Tag Archives: hung

Virtual Reality

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The DJ Disciple

Malik should have questioned being the only one there when he entered the club, yet the pulsing music had already begun to entrance him from the outside. As soon as he stepped in and saw the DJ’s eyes, he was under the DJ’s spell. He took off his shirt and approached, ready to kiss the muscled stand in the DJ booth. And yet as he got closer, the music began to affect him more and more. Usually Malik dominated other men with his big cock, but now all he wanted was to submit.
Malik felt his cock pressing tightly against his jeans. He had to free it. And yet as he did, the special trance mix made him feel so relaxed that he could barely stand on his own. He leaned up against the wall, allowing himself to give in further and further to the music. The more he gave in, the more his big black penis began to swell. It was no wonder guys flocked to him, and it.
But not today. Today was all about his holes.

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The Farmhand

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The Object

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Flashback Friday: Fuck to Get Strong

First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story, sometimes with improvements added. Original Here.

Dawson was having difficulties tapping into his true potential when he joined My team in college. After a string of losses, I decided it was time to help him tap into his inner strength.

I had him cover over with one of his teammates, Scott,  who just so happened to be a FitDimWit jockpig that helped to service the team as needed. And Scott was more than ready to help service Dawson, getting in position as I had Dawson focus on his ass until he fell into a deep trance. It was a trance he would remain in, his mind more and more open to suggestion, as Scott lubed up his dick with his saliva.

Scott slid on top of the tranced jock as I began further training Dawson.

The more you fuck Scott, the more of a jock you become. You’ll be so focused on winning. And most of all, you find that the more you fuck your teammate, the stronger you start to feel – for you always find that fucking other men makes you STRONG.

The words sank in more and more as I repeated them during their fuck session. Dawson was feeling himself become stronger – not just physically, but in all ways.

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Ready to Show Off

Lars had been beefing up to My files for some time, but he still found himself a bit shy when it came to showing off. He loved to flex in the mirror in private, but in front of anyone else made him feel self-conscious. The exception was for Coach, which he knew was because My hypnosis had made him feel comfortable with Me. Of course, I could help him become so much more comfortable flaunting his muscles for others.

Since he was already used to My hypnosis, it didn’t take him long to feel comfortable relaxing completely for Me.

As Lars began stroking for Me, he allowed himself to let go of all his inhibitions. Every stroke helped him to expel his insecurities from his mind and release all tension from his body.

It just felt so good for him to focus instead on all the pleasure. Muscle gave him so much pleasure. He loved to build it. He loved to flex it. He loved to show it off for Coach. More and more, he was feeling like a musclehead – not so dumb he couldn’t do his work, and yet it was so easy to just simply focus on muscle and not worry about anything else.

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