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Hypnosis simply takes you to a deep state where you can let go of all conscious thoughts. As you let go, it allows all your muscles to relax. And relaxing that body makes it so easy to relax that mind…
I gave motivation for swimming. Every stroke helps you to realize that you have a gift. A gift that was meant to be used. A gift that was meant to be shown off. It just feels so natural and right that your gift should benefit the team. And then, I took those very same words, and made him realize he had another gift… his cock. Your teammates want to help you use your gift. Your teammates want to see that gift as you show if off to them.
First Friday of the Month features a flashback to a previous story -sometimes with improvements added. This one seems like fitting motivation for times of isolation, though I only wish hypnosis could make this sort of guarantee. It can help motivate you to workout though, and perhaps improved flexibility is a benefit 😉 Original Here.
Soon you will realize why I have been working you so hard, but that hard work is not enough on its own. You also need the strength of My power inside of you, helping you to believe. Just allowing my words to motivate you. In this deep relaxed state, you feel their power. How they can motivate you to do anything.