel like guys are deciding whether or not they want me based just on how I look naked.”
“Dude, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Alright jocks, we ready to begin?
That’s right… just drifting into a nice deep trance.
Feeling so relaxed now, and so comfortable. The shower is such a comfortable place to be in.
And because you are starting to feel so comfortable… that warm relaxation washing over you… you realized you’d feel better with your shirt off.
Just remaining in a nice relaxed state as you allow your trusted friend to lift your shirt up and off of you now.
Relaxing more and more as that warm shower water hits you now.
You don’t worry about being judged as you wear your jock, your package still hidden out of site.
But as that water hits you, you begin to feel it stirring in that jock…
Aaron, go ahead and kiss the rookie’s chest…. each kiss making you both hornier than the last.
That passionate desire driving you wild now… you just need to fuck your buddy so bad. It doesn’t matter where you are. It doesn’t matter that you’ve stripped to nothing. You just need to fuck Aaron. That desire so strong.
By the time you finish, you’ll realize that you just had sex in a public bathroom, by a friend that very much wanted you.
And knowing this means you won’t care anymore what others think… you’re just a hot little rookie so confident as he proudly showers with his teammates.